How to weave a Dragon Scale bracelet from rubber bands yourself

Weaving jewelry and various figures from small gum has become a new trend in needlework.

New direction

This fascinating creative activity interests not only school-age children, but also many adults, mainly girls and women. And this is not surprising, because you get such original and bright jewelry as bracelets, rings, necklaces and collars. In addition, you can weave a keychain of any shape, a brooch, accessories for a handbag and much more.

Beautiful bracelets made of rubber bands, for example, but will be a great decoration, and weaving them is not too long. You can make the accessory as you want by choosing the color, size and shape of the weave.


There are various techniques of weaving from gum. However, before diving into the world of creativity, you need to stock up on everything you need. You can select everything separately, but to save time it will be easier to purchase a ready-made kit in any store where everything is sold for needlework, or order online.

Sets are different, they differ in size and content.

how to weave a bracelet dragon scales from elastic bands

The standard set includes several sets of multi-colored rubber bands, a machine tool, a slingshot and, possibly, auxiliary decorations for figures (eyes, beads, etc.).

Weaving technique '' Dragon Scales ''

Learning to weave is most convenient to start with bracelets. So you can practice and master several techniques. We will talk about one of them below. It is called the Dragon Scale.

So, how to weave the "Scale the Dragon" bracelet from elastic bands? This is nothing complicated, especially if you have experience crocheting. In any case, after some practice you will get this automatically.

beautiful gum bracelets

To begin with, we will consider how to weave a bracelet from rubber bands “Dragon Scales” on a slingshot, as this will be a little easier than weaving on a loom.

You will need:

  • 14 blue elastic bands;
  • 14 greens;
  • 14 orange;
  • 14 violet;
  • 14 yellow;
  • 25 reds;
  • 4 clips.

But you can take any other colors as you wish.

Weave a bracelet using the "Dragon Scales" technique on a slingshot

Let's get started. To understand how to weave a “Scale the Dragon” bracelet from rubber bands, you should carefully monitor the progress of work.

  1. Throw a red rubber on the right column of the slingshot and scroll 2 times.
  2. Put the red elastic on two columns and discard the first loops on it.
  3. Throw the loop from the left column to the right.
  4. Another red rubber scroll twice on the right column.
  5. Put the red elastic on two columns and repeat the procedure.
  6. Do it all twice. But leave the last gum on two posts. So we determined the width of the bracelet. You can make fewer loops, then it will be narrower, or, conversely, more loops to increase the width.
  7. Throw one red rubber band on two sides. Discard the top two elastic bands from the right column.
  8. Drop the top elastic from the right column to the left.
  9. Throw one red elastic on two posts. And repeat the previous procedure.
  10. So, on the right column there are two rubber bands. And now you can add the next color.
  11. Put on an orange elastic band over two columns and discard the last two elastic bands on it from the right column. Throw the orange gum from the left side to the right.
  12. On the next orange rubber band, drop the top two loops from the left column.
  13. Repeat these manipulations a few more times until all red loops are finished. There was one orange gum on two columns. Add one more to it.
  14. On the right side, discard the top two loops and throw the elastic on the left side.
  15. So, alternately discard all the loops until one orange loop and the upper elastic band remain on the right. Proceed to the next color.
  16. On yellow, discard all the rubber bands from the right column. Then discard all the yellow rubber on the right side.
  17. Add another yellow gum. Finish the yellow row to the end. And do another one, flipping loops from right to left (in the same way as before).
  18. Weave a few more rows using the remaining gum of different colors.
  19. At the end of weaving you should get four pairs of elastic bands. Put a clip on each of them and discard it from the slingshot.
  20. At the very beginning you weaved 4 loops, find them and connect them to the clips.

rubber band dragon scales on a slingshot

Here's how to weave a bracelet - "Scale the Dragon" - from rubber bands easily and quickly. As you can see, there is nothing complicated, but at first the lesson requires a certain concentration of attention. But over time, your skill will grow, and the movements will become clear and mechanical.

Weave a bracelet on the machine

To make a bracelet made of rubber scales "Dragon Scales" on the machine, prepare the machine in two rows.

  1. Put on three elastic bands, twisting them with an eight, on three pairs of columns.
  2. Pull 4 elastic bands diagonally, using the outermost posts on both sides.
  3. Drop the loops from the row closest to you in the middle. Repeat all this on the other hand.
  4. Add three more elastic bands to three pairs of columns.
  5. Drop the elastic on them from both sides.
  6. And again pull the 4 elastic bands diagonally.
  7. Discard one elastic band from each column.
  8. Keep up the good work until you get the length of the bracelet you need.
  9. Drop all the loops on the row closest to you and put the clips on all the loops. Remove the weaving from the posts and connect the ends of the bracelet with clips.

bracelet from rubber bands dragon scales on the machine

Here's how to weave a bracelet - "Dragon Scale" - from rubber bands using a machine tool. Try to make a bracelet on a slingshot and on a machine to determine which method suits you best. Many people prefer a slingshot, but after trying a machine, they change their minds. All individually.

But there are some figures that can only be done on the machine. However, this does not apply to bracelets.

Such weaving will allow you to create beautiful bracelets from elastic bands that will fully suit your taste.


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