Planting garlic in the fall: timing, soil preparation

Garlic is an indispensable product on our table. Surely, everyone knows that he is actively used in folk medicine, for example, to treat the same cold or flu. In addition, garlic is used to improve the taste of a wide variety of dishes, harvesting vegetables for the winter is not without it. There is nothing surprising in the fact that gardeners love to grow garlic. This process is simple, so even a beginner gardener can master it. The most popular is winter garlic, the one that is planted in the fall. I suggest you sort out what planting garlic in the fall is like. What to look for?

Determine the time of planting garlic

The first question that concerns those who plant garlic for the first time is what time to do it. An ideal condition would be the presence of a temperature of 12-15C outside the window. This is approximately the end of September, the beginning of October. True, in some areas this temperature may be established somewhat earlier, or, conversely, later. Time can be calculated as follows: from planting garlic to the first frost should take about a month and a half. During this time, garlic will be able to form the root system, which will allow it to better winter and give good shoots in spring. Do not be afraid if planting garlic in the fall leads to its growth. It only says that he has taken root, which means that winter will be fearless for him.

After what vegetables to plant winter garlic?

It is worth paying attention to the fact that garlic should not be planted often in the same place. It is advisable to choose new places every year, and plant on the old ones only after 3-4 years. Garlic grows well in those areas where legumes, pumpkins, early white cabbage, and early green crops grew before it. At the same time, they should be freed from the beds a few weeks earlier than the planting of garlic in the winter. Please note that garlic does not grow well in areas where potatoes, tomatoes and bulbs grow.

Planting garlic in the fall: how to do it right?

Winter garlic grows best on sandy loam soils. The bed on which garlic will be planted should be dug up two weeks before planting. The digging depth is 25 cm. Humus (humus, not fresh manure) must be introduced at the rate of 5-6 kg per square meter. On the same area you will need to add 30 g of superphosphates and 20 g of potassium salt.

Planting should be healthy cloves of garlic, which should be separated from the head only before planting. If this is done earlier, then they will dry out, having lost the ability to grow. If the health of the cloves is in doubt, after all, not every one of them can be carefully examined for any diseases, before planting, they can be soaked in a pink potassium permanganate solution.

Rows should be made on the bed, the distance between which is 12-15 cm. Just sticking the cloves into the ground is not worth it, as this will complicate the formation of the root system and growth. The teeth are planted with the sharp end up, this allows the bulb to form correctly in the future. The cloves should be planted at a shallow depth, but not very high to the surface, otherwise the garlic may freeze. Already planted garlic can be mulched with a layer (5 cm) of sawdust or peat, as well as decompose brushwood, which will trap snow on the beds.

That's all, the garlic planting in the fall is completed. You don’t have to do anything else. It remains only to wait for spring to remove brushwood and a layer of mulch, providing garlic with the necessary care. And it consists in timely weeding, watering during active growth and top dressing. The latter is carried out in early spring by means of urea (1 tablespoon per bucket of water). Subsequently, two more fertilizing with urea or bird droppings should be carried out in the summer.


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