What is a marafet? Does the word only mean cleaning? Unusual interpretations of the term

A modern girl simply can not imagine life without makeup. After all, you want to be beautiful in any situation, and sometimes you just can not do without a few grams of foundation, blush and mascara. The word "makeup" fully reflects the essence of these actions of girls. And then what does “marafet" mean, what is this concept? Let's get it right.

The meaning of the word "marafet"

What does this harmless word mean? It has three main meanings.

  • The first one is to fool, mislead, or powder your brain. The word "marafet" is clearly of French origin, but today it is used around the world. And most often it appears in jargon. The significance of the marathon in the thieves' slang is of interest. This word designates a situation when a witness witnesses a criminal at the crime scene, but he is not lost, but carries some nonsense, thereby dusting the brains of an accidental witness in order to be able to quickly hide. In other words, to lead a marafet is to assure that you are not a thief, that you are not to blame.

marafet phrase

  • The phrase “induce a marafet” was previously used by drug addicts. It was popular in the 20th century, during the period of widespread cocaine use. To use a drug is to induce a marafet. Probably, this value goes back to thieves' jargon. Since the drug fogs the brain by analogy with a criminal who is dusting the brain.
  • Well, how a word with such a negative meaning could acquire the meaning in which our contemporaries use it, it is simply impossible to say. Today, the term "marafet" means cleaning. Moreover, this is a quick cleanup.

What does it mean to bring a marafet in an apartment

marafet value

If guests are on the doorstep and the house is full of confusion, what will any self-respecting hostess do? That's right, she will hide all the things that spoil the appearance of the interior in a closet, quickly wipe off the dust and wash the dishes. The guests came, but the apartment is clean. Such a quick cleaning means marafet. What kind of procedure is this, everyone can imagine. General cleaning with washing floors, windows, stoves, etc. can also be considered a marathon, but nevertheless in the original version this word meant cleaning up, housework, which does not take more than 15 minutes.

Women's marafet

marafet what does it mean

Each girl has a concept of beauty. In this context, what does “marafet” mean? This is a capacious concept. The fair sex today use it as a synonym for beauty guidance. How did it happen that the term thieves and drug addicts were introduced into the fashion industry? The expression "powder nose" is familiar to everyone, but why is the nose powdery? If you think about how cocaine is used, then the essence of the statement becomes clear. In the XX century. many girls powder this nose with this powder. Over time, the value changed, and cosmetic dust replaced the white narcotic powder. But the expression is so commonplace that they did not change it. Today, a girl doing makeup in the morning can quite afford to say that she is putting on a marafet. Moreover, this concept has expanded its borders. Today, marafet includes not only makeup, but also hair and even hair removal. The external gloss, thanks to which women become prettier, can be described as a marafet. This value includes all cosmetic procedures that do not change the physical characteristics of the body, but simply create a visual illusion.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F5116/

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