Learning to sew a quilt. Workshop for beginners

Quilting, or patchwork, for many years remains one of the most relevant types of needlework. Products made using this technology look bright and beautiful. The most common patchwork style element is the blanket. And this is not surprising. It can be used not only for its intended purpose, but also as a cover for the sofa, and as a cloak on a chair. A colorful appearance will bring a touch of warmth and coziness to the overall design of the house. Patchwork-style products are for everyone. If you know how to hold a needle with a thread in your hands and have many different pieces of fabric, then we can assume that very soon a patchwork quilt will appear in your house . A master class on its manufacture is presented to your attention in this article.

patchwork master class

Preparation of tools and materials

How to sew a quilt, you will learn a little later, and now let's talk about what you need to prepare for needlework:

  • Workplace. To make a patchwork product, you need a table. It will be convenient for you to lay out the shreds on it, cut the details and stitch them.
  • The cloth. Prepare pieces of cotton fabric for sewing the blanket . They have their advantages: they are easy to cut and stitch, they are pleasant to the touch. Experienced craftswomen often sew their silk products. But working with him requires more effort, patience and sewing skills for delicate fabrics. Before cutting parts, all segments must be ironed. Separately, prepare a single piece of fabric that will serve as the underside of the product.
  • Threads. The patchwork quilt, the master class on the creation of which is proposed in this article, is performed by cotton threads of two colors: β€œwaste” thread of any color (for joining parts with stitches manually) and the thread of the main color (for sewing the product on a machine).
  • Template. Cut out a pattern from cardboard or transparent plastic, which will be the template for all the details. Most often it is a triangle or square.
  • Filler. In order for the blanket to be warm and keep its shape well, inside you will need to insert a filler: batting or synthetic winterizer.
  • Wide braid for processing the edges of the product.
  • Tools: sharp scissors, chalk or soap for encircling the pattern, pins, needle, sewing machine.

patchwork quilt master class
We sew a quilt: a master class for beginner needlewomen

  1. We cut out the details. We put the square pattern on the fabric, circle and cut it, retreating from the line of 7 mm. The number of such blanks depends on what size you are going to sew the blanket.
  2. Putting the details together. Two rags are applied to each other's face and sewn manually on the line marked with chalk (soap). When all the square elements are connected, sew the product on a typewriter. If you have good sewing skills, then you can connect several flaps with pins and sew on a typewriter at once, skipping the manual baiting step. Do not forget to alternate details by color. Iron the finished product with an iron.
  3. The design of the bottom of the blanket. Lay out the previously prepared piece of fabric on the table and place the filler on it. To prevent the latter from moving, fasten it by hand or sew on a typewriter from the middle of the product to the edges.
    how to sew a quilt
  4. Assembly of parts. Secure the bottom of the blanket, the filler, and the upper patchwork with pins. On the edge of the front side, put a braid, wrap it under the bottom of the product and amass manually, and then sew on the machine.

So the quilt is done. The master class is over. Work on creating such a thing will take no more than a week. And you can use it for many years.

We can assume that you have already mastered patchwork. The blanket whose master class you learned is an example for beginners. In the future, having filled your hand using the patchwork technique, you can sew products by combining elements of different shapes and textures. Let it all work out the first time!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F5126/

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