Spunbond covering material and its technical characteristics

Spanbond material belongs to the category of nonwoven materials, which makes it different from the more familiar polyethylene and food film. It has high throughput: it easily conducts moisture, light and oxygen. But this material appeared on the market relatively recently, and consumers were rather wary of it, so spanbond did not find its popularity right away. Due to the many advantages of the material, soon the spanbond will be able to replace the polyethylene film completely.

Using different types of spunbond for every season

Spunbond Covering Material

Depending on the time period, spanbond is used for various purposes. An example is the summer version of the covering material, which not only reduces moisture leakage and prevents overheating, but also protects against wind gusts and the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. Spanbond helps to transmit the required amount of oxygen and ultraviolet radiation, which is not able to harm seedlings or other plants. In autumn it is used in order to limit the harmful effects of the weather. Even on the condition of a short day in winter, the covering material showed tremendous abilities to get an increased crop for this time of year. The use of spunbond in late autumn will create the effect of fallen snow, which will protect plants from freezing, and the top layer of soil from freezing. In spring, this material makes it possible to start sowing earlier. It also provides plants with excellent protection from insects during the day and frosts at night.

Spunbond Covering Material: Specifications

  • It has a non-woven base, unusually strong and light.
  • Meets all known standards for an environmentally friendly product.
  • Not subject to deformation.
  • Has the ability to pass oxygen and moisture.
  • Protects plants from sharp temperature changes.

How is spanbond made?

Spunbond Covering Material Specifications

Spunbond is a covering material that is made by spunbond method based on polypropylene by melting. After this, a lot of threads are obtained, which are laid out using special devices. As a result of heat treatment under the influence of high temperatures, the threads melt together. The result is a very durable material that is almost impossible to tear with your hands. At one of the stages of production, a special UV stabilizer is added to its composition, which protects the material from deformation and the destructive effect of sunlight. Unlike the short-lived film, it is able to withstand up to five years of continuous use of the spunbond covering material. Reviews about it from users indicate that it is worth making the final choice in favor of such a high-quality and environmentally friendly material.

Spunbond cover material reviews

Spunbond and its application

To protect against early frosts, seedlings and seedlings, spanbond is used - a high-quality covering material, which is also called agrofibre. For greenhouses, it is also used as an excellent substitute for film and glass. Spanbond is a covering material that provides penetration of moisture and air, in comparison with the same glass or film, without causing a sharp jump in temperature inside the greenhouse.

Agricultural application

In agriculture, the material is used in several versions. Consider the main ones.

  1. For beds. Lightweight and sturdy material, excellent in moisture and oxygen, creates the effect of scattered light. In addition, the greenhouse effect that is present in the greenhouse throughout the day creates a barrier to external gusts of cool air. The density of the material used is 17 g / sq. m, which helps to protect plants from frost and maintain optimal internal microclimate. Among the useful properties, one can distinguish such indicators as a decrease in water vapor, maintaining the correct temperature balance day and night, increasing the fruiting time, and good protection against pests.
  2. Covering material spanbond for greenhouses. The density of the material is 60 g / sq. It is used for sheltering a greenhouse from frost and protecting seedlings and other plants and even trees. It has the property of preserving the climate and increases the period of vegetative growth of plants. The average life is about three years.
  3. Mulching is the protection of the earth from wild weeds. A material is used for it, the density of which is 60 g / sq. m. It is black. This type of spanbond differs in that the material contains black pigment. Among the advantages can be noted such as lowering the fuel rate, maintaining the desired temperature of the earth, preventing the formation of rot on the surface of root crops, reducing the growth time of weeds and the amount of pesticides used.

Spunbond cover material


In conclusion, we say that the spanbond covering material receives only positive feedback from people who used it to create greenhouses. Its advantages can significantly expand the scope of use of the polymer web. And the plastic film will soon be completely replaced by this high-quality and relatively inexpensive material.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F5132/

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