Tips for removing red wine stains

Very often, after a variety of banquets, parties and other festive events, “not the most pleasant” memory is imprinted on our clothes in the form of red spots from wine. In this regard, many will be interested to learn about how to remove them as quickly as possible and without much hassle.

How to remove red wine stains

How to remove red wine stains?

First of all, you need to look at the product label to find out which washing option can fix the situation. If it is forbidden to wash the material at all, you should treat the stain with a paper towel and immediately put the item in dry cleaning. In the event that there are no contraindications to washing, you can try to get rid of the wine traces yourself.

The simplest answer to the question of how to remove red wine stains is “boiling water”. However, this method is relevant only when the stain is completely fresh. A wine stain is soaked in hot water and then erased (you can also do this manually).

Withdraw red wine stains

Another way to solve the problem of how to remove red wine stains is as follows. The wine mark on clothing should be blotted with a paper towel. Mix one teaspoon of washing powder or stain remover with 200 g of hydrogen peroxide. The resulting composition should be soaked in a clean sponge, which must be carefully treated the problem area on both sides. At the final stage, wash clothes. This can be done either manually in cold water or in a washing machine.

If you correctly followed all the recommendations, then the question of how to remove stains from red wine received an exhaustive answer - and the problem is solved.

As a mixture for removing wine stains, you can also use a combination of citric acid and salt. In this case, the first ingredient should be previously dissolved in water.

According to some experts, red wine stains can be removed using a solution of soda (in the ratio of 1 tsp. To one glass of water) or ammonia. The above substances must treat the painted surface of the fabric, and then wash it.

Experienced housewives very often use gasoline soaps to get rid of old wine traces. However, if after applying this product it was not possible to remove the stain from red wine, and traces of a purple hue remained on the clothes, then the white product can be boiled in a solution of hydrogen peroxide.

Withdraw a stain of red wine
As for the removal of wine stains from light-colored silk fabrics , it should be noted: during the first hours after the wine spilled onto the fabric, clothes can be saved with a 10% solution of acetic acid. Fixing the result will help processing the material with sulfur dioxide.

To eliminate stains on colored fabrics, experts recommend using a mixture of raw egg powder and glycerin in equal proportions. After processing the material with such a composition, it is necessary to rinse the fabric first in warm and then in cold water.

Guided by the above tips, you can save your clothes from wine traces.


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