Kindergartens of the Moscow district of St. Petersburg: addresses, reviews

Kindergarten is the first stop on the way of a child into adulthood. That is why every parent wants to make him like her and the memories of her were only positive. And this is influenced by many factors. Therefore, it is sometimes very difficult to dwell on any particular option.

This article will tell you which kindergartens in the Moscow region of St. Petersburg are best suited for a child. We will build on the feedback of those parents who faithfully gave the child there and saw how he was happy. In total, we consider six kindergartens that deserve attention, since their reputation is not tarnished or clouded.

kindergartens of the Moscow region


Kindergartens of the Moscow region are very diverse and good in their own way, but now we will talk about one of the best private kindergartens in the entire district - "Malyshariki", which is located at 23a Smolenskaya Street.

Before proceeding to the reviews, it is worth mentioning what it generally is. This institution leads a set of kids from one and a half to four years old and gains only small groups in which there are up to ten children. In turn, this has an excellent effect on the educational function of the entire institution, since attention does not scatter at all at once.

kindergartens of the Moscow region St. Petersburg

Kindergarten is with an emphasis on English, which in our time can be very useful in later life and in many professions. Classes are also taught in writing and reading, starting with one and a half years. It is also possible to leave your baby all night, which is sometimes very necessary. A visit can be either full day or incomplete.

As for the reviews of many parents, they are only positive. They note that the atmosphere in the groups is cozy and homely. They also praise food from the words of their children. Kids really like it, and they always come home happy. That is why this institution is mentioned in the first place.

Kindergarten number 355

355 kindergarten in the Moscow region is no less famous institution in St. Petersburg. It is located at: Altayskaya street, house 2. This is a combination institution. This institution provides proper childcare, as well as various educational activities. The kindergarten provides its services for twelve business hours. Currently, four groups have been assembled outside the walls of the building, but this number will increase, as every year more and more parents bring their children here.

kindergartens of the Moscow region

On the territory of kindergarten No. 355 there are playgrounds with special entertainment equipment, which is in proper form. And also there is a sports ground designed for physical education in the fresh air.

Parents celebrate the power system. It is not simple in this kindergarten, but is carried out both at the expense of the parents themselves and from the budget, but no one will “pull” money from you. The responsibility of the teachers is also pleasing, they provide decent supervision for each child individually, therefore, taking the baby to the kindergarten, mom and dad can not worry.


Next in line are other private kindergartens of the Moscow region. Of course, there are a lot of them, so listing all will not work, but this is not necessary, because only a few of the best will be highlighted. And the next one on the list is Umka kindergarten.

This institution is located on Danube Avenue, Building 7, Building 7 (RC Triumph Park) and is very popular. This is no accident. Kindergarten "Umka" by Elena Zhukova began its work on September 24, 2010, and for all the time not a single angry comment was made in his direction. And all this because their motto is: "Smart Kids Creative Authors." By the way, this is the decoding of the abbreviation UMKA.

kindergarten umka

Especially the kindergarten team is proud of its educational program, which was borrowed by many other institutions of this kind. It is also noted that the work is carried out in three directions: speech therapy, the development of children from three to seven years and earlier development (from birth to full three years). And parents, in turn, note that the Umka kindergarten thoroughly prepares their children for school.

"Jumping gallop"

Kindergartens of the Moscow region come with different directions and with a different educational system. For example, the kindergarten “Jump-Skok” is a center of early development, that is, the educational program is brought to the fore. And many parents in the reviews mention exactly this. First of all, that their children, as they say, became smarter before our eyes and, having come to school, were ready for all the changes.

Parents who want to send their child to the presented kindergarten can find him at the address: Kuznetsovskaya street, 22. But they can do this if the baby is already one year old and if he is not older than five. Who is interested in payment, then it is monthly and amounts to 14,500 rubles. But the figure was not taken from the ceiling, for this money your child will fully eat, a speech therapist and an English teacher will deal with him. In addition, he will attend modeling, dancing and drawing circles.

As for the reviews, the parents are satisfied with the professionalism of the educators. The fact is that they periodically go to refresher courses.

Miracle Garden

By the way, kindergartens of the Moscow region differ from others in their quantity and quality. Such is the kindergarten "Miracle Garden". It is located on 73 Basseynaya Street, Building 11. It is a center for children's development and offers the best modern techniques in this area. Parents love this institution for this reason. Their children are taught writing, reading, English, as well as developing speech. Other disciplines such as the world, music, etiquette and many others are being studied. There are even clubs on theatrical play and sand animation.

355 kindergarten in the Moscow region

The visit can be either daytime or evening, at the request of the parents. And at the request of the parents, a route is drawn up, and not an easy one, but an educational one, during which children will be visually told and shown some interesting things.

Most mothers and fathers are very happy that they gave their child in the Miracle Garden. They praise the adoption system. It consists in the fact that the first lesson is trial and free. That is, your child comes down and then tells you whether he liked it or not. Based on this, you will decide whether to pay or not.


As you may have noticed, the kindergartens of the Moscow region are different from each other and each is fascinating with its zest. So, a kindergarten called “Gift” attracts parents with its proposals. But he offers a lot. Firstly, it is promised that a separate, individual approach is applied to each child and, if necessary, he will be provided with qualified emotional support. Secondly, a separate menu is compiled for each child if he has an allergy or intolerance to certain products. And thirdly, the equipment in the institution is new and implemented with all safety requirements, so that parents do not worry that their child will be injured.

private kindergartens in the Moscow region

Parents in reviews of kindergarten often share the fact that their children always come home happy and happy and say how they had a good time, for example, drinking tea or dancing with vocals.

Kindergartens in the Moscow region of St. Petersburg are different and different from each other, but this is not bad, as they say, there are plenty to choose from.


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