Why the frame house on the Finnish technology has become so popular

The number of panel houses that have been actively under construction recently has increased dramatically over the past few years. The reasons for this phenomenon are different:

  • such a frame house using Finnish technology is successfully used even in the northern regions of Canada and even Alaska, where temperatures are not higher than ours;
  • the cost of this kind of house is just ridiculous;
  • assembly of the shield structure is extremely simple;
  • there is no need to build a capital and heavy foundation, since the weight of the building is extremely small.
    frame house on Finnish technology

The very essence of a Finnish house is simple. The construction consists of the following stages: first of all, the installation of a strong frame is carried out, and for this purpose, well-dried boards of birch or pine 40-50 mm thick, 10-15 centimeters wide, are used. A lining is sewn onto the assembled frame, in the role of which even simple boards can act.

However, today a normal frame house (including Finnish technology) is carried out taking into account generally accepted rules: gypsum board is used to perform internal cladding, the house is sheathed with an OSB plate from the outside, whose thickness is 9 mm.

Given the utmost simplicity of construction, Finnish houses have gained worldwide recognition. That's just the Finnish technology for the construction of frame houses to this day can not take root in our country. This is hindered by the deep conviction of our fellow citizens that a quality home is a house with thick walls.

Finnish frame house construction technology
Despite this misconception, modern technology has repeatedly proved the opposite. Given the existence of modern technological insulation materials, you can feel warm and comfortable in a house with thin walls, when a severe frost reigns behind them.

Compared to a brick building, a frame house using Finnish technology will require two to three times less money for its heating. The standard wall thickness of only 15 cm (!) Is enough for a completely comfortable stay throughout the middle lane. If you sew sandwich panels on top of such shields, then you can settle at least beyond the Arctic Circle. In particular, many such houses were built in Alaska and Norway, so this statement also withstands the test of practice.

home finnish technology prices

By the way, panel houses using Finnish technology, the prices of which are quite low, are extremely easy to finish with any materials. Thanks to perfectly even walls, there is no need to mess with the plaster, as well as use more complex methods. Heaters can be used in a variety of ways. You can use banal mineral wool (and its derivatives, such as "Izover", "Knaufa"), polystyrene foam or special loose fillers are good. The question is solely in your preferences and the capabilities of your bank account.

Professional builders recommend building a frame house using Finnish technology in the winter season! The reason for this is the best quality of wood that was harvested in winter. Of course, this statement is true only for those cases when you are engaged in the procurement of material yourself. Normal manufacturers of frame construction kits choose the winter season for the harvesting of raw materials.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F515/

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