Construction technology "Velox": description, features and reviews

Just half a century ago, Velox construction technology appeared and was patented. Today it has found its wide distribution and has been recognized in 40 countries of the world. This is due to many reasons, but first of all, compliance with the requirements of eco-development in energy efficiency and environmental sustainability. If you are also interested in this construction technology, then you should familiarize yourself with it in more detail.


Velox construction technology

The system of fixed formwork is an energy-saving integrated and environmentally friendly technology, which is now widely used in capital construction. It allows you to quickly build warm inexpensive houses with different purposes.

The construction technology “Velox” meets modern standards, is highly competitive and meets consumer requirements. Operational and technical specifications comply with international quality standards. Fixed formwork is made of wood-cement slabs, and their properties determine the qualitative characteristics of the future building.

Plates are characterized by environmental friendliness, and are made by pressing technology from mineralized wood chips, which is contained in the material in a volume of up to 95%. In the production process, cement, aluminum sulfate and water glass are used. Sulfate acts as a catalyst, while glass acts as an antiseptic, mineralizer and binder.

The construction technology of Velox provides for the use of plates with dimensions equal to 2000x500 mm. Thickness can range from 25 to 75 mm. Intermediate values ​​are 35 and 50 mm. Non-commercial wood, which has a spruce balance with a low sugar content, is used for the manufacture of plates.

What else do you need to know

construction of houses using velox technology

The production methodology meets the requirements governing the deep processing of raw materials. This suggests that the wood is fully used. All its sound and thermal insulation properties are preserved unchanged. The insulation is located outside, and the wall is warm and does not provide additional thermal insulation.

The wood is mineralized, so the boards do not burn, they remain moisture resistant, do not rot and retain their geometric dimensions. During operation, they are not exposed to aging processes. The construction technology of Velox involves the use of a material whose structure provides good air exchange. The walls are breathable, this allows you to create a comfortable indoor microclimate.

Positive reviews

velox construction technology Price

Consumers are increasingly choosing the described technology for the reason that it involves the use of boards, which consist of spruce chips. It is environmentally friendly to human health and the environment. According to consumers, fixed formwork is able to provide high heat and sound insulation, as well as fire safety.

Formwork elements are mounted quite quickly and simply, and there is no need to use crane equipment for this. Building houses using Velox technology allows you to save on the foundation. The houses are energy efficient, they provide high heat savings, which reaches 40%.

Consumer Opinions

velox construction technology reviews

The stone core, according to consumers, is durable. This indicates that the life of the houses exceeds 100 years. If you are interested in Velox construction technology, you should read reviews about it. From them you can find out that construction by this method allows you to build houses of any configuration. Architectural solutions can be completely different, as well as finishes.

Technology features

construction of houses using velox technology Price

Velox is a technology of modern construction. It provides for the use of a pair of chip cement boards, which are installed using self-tapping screws or nails. The outer product has a glued insulation, while the inner one is devoid of a heat-insulating layer. Plates are installed on the finished foundation parallel to each other using metal ties, they provide reliable fixation and vertical stability.

Plates are located around the perimeter, can be installed in one or two rows. At the same time, it is possible to form a space used for pouring concrete. If required, temporary supports can be made from the edged board to maintain the correct geometry of the structure.

Wall reinforcement is carried out in accordance with the project. The formwork after exposure and fixing is poured with concrete, which is prepared at the construction site or brought from the nearest factory. If you were wondering how to build a house using Velox technology, you should know that the methodology provides for the installation of monolithic floors, for which wooden or inventory racks and beams are installed. The slab formwork is laid on them, which has the form of Velox hollow boxes. For this, Velox slabs can also be used.

The formwork of the floors is filled with a solution. To fill the hollow space, you can use lightweight concrete, its type will depend on the project. In this case, the high bearing capacity of the walls will be guaranteed by the inner columns, which are filled with heavy concrete. For this, it is necessary to choose the brand of concrete and the class of reinforcement, following the technology of production of reinforcing and concrete work. However, heavy concrete is most often used for such a technology.

The construction technology "Velox" in the Crimea is used quite often. This technique provides for laying engineering communications in the formwork. Channels are arranged in it. Water supply and wiring inside the apartment are laid in furrows that are formed in the inner formwork plate.

Price of a house using Velox technology

Velox construction technology in Crimea

If you do not plan to do the work yourself, then you should be interested in the price of building a house using Velox technology. The cost of one square meter will cost the consumer 27,972 rubles. In this case, we are talking about a building whose dimensions are 10x10 m. This amount provides for all types of work, including:

  • foundation construction;
  • the device of rough floors;
  • roofing device;
  • the construction of internal and external walls;
  • installation of internal power supply;
  • decoration of ceilings and walls;
  • external staining;
  • windows with installation of slopes and window sills;
  • installation of doors with cash;
  • heating device;
  • arrangement of internal sewerage and water supply systems;
  • outdoor networks.

The final price of construction using Velox technology will be 2,285,330 rubles.

Additional features of houses using Velox technology

velox modern building technology

If you still do not know whether it is worth buying a house that is built using this technology, then you should familiarize yourself with its additional features. For example, such buildings combine the durability and strength of the stone with environmental comfort and the warmth of wood. At first, the house will smell like a tree, and its service life, according to consumers, reaches 120 years.

The human factor in the construction process is minimized: in order to do poorly, you need to try very hard. This allows developers to give consumers guarantees. Qualitative characteristics of the plates used in the construction process determine the advantages of the technology. Plates are made exclusively from environmentally friendly raw materials, they retain all their best properties and are highly durable. They are conveniently sawn, nailed and milled.

The canvases do not rot, the fungus does not multiply on them, they do not undergo aging processes. For the manufacture of wood chips, conifers are selected, which are naturally evaporated in open areas. Organic properties are completely lost. As a result, the material acquires the property of resistance to aggressive environments and biological influences, which guarantees the durability of the structure. If we compare these houses with buildings that are built using a different technology, then they have been standing for more than half a century and since then they have not required major repairs.

Why else is it worth choosing Velox technology

Today, there are many technologies for building private homes, but Velox is gaining more and more popularity every year. It allows you to build houses simply and quickly. In one season, you can design a building and build a private cottage or a country house.

This technique is extremely unified, it involves the use of only a few types of nodes and structural elements. Therefore, design and construction have become so fast and simple. You will not encounter the problem of wasted time. Attracting highly qualified specialists is not required.


The technology of construction of houses "Velox" allows to reduce the time of work by half in comparison with traditional methods. Any house can be designed, and then assembled according to the principle of the designer. Today, this approach to the construction of private houses is also called in the common people the "Lego" technique for adults.


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