Where to bathe in Epiphany in Moscow (list of places)

Where to bathe in Epiphany in Moscow? This issue is of interest to more and more residents of the metropolitan city every year. There is nothing to be surprised at: over the past decades, a huge part of Russians turned to religion, and many began to recall Orthodox holidays and traditions.

The question of where to bathe in Epiphany in Moscow has also become urgent because there is a legend: he who plunges into the hole in the Holy Epiphany Day will not be sick for a whole year. Residents of the metropolitan city believe that Epiphany water can heal not only the body, but also the soul. However, it must be remembered that not every person is recommended to swim on the night of January 18-19. And even more so, the residents of Belokamennaya should know where to bathe at Epiphany in Moscow.

Baptism is a revered holiday among Russians

Surely no one will dispute the fact that Baptism is a significant holiday for the Orthodox, and the tradition of swimming in the icy water on the night of January 18-19 did not appear yesterday. Despite this, few residents of the metropolitan city know about when and where to bathe at Epiphany in Moscow.

Where to bathe in Epiphany in Moscow

Representatives of the Orthodox Church declare that it is possible to wash the body in the hole at any time of the holiday. However, do not forget that the liturgy falls on the morning of January 19: just at this time the fonts are sanctified, after which you can heal the body and soul.

Unique properties of healing water

Even doctors and academics agree that Epiphany water has unusual properties. The priests, in turn, declare that on the day of the Holy Epiphany, water has a pristine condition. In other words, it becomes what the Almighty created it.

Features of bathing in Epiphany

Baptism should not be seen as a celebration of water. It is very important to attend the liturgy on this day. After this procedure, representatives of the clergy begin to consecrate water, which then does not lose its unique properties throughout the year.

Where to bathe at Epiphany in Moscow

On this day, it is customary to swim in the ice hole. And in this regard, a huge number of residents of the capital are interested not only in the question of where to bathe at Epiphany in Moscow, but also about whether this ritual is acceptable to everyone. Of course, any person has the right to swim in the icy water on the night of January 18-19. However, here you need to make a reservation: if there are contraindications for health, then you should refuse to swim in the hole. It is very important to consult a doctor in this regard. Moreover, sadly, the list of contraindications is quite large. First of all, we are talking about cardiovascular ailments, diseases of the genitourinary system and respiratory tract. Pregnant women should also not swim in the hole.

Those who are haunted by the question of where to bathe at Epiphany in Moscow will not be out of place to warn: in the process of bathing in ice-cold water, even a healthy person is not safe from death, since hypothermia can lead to vasospasm and cardiac arrest.

What to remember first

In no case do not rush sharply into the icy water. Come into it slowly, so that the body has time to adapt to the new environment. After bathing, one should also not leave the font quickly to minimize the risk of sudden temperature changes.

Where to bathe at Epiphany in Moscow list of places

What else do all those who are interested in need to know where to bathe at Epiphany in Moscow? It is forbidden to dive into the hole alone. This should be done in special places where rescuers are on duty. If you still can’t wait to dive headlong into the icy water, swim in the presence of friends who can insure you in case of a banal cramp.

Bathing places

It should be noted that the list of places in Moscow where you can swim at Epiphany is very impressive. This year, more than fifty fonts were provided, and all conditions for comfortable diving were created for people: there is where to undress, grind and drink warming tea after water procedures. In particular, residents of the capital living in the Vykhino metro area can use the recreation area near White Lake. Muscovites owning apartments in the Shchelkovskaya metro area can go to Babaevsky Pond. In the area of ​​the Konkovo ​​metro station it will be possible to swim in the Teply Stan park. Those who live near the Strogino metro station are advised to visit the park of Rublevo village. In the Novogireevo metro area, Rainbow Ponds function. On the territory of Novokosino, on the night of January 18-19, it will be possible to swim in Lake Meshchersky. This is where to go to Epiphany in Moscow! The list of places goes on and on.

Epiphany fonts in Moscow where to swim

Now consider the bathing area, based on the principle of administrative-territorial division.


In the central part of the Russian capital are equipped with two swimming areas in the ice hole: Catherine Park and the Revolution Square. The first is equipped with wooden decking. The platform has additional lighting and changing rooms. There are also tents where you can warm up with tea. Employees of law enforcement agencies will watch the swimmers: the Ministry of Emergencies and the Department of Internal Affairs - in case of emergency, they will be ready to help.

Russians always celebrate Baptism in a special way. Where to swim in Moscow on the night of January 18-19, few know.

The second popular bathing spot is Revolution Square. This year, two wooden fonts were mounted here, cabins for changing clothes were equipped, and those who wished after water procedures were offered strong tea. Before the procedure, the water was consecrated, and the corresponding moleben was served by one of the clergy of the Epiphany Cathedral of Elokhov Cathedral.

In case of force majeure situations, victims will immediately receive qualified medical care, as ambulance teams are on duty at the facility.


Of course, due to the huge amount, you can not list all the places where you can swim in Moscow. Baptism is a revered holiday among Russians, many of which are obligatory sent to the ice hole on this day.

Three fonts are known in the north of the capital, where you can heal the soul and body on the night of January 18-19. Firstly, it is the Khimki reservoir, located at the address: Coastal passage, 1-7. Secondly, we are talking about the Big Garden Pond, which is located on Bolshaya Akademicheskaya Street, 47. Well, and thirdly, we should mention the water area of ​​the Khimki reservoir near the Dynamo water stadium, which is located on Leningradskoye Highway, 47-49 . This year, residents of the CAO could see the procession, which began from the Church of St. George the Victorious and ended at Timiryazevsky Ponds.


Undoubtedly, the great feast is Baptism. Where to swim in the hole in Moscow residents of the North-Eastern Administrative District?

It should be noted that a font is being organized for them at the Palace Pond, which is located at the address: Pervaya Ostankinskaya, 7A. The procession is also held here. Those who wish to attend the liturgy can go to the Church of the Life-Giving Trinity in Ostankino, which is located on 1st Ostankino Street, 7. A locker room was equipped near the font, and representatives of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and ambulances monitor water safety.

Where to bathe at Epiphany in Moscow


What else can be noted baptismal font in Moscow? Where to swim, in particular, to those who live in the east of the metropolitan city? Here you can recommend several such places at once. First of all, we are talking about Lake White, which is located at: Bolshaya Kosinskaya, 46. Secondly, you can go for a swim on Lake Svyatoe, located on ul. Oranzhereiny, 18. Also, residents of VAO prefer to take water procedures on the night of January 18-19 at Terletsky Ponds, which are located on Svobodny Prospekt 9. In addition, you should go to Krasny Pond, located in the Izmailovsky Forest Park. You can plunge into the icy water at Epiphany on Babaevsky Pond, which is located at ul. Kurgan, 5-9. The above baths are equipped with handrails, flooring, so it will not be difficult to enter and leave the water. Also near the bathing places there will be food points, so those who wish can eat and drink tea. In addition, the organizers took care of the placement of temporary pavilions for heating people.


Many are interested in the question of where Muscovites swim in Epiphany in the southeast of the capital? You can advise fonts on Shibaevsky (Zarechye St., 14), Nizhny Lublinsky (Shkuleva St., 26), Upper Kuzminsky (Kuzminskaya St., 10) ponds. Gangways and bridges were built in the above places, as well as locker rooms.

South Administrative District

And where to swim for the baptism in Moscow residents of the Southern Administrative District? It should be noted Borisov ponds (Borisov ponds St., 2G), Becket pond (Zagorodnoe highway, 2), and, of course, Upper Tsaritsynsky pond (Dolskaya St., 1). This year, more than twenty thousand people bathed in the south of the capital on the night of January 18-19. Warm tents and food outlets were also set up here.

Where can I swim in Moscow baptism


There are also several places in the South-Western administrative district where you can go to swim in the ice hole on Epiphany night. We list several famous fonts. You can go to the pond of the sanatorium "Uzkoye" (Profsoyuznaya St., 123 B), a pond in the cottage village, which is located at the intersection of Pontryagin and Ostafyevskaya Streets. Also, Muscovites like to dive in the ice-hole of the Vorontsovsky (Church of the Life-Giving Trinity in Vorontsov Park) and Chernevsky (St. Yuzhnobutovskaya, 61) ponds. According to established tradition, baptismal baths take place in the prefecture at two churches after the liturgy.


In the west of the metropolis there are four points where you can swim in the icy water at Epiphany. First of all, we are talking about the floodplain of the Moscow River (Rublevo settlement) and the Filevskaya floodplain of the above river (Bolshaya Filyovskaya St., 40 A). You can go to Lake Meshcherskoye, which is located on the street. Voskresenskaya, 3 A. It is noteworthy that the above fonts are located near public transport, so it’s quite convenient to get to them. In addition, each bathing place is fenced with a special net, which prevents the flow to carry people to the bottom. It is also very convenient to go to the water thanks to the gentle shore. Safety on water is carefully monitored by rescue teams. After bathing, you can drink tea, coffee and taste delicious muffin.


In this part of the city, you can recommend the following places for swimming in the ice-hole: Small Endless Lake, which is located at ul. Tamanskaya, 91. This aquatic ecosystem is considered the first font on the scale of not only the okrug, but also the capital. Many are sent to swim in ice water in the Serebryany Bor forest park area, which covers an area of ​​about 100 square meters. Some people prefer the Stroganov floodplain (16 Tvardovskogo St.), as well as a pond located in the village of Rozhdestveno (Simferopol highway). All fonts have conditions for comfortable swimming, wooden flooring and ladders for descent into the water. Ambulance crews are ready at any moment to provide medical assistance if necessary.

Baptism where to swim in the ice hole in Moscow


Zelenograders can swim in the hole on Epiphany night in two places: on the School Lake, which is located in the Silino area, and on the Black Lake, which is located on the Lesniye Prudy alley in the 6th microdistrict.

New Moscow

Residents of the Trinity and Novomoskovsky districts of the capital can swim on the night of January 18-19 in the following places: a pond near the Mikhailo-Arkhangelsk church in Bylova, a pond in Pokrovsky, a pond in Knutovo.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F5161/

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