Strawberry is remontant. The amazing taste of juicy berries

Gardeners were very interested in a special kind of wild strawberry, namely, "strawberry remontant." This is due to a number of specific features of this plant:

  • Harvesting is available until the end of autumn;
  • the repairing variety intensively forms generative kidneys;
  • berries are able to ripen on plants that formed only at the beginning of the season.

Strawberry remontant grows well on loam. Ripening of berries occurs rather quickly and with enviable regularity. It’s difficult to collect them, but this is strawberry. And the autumn harvest will pleasantly surprise any owner of the site. Indeed, at this time almost nothing “berry” is ripening. Good care and proper planting of remontant strawberries guarantees the fertility of the bushes for 5-6 years. The roots exposed over time should be sprinkled with earth and mulch.

Landing Details

Planting remontant strawberries begins with soil preparation. It is necessary to fertilize the land in advance, in the fall, as strawberries can hardly tolerate a high concentration of salts. Fertilizing different soil occurs in different ways. Sod-podzolic requires 6 kg of humus, 150 g of potash fertilizers and 65 g of superphosphate per square meter. Light sandy soils are fertilized with loamy soil. In the case when the soil in the garden is acidic, liming should be carried out a year or two before planting. The bed, which went through the preparation process in the autumn, is not dug in the spring.

Remontant strawberries can bear fruit in containers all year round. But certain conditions must be observed. Naturally, in winter and autumn, productivity decreases, but does not disappear, which means you can enjoy the taste of small berries at any time.

For container planting, you need to choose dishes with holes in the bottom and with organized drainage. Close planting is not recommended. The berries from this will no longer be. Watering is necessary as the substrate dries. Of fertilizers, an extract from biohumus is most suitable. It is necessary to carefully observe the dosage of liquid fertilizers. With an excess of nitrogen, you run the risk of getting a large number of beautiful leaves instead of beautiful berries.

How to handle finished seedlings, we figured out. And how does strawberry remontant develop from seeds, and how to grow it? The most convenient planting method requires peat tablets and miniparns. You can buy them at almost every horticultural store. The tablets are filled with water, as they swell, a degree of moisture is visible. After that, with the help of tweezers we “plant” a strawberry seed in a tablet and cover with a hotbed. When seedlings hatch, the greenhouse with the tablet can be transferred to the windowsill. You can keep seedlings “under the dome” until the landing, as peat dries incredibly quickly.

Another option involves the presence of boxes of cake, peat and snow. The box is half filled with peat mix and sprinkled with a small layer of snow. We spread the seeds on the crushed snow. The snow will melt and the seeds will be pulled into the ground. At the same time, the earth is moistened and the seeds are soaked. The box should be stored either in the cellar or on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Strawberries should be sown in January-February. After biting, we bring to the light: under a lamp or under the sun, whichever is more affordable.

Remontant strawberry seed is no different from the sold seedlings. Unless at the price and the presence of an exciting process of growing. Few people can boast a pie of fresh and fragrant strawberries on New Year's Eve. How to get it, you now know. It's time to act! Your work will certainly be crowned with success, and, subject to growing conditions, you will receive a lot of delicate, fragrant and sweet berries all year round.


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