Do ants sleep? What do they eat? What does an ant uterus look like? Wintering Features

Many people are interested in whether ants sleep. What do these miniature creatures do with the advent of a harsh winter? What does an ant uterus look like? What is included in the daily diet of such insects? We will try to shed light on these mysteries of nature in our material.

What do ants eat in nature?

do ants sleep

Most species of ants base their daily diet on simple foods of plant and animal origin. These insects drag into their homes almost everything edible that they come across in the way. Food is stored in an anthill, after which it is divided between individuals inhabiting the colony.

Larvae get protein food. Such become the eggs of other insects, the remains of beetles, caterpillars, small animals. The use of such food contributes to the early development of larvae and their transformation into adults.

Mature, formed ants absorb carbohydrate, easily digestible food. They give preference to all kinds of seeds, fruit pulp, wood juices, honey.

There are predator ants. A striking example is the appearance of cerapahis. The latter drag exclusively insect remains into the colony. Sometimes they do not disdain carrion in the form of semi-decomposed animal bodies.

The main source of carbohydrates for woodcarving ants is the so-called gum. The substance is a wood resin that is released from the trunks in areas of damage to the bark.

Reaper ants choose solid and coarse plant foods as the basis for their carbohydrate diet. Individuals known as soldiers in the colony spend most of the day grinding all kinds of seeds with powerful jaws. The result is the production of specific gruel. The entire colony is fed last.

How often do ants eat?

what does the ant uterus look like

Such insects absorb food regularly enough. One individual eats several times a day. Working members of the colony eat directly during the search and transportation of prey. Larvae and uterus constantly absorb part of the stock.

There are also ants that can fall into a state of suspended animation for up to 9 months. At this time, they can do without food, digesting the sugary fluid accumulated in their own abdomen.

Do ants sleep?

ants in winter

Previously, it was believed that such insects never rest, constantly being in motion. However, recent research suggests the opposite. Trying to understand whether ants sleep, scientists have grown a colony of insects in a laboratory. Observation of the behavior of the ants allowed them to identify several interesting facts, which will be discussed later.

Ordinary worker ants really spend all their time on daily activities. However, even they, like all representatives of the animal world, need rest. As the research results show, they take about 3-4 hours a day to sleep. At the same time, the one-time duration of such a rest is no more than 2 minutes. A worker in a colony can fall into such inaction more than 200 times during the day. At such moments, working ants freeze, ceasing to respond to the actions of relatives and other external stimuli.

Do uterine ants sleep? According to observations, these individuals are also not averse to rest. Sleeping queens in a colony takes much longer than working ants. They can sleep intermittently up to 8 hours a day. Scientists managed to find out an interesting pattern. If the antennae of the uterus are raised and the oral apparatus is ajar, then a shallow sleep occurs. When the antennae are lowered and the mouth is closed, this indicates a stronger sleep.

Ant uterus

what do ants eat in nature

What does an ant uterus look like ? In most colonies, individuals that are responsible for the reproduction of offspring significantly exceed the size of ordinary working insects. The uterus can be identified by the presence of the wings that it needs to find new habitats. However, when they enter the colony, they can fall away. In this case, in the place where the cephalothorax passes into the abdomen, the corresponding marks remain in the form of small tubercles.

Wintering ants

What do ants do in winter? Preparing for the arrival of cold weather is an extremely laborious process for such insects. Most of the time they spend storing food in special pantries. Edible particles of plants, various seeds, dried insects, etc. are brought here. With decreasing ambient temperature, all remaining larvae are fed.

To prevent the colony from freezing in the cold, the exits from the anthill are carefully clogged with a special substance that consists of clay, insect saliva and plant debris. The colony may be aired during thaws. If in winter the anthill gets wet, all food supplies are moved by working individuals to the deep storerooms.

The role of ants in nature

Despite the fact that the ants are only concerned about finding food and arranging their own colonies, they bring many benefits to ecosystems. Such forest workers not only loosen the soil, enriching it with oxygen and trace elements, but also destroy the whole mass of insects that damage the vegetation. No wonder trees and shrubs around the colonies look more β€œhealthy.” After all, ants collect all kinds of pests from them.

Among other things, ants carry seeds of flowers and herbs. Thus, plants occupy new habitats. In general, the presence of ants in a particular area is the key to maintaining the right balance in nature.


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