How to take a screenshot in World of Tanks - tips and recommended software

Any player likes to capture their achievements or curious moments in a particular game. This is especially popular in the game World of Tanks, where gamers take hundreds of thousands of screenshots of their achievements, fun game moments and just their tanks. A fairly popular feature eventually acquired a huge army of fans, most of whom did not understand how to take a screenshot in World of Tanks. Indeed, in many games there is a built-in program that allows you to save screenshots in a separate folder, but this is not here. Do not panic, because the solution to this problem is not so global and quite simple. Read the following information and you will be able to use several methods to save the most memorable moments in the game World of Tanks. For interest, you can use each method and choose the most suitable and convenient.

What is a screenshot?

So, how to take a screenshot in the game World of Tanks? Before answering this question, it is worth finding out what it is and why it is needed. A screenshot is a picture that is taken instantly and displays the image that is currently on the monitor screen. In general, a screenshot is a file created using the function of taking an automatic copy of a picture from a monitor. Sounds pretty complicated, but pretty easy to understand and create. A screenshot can be made using a variety of functions, programs and methods. We will note the most convenient and popular of all existing. But first, it's worth figuring out what exactly screenshots are for. Sometimes people just make huge collections of simple pictures and do not even realize that this process even has directions.

how to take a screenshot in world of tanks

What are they needed for?

How to take a screenshot in World of Tanks? The answer to this question is quite simple. It’s much harder to understand why this screenshot is needed. Let's open a little secret: do not look for meaning in this matter, since there can be a lot of purposes for this file. For example, a curious, funny and incomprehensible situation was created in the game - take a screenshot to later laugh with your friends. You have reached unprecedented heights - take a screenshot and create a collection of your achievements. You need to quickly remember the information - take a screenshot, and the data will always be at hand. There can be many purposes: entertaining, practical, informational, even this function can be useful for work. In our case, screenshots are created to create collections of funny situations, your own tanks and achievements.

world of tanks how to take a screenshot

Screenshots using Windows

How to take a screenshot in World of Tanks? First, we turn to the most popular method, which is implemented using the Windows system itself. There is a button on the keyboard called Print Screen. With it, you can enter the image on the screen into the memory buffer. And if you combine this function with the Paint program, then you can easily create screenshots of the game. But it is worth considering that the memory buffer can save one copy, so you should not press the button many times and try to save a whole chain of pictures. For this case, there is a special and convenient program called Fraps. And our method is perfect to answer the question of how to take a screenshot in World of Tanks.

how to make a screenshot in the game world of tanks

Screenshots Using Fraps

Fraps - a unique program for recording videos and creating screenshots, focused on the game audience. The application creates the highest quality videos and screenshots against the background of all other utilities, so it is better to use it first of all. The program has an intuitive interface, so you can quickly understand its functionality. It allows you to set a timer for creating screenshots (that is, the time period after which a screenshot is automatically created). It has a special function that allows you to assign a key to manually create photos, and has a ton of additional and convenient elements for this matter. And when the question arises about how to take a screenshot in World of Tanks, you can safely run Fraps.

how to take a screenshot in world of tanks

Other screenshot software

It is also worth noting that for taking screenshots there are also quite interesting and popular programs, such as LighShot, Screen Capture, Joxi, Screenshot Marker. Each of them has its own unique settings, functions, converters and many other elements for comfortable use. You can try each program and choose the most suitable. Fraps has one negative point - the application consumes a lot of resources, and this sometimes lowers FPS, which can adversely affect the gameplay, especially in the midst of a tough tank battle. Therefore, if you do not have a powerful computer, then it is better to choose a program from this list.

The question of how to take a screenshot in World of Tanks is far from the only problem that players face when they become familiar with the project. But this article has revealed in detail all the existing ways to solve it. Having tested each and choosing one of the options for yourself, you will forever forget about this problem and can easily deal with others.


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