Strawberry Selva: variety description, reviews

Strawberry is not only a very tasty and fragrant berry, in addition, it has a lot of useful properties. For example, it normalizes digestion, helps with hypertension and urolithiasis, metabolic disorders and atherosclerosis. In addition, strawberries contain many vitamins, macro- and microelements. There are many varieties and varieties of this berry, one of them is the remontant strawberry Selva, which is popular among gardeners.

Grade description

What is strawberry Selva? The variety description is as follows.

strawberry selva variety description
This is an American large dessert variety. The bush is relatively tall, but compact, the leaves are large. It has high winter hardiness, is quite resistant to pests and diseases, well suited for cultivation in central Russia. It has a great yield potential, but only if all the rules of agricultural technology are observed.

Berries are very large (60-75 g), shiny, cone-shaped. The pulp is dense and juicy. The taste is sweet, with a slight acidity. They contain a lot of sugar and biologically active substances. Strawberry Selva has good transportable qualities. Gardeners' reviews indicate that berries can be used both fresh and in processed form, for example, in homemade blanks. Fruiting begins early and continues until the end of autumn.

strawberry selva

Choosing a place and preparing the soil for planting

As already mentioned, strawberries Selva is very sensitive to agricultural technology. Growing and caring for it requires some effort, but the result is worth it. For planting on the site choose a sunny, well-lit place, since the berry is thermophilic. Low and excessively humid places are not suitable, because in this case it will ripen for a long time, it will become non-aromatic. A large crop can be obtained if the strawberry Selva grows on loamy soil.

The landing site is dug up to a depth of 25-30 centimeters. The soil is well loosened, saturated with oxygen. Then make a mixture of manure with peat, about 10 kilograms per square meter. You can also add nitrogen-phosphorus fertilizer and dolomite flour, which reduces acidity. It is strongly not recommended to use chlorine as a fertilizer.

Planting strawberries

The Selva strawberry variety is remontant, that is, it gives a good harvest several times in one season. Therefore, it is very popular among gardeners.

You can plant a plant with a mustache, seeds and a bush. The choice depends on the gardener. The most difficult is planting with seeds, as the result does not always live up to expectations.

remontant strawberry selva

At the beginning or middle of May, strawberries Selva are planted. Reviews of gardeners and gardeners indicate the need for abundant watering at the initial stage. In hot areas, planting is best done before the start of intense heat, as young bushes can dry.

For transfer to the soil, a plant with four leaves, a "heart" and a developed root system is chosen. When planting, you must ensure that the kidney does not remain in the ground, otherwise the bush may dry or rot.

A little water is poured into small holes, a bush is placed, spreading the roots, pressed against the ground. After that, the plant is watered again. It is advisable to observe the following distance: between rows of at least 60 centimeters, between roots - 20-25 cm. Until the plant takes root, it is watered several times a day.

Plant care

After the strawberry Selva has taken root, she needs a little less watering. It will be enough 1-2 times a week, depending on the weather. Excess moisture also negatively affects the berries: the saturation of taste is lost and decay can begin. Once a season, it is necessary to loosen the soil by 5-7 centimeters.

Regularly remove large leaves and vegetative shoots from the bush. Every year it is advisable to change the place of landing. In this case, the roots are washed, but in no case cut.

Strawberry Selva

During growth, flowering and fruiting, Strawberry Selva requires regular fertilizing with mineral and organic fertilizers. Often this variety is grown on a trellis and used as an ampel plant.

Winter preparations

Careful preparation for winter frosts requires strawberries Selva. The description of this process is as follows. The mustache of the plant is dug up or placed in cups, without taking it from the bush, waiting for the appearance of the outlet, after which they are planted in the ground. This manipulation is carried out at the end of July to get a crop in the next season. After the onset of cold weather, let the strawberries survive the frosts 1-2 times. Further, the entire upper part of the plant is removed, the rows are covered with fir spruce branches or non-woven material.

Dutch strawberry cultivation

Strawberry Selva is great for the so-called Dutch way of planting. The berries are juicy and tasty. In this case, seedlings are planted according to a certain technology all year round, using a special method of fertilizer, planting and watering. Consider this method in more detail.

Since the basis of Dutch growing technology is the regular planting of seedlings every two months, the question arises of where to get seedlings in winter. Of course, seedlings can be purchased all year round in agricultural companies and nurseries, however, in addition to the high price, they do not always have decent quality.

strawberry selva description

So, seedlings can be prepared independently. To do this, dig up good seedlings in the fall and place in a cold place, for example, in a refrigerator. They can be stored in this condition until the moment of landing. Consequently, throughout the year it will be possible to plant new strawberry bushes.

Strawberry Selva is ideal for the Dutch method. The variety description includes all the necessary parameters: high-yielding, self-pollinated, resistant to pests.

In the first season after planting, cut off all the mustache from the mother plant. After a year, you can already get 15-20 shoots from each bush. Then they are rooted and young sockets are obtained. They are dug up in a sleeping state at an air temperature of no higher than -2 degrees (in the middle or end of October). The roots of the dug outlets are not washed or pruned in any way, and vegetative leaves and shoots can be cut off.


So, summing up, we can say that Strawberry Selva is a very popular and promising variety among gardeners and amateurs. Even in a small garden, you can get a rich harvest.

strawberry selva reviews
However, it is important to remember that Selva is a very whimsical variety to care for, so careful adherence to agricultural regulations, as well as abundant and timely watering, will guarantee the plant's high yield.


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