Ust-Lensky reserve: life in the ice

The location of the Ust-Lensky reserve may surprise some nature lovers. The fact is that, unlike many other similar organizations, this one is not located in the warmest areas of our country, but in the northernmost corners. Where the Ust-Lensky Reserve is located, the cold waters of the Arctic Ocean meet the Lena River.

Creation goals

But why did you need to create a reserve in these northern regions? The Lena River was lucky, and no hydroelectric power stations or dams were built on it. Thanks to this, its waters remain so clean that they can be drunk simply by scooping up with your palms. To Lena remained the same, as many centuries ago, a reserve was organized on its shores.

Ust Lensky reserve


Ust-Lensky Reserve (photos are shown on this page) is located in Yakutia from the northern side of the Bulunsky ulus. It consists of two territories, this is the "delta", the size of 1,300,000 hectares, and the "falcon", including 133,000 hectares. The total area of ​​the reserve is 1,443,000 ha. But the protected area does not include the entire territory, but only 150,000 ha.

The Ust-Lensky Nature Reserve has no settlements nearby, and there are no motorways or public roads. The largest and most significant body of water is Lena. But this is not the only "artery" in the reserve. The ducts Arynskaya, Trofimovskaya, Bykovskaya and others are also of significant importance. But at the moment, only Bykovskaya duct is of navigable value.

where is the mouth of the lensky reserve

For the most part, the Ust-Lensky reserve is located in the ice. The main channels of the delta flow along the plain of Arktida, where permafrost is preserved, covered by a small soil layer. In the northwest is the ancient island of Arga-Muora-Sise. In the southwest there are three large islands that are buried in ice. In addition, there are about 300 icy hills on the territory, and failures can be noticed near each of them. Also in the delta there are many small lakes of various depths. On the right bank of the Lena River, not far from the island of Tit-Ara, the White Rock cliff rises from the waters .

Tundra forest

In addition to permafrost, the Ust-Lensky reserve is famous for its tundra zone. Also on the island of Tit-Ary is the world's northernmost deciduous forest. Local larch trees, which grow on the western side of the island, reach a height of 6 meters.

The local flora here is peculiar. The tundra of the Lena Delta is truly rich in lichens and mosses. For example, Alaskan cetrelia is a rare species that occurs in only two places. Willows stand along the banks of the Lena River, and mountainous northern rivers are covered with several species of willows and shrubs.

Rare bean species grow on the seaside ridge, these are legume and copper-red. There is also Rhodiola officinalis.

Ust Lensky Reserve photo

Underwater inhabitants

The Ust-Lensky nature reserve is unique not only for its rare flora, but also for its ichthyofauna. Fish live in local reservoirs; these are nelma, omul, sturgeon, tugun, muksun, etc. In these lakes live peled, char and chir, which are practically not found in the channels. In the autumn, saiga go massively to the shores to spawn. Pink salmon and chum salmon are also found in the Lena delta. Amphibians and reptiles do not live in the reservoirs of the reserve.

Birds of Ust-Lensky

Ust Lensky reserve animals
Since the channels of the reserve are rich in fish diversity, and there is grassy vegetation in the tundra zone, this attracts many near-water and waterfowl. This territory is located on the route of migratory species. This is what makes the fauna so diverse. There are 109 species recorded, with approximately 60 subspecies prefer to nest in the Lena Delta. Black-throated loons are numerous on tundra lakes , and red-throated representatives of this family live in smaller numbers here. A small swan likes to settle in these places, and at the moment there are about 6 thousand of them in the reserve. In addition to them, in the spring geese, black geese, sea-ewes, pintail, teal-whistle and many subspecies of ducks stop in these parts. The State Nature Reserve is rich in other species of birds, which are rare in other parts of the world. Sandpipers like rock-nest, pufferfish, turukhtan, white-tailed sandpiper and others like to nest in the delta.

A feature of the reserve can be considered rare feathered predators. For example, it is derbnik, golden eagle, gyrfalcon, peregrine falcon.

Ust-Lensky Reserve: animals loving the cold

32 species of mammals were recorded throughout the territory, of which 5 marine and 27 terrestrial. Permanent residents here are arctic fox, polar bear, Middendorff vole, reindeer, Siberian and ungulate lemmings.

Among the taiga inhabitants who do not leave this territory, foxes, wolves, hares, ermines, weasels, and other mammals are noted. There are also those species that regularly come here, such as elk, sable, muskrat, wolverine, lynx and others. Marine species include ringed seal, Laptev walrus, sea ​​hare, beluga whale, and narwhal.


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