How to get a drill out of a drill: a simple and effective way, device of a drill, tips

In modern drills, two main types of cartridges are used, which differ in the way the drill is fixed. The first type includes key cartridges. This design allows you to fix the drill with a special key that rotates the adjusting ring in the clockwise direction until the element is completely fixed. The second type includes keyless chucks. The design allows manual replacement and fixing of drills. This is very convenient if you need frequent replacement nozzles. However, there are situations when difficulties occur when changing a drill in a chuck. In this case, several useful recommendations on how to remove the drill from the drill without a key will not interfere. We will talk about this later.

how to remove a drill from a drill

Reasons for difficulties when replacing

Sometimes situations arise in which it is not possible to remove the drill from the cartridge in the usual way. Such difficulties can have various reasons. In most cases, this is due to the device of the drill, when there is no restrictive mechanism in the chucks that insures the surface from excessive force applied at the time of clamping. This leads to jamming of the cartridge when the adjusting ring is not amenable to movement in the opposite direction. The result is a drill stuck in the drill. How to pull it out? We give some recommendations.

A similar situation can occur when the drill is skewed in the chuck. This reason often occurs when using a small diameter tool. These elementary reasons can be avoided with careful attention to work. In other cases, it is necessary to adhere to some rules, removing the drill with a tool at hand.


The use of drills made of soft metal can lead to the formation of chips inside the chuck. It often falls between the cams of the clamping mechanism and works as a stopper. Such an obstacle is able to hold the cams of the cartridge when trying to weaken the clamping force. Also dangerous is the deep subsidence of a soft drill into the chuck, its base can flatten and lock the locking elements. It is especially difficult to remove such a drill when it breaks at the level of the mounts. This makes it impossible to grip it. How to get the drill out of the drill in this case, we learn further.

Violations of the rules of work

Safe drilling requires certain rules to be followed, which, if neglected, could result in personal injury or tool damage. The drill chuck is in the greatest danger, assuming the main load when in contact with the surface. To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is not recommended to sharply change the angle of inclination of the drilling. It is also necessary to limit the applied force on the drill, the drill of which is in the process of drilling. Excessive loading can lead to breakage of the drill or jamming of it in the chuck. For machining heavy-duty surfaces, it is necessary to use drills designed for such work.

how to pull out

Cartridge malfunction

The drill chuck, like the other mechanism, undergoes development and may eventually fail. Also, the cause of jamming of the cartridge may be a factory defect. The spring in the device of the locking mechanism may also break, as a result of which the regulating element will cease to be released after pressing the button. The standard drill chuck is designed for long-term use subject to operating rules and periodic maintenance. However, if it fails as a result of wear of the components, it is more advisable to replace it with a new one.

how to pull a drill out

The usual way to extract

The technique of pulling a drill out of a drill under normal conditions looks very simple. The cams of the mechanism holding the drill are bred by rotating the adjusting sleeve manually or by turning the key in the opposite direction to the clockwise movement. After this procedure, the drill should be easily removable. If the chuck is equipped with a locking mechanism, then the release of the drill should begin by pressing the lock key. In order to rotate the regulating mechanism, it is necessary to fix the fixed component of the cartridge.

If it is not possible to turn the adjusting sleeve, it is necessary to try to increase the force. You can also create an initial push, allowing you to tear the movable element from its place. First you should try to sharply turn the sleeve by hand. If this attempt fails, you can try to disperse the cartridge to maximum speed in reverse mode, and at this point try to hold the sleeve with your hand. This is an effective way to get the drill out of the drill.

how to pull a drill out of a drill

Further, if previous attempts have failed, you can apply the force with a wooden or rubber mallet. To begin with, having fixed the fixed part of the cartridge, it is necessary to strike at the sleeve, not only at the end, but along the tangent path. You can also strike at the handle of the key, while creating an instant point force. To achieve maximum effect when trying to unlock the cartridge, it is advisable to introduce lubricant into its internal cavity, which will create favorable conditions. This is how it will turn out to pull the drill out of the drill with your own hands. But this is not the only way.

Removing a drill from a chuck using a vise

To apply a stronger force to the adjustment sleeve, a vise is recommended. To do this, it is necessary to securely fix the drill located in the chuck in them. Moreover, the drill itself should be positioned horizontally to the surface of the workbench. Further, using a light hammer, it is required to lightly tap the cartridge adjusting sleeve in a circle.

how to pull out of a drill

The process itself consists of sharp blows inflicted on a sleeve along a tangent path. When the sleeve has succumbed, it should be turned using a pipe wrench. If the attempt failed, the work should be repeated, increasing the force of the impact. In order for the cartridge surface to receive less damage, it is better to use a bronze hammer for this procedure.


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