"Nemo" - a penguinarium in Anapa

To visit the penguinarium in Anapa, you should go to the Nemo Dolphinarium located on Pionersky Prospekt, 20a. Before planning a trip, it’s useful to find out about the schedule, ticket prices, and the proposed entertainment program.

Who can be seen in the penguinarium in Anapa?

The entertainment complex “Nemo” offers guests various animals - dolphins, sea lions and seals, walruses, white polar whales, and in the aquarium you can admire sharks, piranhas, stingrays, anaconda and crocodile. Ideal conditions have been created for each species, and it will be interesting for guests to watch each of them in water, on land, on stage!

Building view

Penguins have a separate pool. The spectator area is separated from the aviary by glass. It sinks to the bottom of the pool. Through the glass, visitors can see the birds themselves, how they dive, communicate. There are 8. in total. Each is a representative of a rare species of Humboldt penguins. All over the world today there are only 12 thousand unique birds. At the same time, they were not brought to the Anapa penguinarium not from the zoo or private nursery, but from their homeland. Such beauties are worth a look!

Anapa penguin prices and work schedule

There are no days off or holidays. Opening at 9 a.m., closing at 18 p.m. You can choose to travel at any convenient time. On calendar holidays and on weekends there is always a large influx of visitors, especially group excursions from schools, kindergartens. The entertainment complex does not close in the winter.

Children under 5 years old have free admission. Each adult can spend one baby with him. There is no fee for shooting, so you can take pictures and take selfies with animals as much as you like. Anapa Penguinaries have professional photographers. They perform custom portraiture. The resulting photos are taken on the same day.

Penguins in the water

A ticket for one adult or child from 5 years old costs 750 rubles. You can buy a comprehensive visit to the dolphinarium, penguinarium, terrarium and oceanarium. It costs 1250 rubles. It is best to buy it and freely move from one zone to another. You determine the duration of the walk yourself. A 50% discount can be obtained (only not for a complex ticket):

  • the large family;
  • disabled people (I and II groups);
  • disabled children;
  • combatants.

How to get there?

The choice of modes of transport for the trip is large. For example, go to Pioneer Avenue in your car. Ordinary taxis come from anywhere in Anapa. The trip will cost about 150 rubles. one way. Minibuses follow under numbers 114, 128 and 134. The fare is 22 rubles.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F5211/

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