Large-fruited cherries: description, growing conditions

The size of the cherry fruit is not so large in comparison with its other stone fruit relatives. But there is a variety that stands out with a rather impressive size of berries. Its corresponding name is Large-fruited.

large-fruited cherries

Grade history

The long and painstaking work of Ukrainian breeders preceded the emergence of this new variety. The basis was laid the positive qualities of white Napoleon cherries, for pollination of which mixed pollen was used from varieties such as Valery Chkalov, Zhabule, Elton. In 1983, the Krupnoplodnaya sweet cherry variety was included in the Ukrainian plant register. Large fruits and high yields soon made it popular almost throughout southern Russia.

Plant description

This type of cherry is a straight-stemmed tree up to 10 meters high with light bark and branches covered with long ellipsoidal leaves. Crohn of medium density has a spherical shape. Cherry blossom begins in early April and looks bewitching.

large-fruited cherries
The branches are almost completely covered with small flowers, turning the tree into a white ball. Flowers are collected in umbrellas with many stamens and usually have 5 petals and sepals. The tree grows very quickly compared to other varieties and begins to yield crops from the age of four. Annually gives at least 45 kg of excellent fruit for the season Krupnoplodnaya cherries.

Fruit Description

From mid-June, their maturation begins. Quite large in size (weighing up to 12 g) fruits have a different shape, but most often closer to dull-hearted with a pointed tip. The thin, shiny skin is very strong, at first it has a red color, which, as it ripens, becomes darker and almost black as a result. The flesh is the same color, juicy and sweet, with a bitter taste, its quality depends largely on the conditions in which Krupnoplodnaya sweet cherry grows. The stone is large, easily separated from the pulp.

large-fruited sweet cherry

The fruits are located on a thick stalk placed in a small funnel. They are tied, as a rule, in pairs, in rare cases, triples. Their ripening lasts slightly longer than other varieties.

Growing Features

Large-fruited cherries belong to those plants for which care is of no small importance. Providing good conditions, you can get a real long-lived tree.

The plant does not have special requirements for soils. It can do without regular fertilizing. But it grows especially well on non-saline chernozems, alluvial soils of river valleys. Good lighting is more important, since large-fruited cherries grow very weakly in the shade. The description of the plant indicates a rather low ability of the root system to regenerate, so the soil should be treated carefully, deepening no more than 15 cm.

Plant nutrition should be carried out sparingly, otherwise overfeeding is possible, as a result of which growth is enhanced, and this can lead to the formation of fragile wood.

Landing place

Of great importance for the full development of such a plant as large-fruited cherries is a correctly selected and equipped place for planting. This variety prefers plots well lit by the sun, located on a hill. It is good if there is a fence or some structure nearby, this helps to accumulate snow in the winter and create a more comfortable microclimate. It is not recommended to plant sweet cherry in areas with a close occurrence of groundwater.

In the autumn, before planting, thoroughly dig the soil to a depth of not less than 30 cm, adding organic fertilizers (manure, humus) at the rate of 10 kg per square meter and mineral (200 g of superphosphate and 100 g of potash). They must be thoroughly mixed with the ground.

If the soil is heavy loamy, liming is carried out (500-600 g of lime per square meter). A cherry pit is prepared two weeks before planting.

Watering and feeding

To obtain a high and high-quality crop, soil moisture is of great importance. Adequate watering for a young tree is 25-40 liters per one procedure with a break of one month. When large-fruited cherries begin to bear fruit, the amount of water during irrigation increases to 50-60 liters. If the summer is rainy, the plant can do without this procedure at all, but in the dry period it should be watered up to 4 times a month.

large-fruited cherries

Large-fruited cherries do not need a large amount of fertilizer. The top dressing introduced during planting of a young tree is enough for the first 3-4 years, before the onset of the fruiting phase. Urea is sometimes used during this period, which helps to improve plant growth. 2 years after planting, you can make a small amount of nitrate and ammonium, but not more than 25 grams per 1 square meter. The safest fertilizer, which positively affects both tree growth and fruit formation, is manure. It is enough to make it only once every three years.

Large-fruited sweet cherry variety is highly resistant to diseases, and insect pests are not afraid of it. Therefore, it is worth spraying the tree with various chemical preparations only if there is an urgent need, for example, when there is a risk of infection of the plant from other varieties of cherries located in the neighborhood.

large-fruited sweet variety description

Cherry is famous not only for its large fruits and excellent taste. It contains a huge number of useful substances that have a beneficial effect in cardiovascular diseases, problems of the gastrointestinal tract. Very useful for people suffering from allergies, cherries Large-fruited.

The description of the variety of this plant will allow you to understand how to create the necessary conditions for growing it in a home garden.


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