How to change the skin in Minecraft in licensed and pirated versions

Appearance is very often very important, and many players do not like the fact that all the characters in the multiplayer game look the same and differ only in nicknames that are displayed above their heads. Yes, and in a single player game sometimes you want to make a beautiful screenshot, but everything spoils the appearance of the character, which is no different from hundreds of others. However, you can fix this by using a different skin that will allow your character to look completely different. Thus, you can distinguish yourself from the rest and get the opportunity to take vivid pictures that will remind you of the fun time spent in the game. But for this you need to learn how to change the skin in Minecraft.

The easiest way is the licensed version

how to change skin in minecraft

If you do not want to waste your time and tinker with how to circumvent the protection of the game, then you better get a licensed version. There you donโ€™t even have to learn how to change the skin. In Minecraft licensed, this feature is available directly in the game menu - you only need to select the skin that you like and then activate it. But remember that if you decide to play on a pirate server, this skin will not work - it is suitable only for a license. Naturally, the set of skins here is limited, so you may need to make certain concessions, but you donโ€™t have to worry about how to get a different appearance for your character. But if you do not want to spend money on the purchase of the game, you will have to torment and figure out how to change the skin in Minecraft.

Basic method

So, you have a pirated version of Minecraft, as well as a skin that you would like to apply. But everything is not as simple as it might seem - you have to change something at the root of the game, which is unsafe. Therefore, if you do not know not only how to change the skin in Minecraft, but also how to handle system files, then you better not use this method. If you still have the basic knowledge, then look for the Minecraft system folder, where you can unpack the minecraft.jar file. There should also be a char.png file - this is the appearance of your character. Change it to the file that you have prepared in advance. And enjoy it.

skin in minecraft how to install

This method, however, has one huge drawback - you can see your new skin only in a single player game, since you changed it only in your Minecraft client - other players on the server do not receive this information, so they will see you in a standard appearance . Keep this in mind when using this method - this is how you install only a single skin in Minecraft. How to install it in multi-user mode? There is also an answer to this question.

Using someone else's nickname

how to put skin in minecraft

There is a universal way that will work on any server. If you want to learn how to put a skin in Minecraft that will be visible to other users in multiplayer, then you will have to make concessions. In this case, you will have to sacrifice a rather serious element, namely your nickname. There are special skin bases in which they are associated with a particular nickname, and if you take a specific nickname for yourself, you also get the skin assigned to it. As a result, you will have the appearance that you liked, but at the same time there will be someone else's name. This is not very pleasant, so this method should only be used if it does not matter to you what your characterโ€™s name is.

Skins from the server

The best way if you own a pirated version is to search for a server that already has a specific image database loaded. So you will immediately get a skin in Minecraft. How to install it? You do not have to worry about this, you can choose the one that you like and use it. But there is a catch here - this can only be done within the given server. If you want to play elsewhere, you will be disappointed - your chosen appearance will not be transferred after you. Therefore, carefully choose the servers on which you are going to play, so that you do not leave them later, leaving the skin that has actually become part of you.

program for skins in minecraft

In any case, you should have at your fingertips a program for skins in Minecraft so that you can create your own skin and upload it to the server if possible - it is always more pleasant to play with the appearance that you created yourself.


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