Street architectural lamps: overview, description, types and reviews

In modern cities, more and more attention is being paid to creating beautiful lighting of buildings and structures. Decorative design not only increases the positive attitude of residents and guests of megalopolises, but also strengthens the general aesthetics of various kinds of architectural complexes. When creating such a backlight, street lights of various types can be used. Each of these varieties has both its advantages and disadvantages.

The main types of street lights

Equipment of this type can be installed next to the building or attached directly to its walls or various kinds of architectural elements. At the moment, architectural lighting is used to illuminate shops, office buildings, historical and social monuments:

  • luminescent;

  • metal halide;

  • neon

  • LED light.

Light all of these varieties can give both ordinary white and color. Actually, the design of such a decorative design itself is developed by specialists taking into account the combination of different shades, as well as lighted and shaded areas.

architectural lighting

Fluorescent lights

This type of equipment is usually used for decorating tall buildings. With it, you can highlight significant architectural elements and create beautiful patterns. Luminescent architectural lamps are very economical, however, they are rarely used to decorate low buildings and structures. The fact is that from the point of view of designers in this case, the design does not look particularly attractive.

Consumer opinion on discharge lamps

In addition to efficiency, street luminescent architectural lighting fixtures deserved good reviews for:

  • high light output;

  • long service life;

  • soft, not blinding eyes, attractive light;

  • various colors of lighting.

Of the minuses of this equipment, consumers primarily distinguish rather large dimensions and the complexity of the connection. Also, the disadvantages of gas discharge lamps include environmental dependence. The optimum temperature for fluorescent lamps is +18 - +25 degrees. At the slightest deviations from these parameters, the light output of the lamps of this kind is reduced. Of course, when used on the street, additional measures have to be taken to ensure the operability of the equipment, which leads to its cost increase.

architectural street lighting

Metal halide floodlights

Such architectural streetlights are most often used to illuminate large buildings with wide facades. Install spotlights in their immediate vicinity. Outdoor equipment of this type usually has movable lamps. Thanks to this, a ray of light can be sent to any desired point in the building. Sometimes hemispherical reflectors are installed on such lamps. This allows you to design narrow architectural details of the facades. But more often, rectangular reflectors are still used. With their use, you can create uniform illumination of the entire building.

architectural lighting fixtures

Searchlight reviews

This type of luminaire is valued primarily for low power consumption and complete protection from the environment. The operation of equipment of this type is inexpensive. At the same time, with its use a truly spectacular architectural lighting can be arranged . Metal halide lamps are also appreciated for the following advantages:

  1. Very long life. Even by the end of operation, the power of the lighting they provide is reduced by only 1-2%.

  2. The purity of the flowers.

The disadvantages of this type of equipment is that it heats up pretty quickly. The ability to use for lighting mainly only stand-alone objects, even very large ones, is also considered a minus of spotlights.

Neon lights

Using this equipment can create a very complex building design. The light of neon lamps gives the buildings a soft, pleasant to the eyes shine and perfectly distinguishes friezes. Most often, this type of design is used, however, not for the design of the buildings themselves, but for highlighting and underlining various kinds of advertising elements - inscriptions, patterns, drawings, logos. Architectural fixtures of this variety are flexible, and therefore, even when performing the most complex curls, they do not break.

lighting fixtures

Reviews of neon lights

The advantages of this type of backlight include primarily ease of installation. High frequencies are not necessary for the operation of neon equipment. The luminaires for architectural illumination of this type can function in absolutely any conditions. That is, even on the hottest summer night or cold winter, they will not fail and will continue to illuminate the poster or building.

Also, the advantages of neon lamps include the fact that they give a very uniform light, which even ultra-popular modern LED lamps cannot boast of. In shape and length, these tapes are completely unlimited. In addition, they are characterized by absolute fire safety. Neon lights do not heat up and can last up to 15 years.

The disadvantages of this type of equipment are the owners of shops and offices consider the high cost of maintenance. Neon tubes break quite rarely. However, in the event that at least one element fails, the whole design will most likely have to be completely changed. In addition, the use of this type of fixtures for decorating the entire building may be economically unjustified. They consume quite a lot of electricity. Also, using neon ribbons, it is often impossible to illuminate very small elements of a poster.

LED equipment

Architectural lamps of this type are by far the most popular form. Most often they are used to highlight various kinds of geometric elements of buildings. They are also used for decoration of fountains, flower beds, trees and advertising signs. Such lighting can be seen in parks, in the yards, in parking lots, at airports, etc.

architectural led lights

LED Reviews

First of all, consumers attribute the full environmental friendliness to the advantages of equipment of this type. LEDs do not contain mercury or any other substances harmful to human health. Also, the advantages of this equipment include efficiency and the uniform lighting they provide. In addition, the strength of such equipment is considered to be robust construction.

The disadvantage of architectural LED lamps has only one - high cost. In order not to throw money away, customers of light advertising of this type have to look for the most reliable suppliers.


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