Animus is a "time machine" in Assassin Creed: plot, characters, graphics, mods and game requirements

1191 year. Altair and another 2 assassins go to Jerusalem, where the Temple of Solomon is located, they learned that the Templars want to get some artifact for themselves, one of the assassins captures this thing and brings it to the fortress, but the Templars follow it and demand to give this thing back. The battle begins, as a result of which it turns out that the traitor is in the camp of the assassins, and Altair must figure it out and kill him.

year 2012. Desmond works as a bartender, but the Abstergo Industries kidnaps him, after which they explain to him that he is a descendant of Altair. An organization uses Animus, a special mechanism for reading gene memory. They need his genetic memories to locate the artifact known as the Eden Particle, which is an item created by the Forerunners.

Based on the game, a film was created, the poster of which can be seen below.

Killer Creed movie

A little about the game: requirements, graphics and mods

To enjoy the game Assassin's Creed 4 on your PC, you need the OS to be Windows 7 or 8, a processor with 2.6 GHz, and preferably 3, a minimum RAM of 2 GB (ideally 4), 512 MB of video memory (1024 MB would be nice ) The hard disk should have 30 GB of free space.

Over time, the graphics have changed, and now gamers speak about it very well. However, there are several mods that can improve individual flaws in the Assassin series of games and even add new colors to the old series.

For example, O Oculus, which changes lighting and replaces structures. Or CryNation Graphics Mod, which changes the resolution. Increased drawing range by 2 times, redesigned lighting.

For Black Flag, you can download Ultra Photorealistic Graphics Mod, which changes the color scheme, texture.

If you want to use mods, you should know that some can be used only for powerful video cards. If you are not confident in your "vidyuhi", it is better not to take risks.


This is an alien civilization, which also called itself Isu, they were on Earth even before people appeared here. Forerunners - humanoids, are the creators of mankind, also came up with Eden Particles to control people. This equipment is technically advanced, and every thing has some abilities and purpose for certain purposes.

The particles of Eden are different, including Crystal Skulls, the Fountain of Youth, the Scepter of Isis, the Shroud, and so on. All particles could be located in different places of the globe, for example, in Egypt on the Giza Plateau, in Scotland in Loch Ness, several particles were hidden in Russia, for example, near a volcano in Kamchatka. Almost all historical and mystical things are Particles of Eden, they were mentioned in legends, for example, Excalibur - the Sword of King Arthur. The people who were under the control of the Particles considered the Forerunner to be gods.

Representatives of the Forerunner were Hephaestus, Osiris, Aphrodite, Hermes, Jupiter and others.

Among the Forerunner stands Minerva, who participates in the game in the form of a hologram and often tells some information.

Hologram of Minerva

It is from her that one can learn that an outbreak occurred on the Sun, and the Forerunners fought with people, as a result of which civilizations were almost destroyed.

The Forerunner had a triple helix of DNA and 6 primary senses. They were very smart and could live a long time. They created people only as labor, using genetic modifications. People differed in structure only in height and size of the skull. It is still unclear where the Forerunners came from. Juno mentioned that humans were created as obedient cattle to meet the needs of the Forerunner.

Archaic hominids and modern people are very different genes, the reason is precisely the intervention of Isu. When the Templars discovered this fact, they tried to hide information from the public, so that as few people as possible knew about the very existence of Isu.

Particles of eden

Despite technological superiority, the Particles could not protect the Forerunner from the war, which ended in disaster for both sides, since the people had a numerical advantage. People and gods had to work together to restore their peace, because the battle lasted ten years. The war was stopped due to a flash in the sun. Eventually, the Forerunners perished, and the Particles of Eden were lost. Some of Isu knew about the disaster and tried to protect the Earth. Minerva created the Eye, which contains messages for people. When Desmond used Animus in Assassin, Minerva contacted him.

Isu's legacy remains on Earth. Over the centuries, Particles have appeared as artifacts or holy relics. Some people began to understand the purpose of the Particles, and tried to work with them.

Templars and assassins

In the XII century, the Templars searched for the Particles of Eden, hoping to unite and control the world again, as the Forerunners - Those who came before. Altair intercepted the Templars, and both sides began a battle in which the Assassins defeated and took one of the Particles (Yabloko) to their fortress in Masiaf.

Altair initially wanted to destroy the Apple, but hid it so that the item would not fall into the wrong hands. He sent the artifact to Venice to Rodrigo Borgia.

By 2012, many of the Particles of Eden went to the Templars. Therefore, Animus was created - this is a project whose purpose: to find and protect the Particles of Eden. The Templars wanted to manipulate the hypnotic effect of Apples. Thus, it was planned to launch a satellite with one Particle of Eden into orbit of the Earth.

Eden Apples

I would like to highlight this Particle especially, since with its help it is possible to control the behavior of people, their emotions, actions. The forerunners created people so that this artifact could control them. These Apples have influenced the history of the world more than once.

The apples of Eden were designed to evoke illusions and take control of human minds. Many people used Apples. The Forerunners created humanity with neurons in the brain, which made them susceptible to Apples. People with special genes can resist Apples.

Apple of eden

Apples contained knowledge of technology and could communicate with people, turning them against each other, killing them instantly. But using Apple drains the owner’s energy.

Adam and Eve were the first people who could resist the control of Apples. They took the Apple for themselves and realized its purpose, after which they decided to raise an uprising, and thus the war between the Forerunners and the people began. Apples popped up more than once, and one of them caused the war, known as the Trojan.

The Templars also learned about Apples and realized that they could thus control the world, and began to hunt for these artifacts. In Assassin Creed, Animus is designed to find Apples and other Eden Particles. Al-Mu'alim, the Templar assassin, used the Apple, but Altair killed him, the assassins and the Templars began to fight for this artifact. Moses used the Apple to keep his people on a dry riverbed, and it was also used by Jesus, who turned water into wine with his help.

Desmond Miles

The animus in Assassin's Creed is for Desmond to connect to this machine and relive the memories of Altair, his ancestor. Desmond is the object at number 17, and the Templars are constantly watching him.

Desmond Miles

When each of the sessions ends, the hero is taken away, but an unknown citizen gave him a code with which to open the door, and while the scientists are somewhere, the character can examine the place where he is being held and the laboratory. Thus he finds the Animus computer and gets access to it.

Francisco Randez became the prototype for the creation of Desmond Miles.

Francisco Randez


"Abstergo Industries" created this machine in Assassins Creed Origins Animus of different models. The first was called 1.0. Served to research facility number 4, Daniel Cross.

assassins creed origins animus

After some time, the model is outdated, and it was decommissioned. After that, model 1.28 was created, it was on it that objects 16 and 17 were examined. As indicated above, 17 - Desmond, 16 - Clay Kachmarek - an assassin who was kidnapped to conduct experiments on him. He became insane, after which he committed suicide, but before that he was able to make a digital copy of himself, and also placed it in Animus. Now he helps Desmont and controls the machine.

Model 1.28 looks like a bed, but Rebecca Crane made 2.0 in the shape of an armchair. In addition, the new model has a database where you can find various articles about places and historical figures.

Animus Version 2.0

Rebecca Crane was born in 1984, a member of the Assassins, an engineer, she was recruited. She loves extreme sports, jumped with a parachute, but broke her leg and now the sport is closed for her, after which she began to engage in technology.

She also created another model, reduced, 3.0. It consists of a back and armrest, there is also a small monitor. In 2012, in Assassins Creed 4, Animus is the new Omega model. In addition to the monitor, there are still glasses.

In 2017, Animus was invented - this is the HR-8, a new model, the latest project, so compact that it folds easily like a suitcase. All information that is stored in red blood cells is ordered, data is transmitted to the organs separately.

Side effect

If a person has been in Animus for a very long time, then he has a side effect - leakage. Everything that the ancestor of this experimental subject was able to do is also manifested in a person, also without the help of Animus one can move into the past. In this connection, memories and real reality are united in a person into one whole, and he becomes crazy.

"Abstergo Industries"

A pharmaceutical company. It is a cover for the Knights Templar, a very large corporation, and it was thanks to it that serious discoveries were made. Although the company announces that it contributes to progress, its goal is actually to find the Particles of Eden, the technologies created by the Forerunners, as well as the destruction of its opponents - the Order of the Assassins.

The ultimate goal of the company is to take over the world and establish power. The founder is Henry Ford, there are a lot of branches around the world. The company was created in 1937 and used Animus for its own purposes, this allowed it to find the memory of ancestors in the genes and use the information for its own purposes.

Control Panel

The Animus control panel will be introduced soon, the gamer can change certain parameters in the game. The creators announced that the panel players will receive at their disposal in the near future.

On the video and photo you can see the Animus control panel.

Animus Panel

There are presets, as many as three options, and you can also change about 75 parameters. A special section has been created on the forum where the created presets can be shared with another player. However, this panel will be available only for the version on the computer.


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