How to choose a TV according to the size of the room? The optimal size of the TV for the room

How to choose a TV according to the size of the room? As it might seem at first glance, this is not such an easy task. In order to make the right choice, you need to determine for yourself a lot of points, for example, the installation location. This is necessary in order to correctly calculate the distance from the viewer to the TV screen. Such a feature as screen resolution is also very important, since it is directly dependent on its diagonal and, as a result, size. Since manufacturers of multimedia and interactive technology are constantly developing their technologies, it will be useful to deal with the types of TVs: plasma, LCD, LED TVs or small TVs in the kitchen. After all, this also affects the choice of diagonal.

How to choose a TV according to the size of the room depending on the distance to the viewer from the installation site?

When choosing the type of device, it is very important to consider the room where the TV will be located. It is unlikely that anyone would argue that a huge "plasma" would be appropriate in a tiny kitchen or in a cozy little room. After the buyer has decided which technologies of television signal receivers are most suitable for him and what type of TV he wants to see at home, the question arises of choosing a diagonal.

how to choose a tv for a room
This greatly affects the comfort when watching movies and TV shows. Of course, if you choose small TVs in the kitchen, then the moment of choosing the diagonal disappears, because here there are completely different tasks.

A small digression. The diagonal of the TV is called the diagonal size from one corner of the screen to another. By tradition, it is customary to measure it in inches. To indicate the number of inches for a particular TV model, use the double quotation mark β€œβ€œ ”. For example: 19 β€œTV screen. An inch is equal to 2.54 centimeters familiar to us.

how to choose a TV according to the size of the room

It must be imagined that the larger the TV’s diagonal, the greater should be the distance to the viewer. It is believed that this distance should not be less than three distances of the diagonal. At the same time, the greatest viewing comfort is achieved.

We give a small example. Let's say we have two televisions with diagonals of 17 and 80 inches. Then, judging by the recommendations of experts, for the first TV one meter will be considered the optimal distance to the viewer, and about five meters for the second. These rules will not only increase the level of comfort when watching TV, but also protect us from unnecessary health problems.

tv in the room

TV reminder

In order to be able to easily determine the optimal distance from the TV to the viewer and understand how to choose a TV according to the size of the room, we will make below a small memo for the most common sizes, which is sure to come in handy when buying.

  • Diagonal 17 ”- the distance to the viewer is two meters.
  • Diagonal 25 ”- a distance of three meters.
  • Diagonal 32 ”- the distance to the viewer is four meters.
  • Diagonal 37 ”- five meters.
  • Diagonal 55 ”- seven meters.
  • Diagonal 80 ”- ten meters.
    small tvs in the kitchen

The memo contains recommendations for distance, provided that the TV is set to the smallest screen resolution that will be optimal for viewing. As noted above, the distance depends not only on the size of the device, but also on the resolution of the picture. The dependence is as follows: more resolution, less distance.

How to choose a TV for the room. How does the screen diagonal and its resolution compare?

How much our eyes will enjoy watching TV and movies depends on the screen resolution and its diagonal. Now the most popular are several permissions:

  • Full HD
  • HD ready.
    the tv in the room is big

We can say that image quality increases with increasing screen resolution. And the more pixels are involved in creating the picture, the closer you can be to such a TV.

Let's look at a small example.

Take a 32-inch TV in a room with a resolution of 625 pixels. For him, the optimal distance would be 2.5 meters. If we increase the resolution to 720 pixels, then this distance will decrease to two meters. If you delve into the settings and turn on the Full HD mode, then a comfortable viewing is provided from a distance of 1.3 meters.

optimal TV size for the room

Let's say that you are considering buying a TV in a room with a distance of 2.2 meters between the sofa and the multimedia stand. What options are right for you, and what is the optimal TV size for the room? You can buy a 37-inch HD Ready TV. You will also achieve comfortable viewing by purchasing a 52-inch Full HD-TV. The only thing to consider is the quality of the input signal.

Memo for choosing a TV based on its format

Let’s make a small memo based on the different TV resolution formats:

  • Diagonal 20-27 ”- distance for Full HD 1.5 m - distance for HD Ready 2 m.
  • Diagonal 37-40 ”- distance for Full HD 2.2 m - distance for HD Ready 3 m.
  • Diagonal 42-47 ”- distance for Full HD 2.5 m - Distance for HD Ready 3.6 m.
  • Diagonal 52 ”- distance for Full HD 2.8 m - distance for HD Ready 4 m.
    TV size for a room

It is also worth saying that for a plasma TV you need a greater distance than for a liquid crystal TV with the same parameters. All this can be explained by the fact that the design of the plasma device involves the use of larger pixels in comparison with LCD counterparts. Do not chase the diagonal, having at your disposal a small room, because in this case the viewer will not be able to holistically perceive the picture. The TV in the room, large in size, can be selected with a diagonal of 80 inches.


What will be the size of the TV for the room, everyone chooses independently. Someone wants to surprise their guests with a huge half-wall screen, and someone wants to watch evening news without damage to their vision. However, regardless of desires, if the question is β€œhow to choose a TV according to the size of the room?”, It is worth recalling a number of points that you should pay attention to when purchasing it. Firstly, this is the distance from the viewer to the TV receiver, secondly, this is the resolution and image format, and thirdly, the type of performance (plasma, liquid crystal or LED).


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