Fairy tale fairy. Tale of a Little Fairy

Bad fairies exist. Do not underestimate their strength and power.


Once upon a time there was Marina. She was a mischievous, naughty girl. And she was often naughty, did not want to go to kindergarten and help clean up the house.

Mom told her daughter more than once: "Pack up faster, or an evil fairy will pick you up!"

But the daughter considered herself extremely smart. And she only claimed that she had already wanted to become one of them for two years now!

Look who's talking

The fairy tale about the fairy began with the fact that Marina, through a dream, felt someone softly but persistently pushing her in the shoulder.

The right eye opened with difficulty. The watch, with which the baby did not part, showed half past three in the morning. A cat sat on the very face of the girl and tickled her mustache. “Sardel! Take it easy! ”Marina hissed through her sleep.

But the cat was in no hurry to leave and only mumbled quietly under his breath:

- It seems that this is a fairy tale about a little fairy ....

Now both eyes of the girl were wide open in surprise.

- What??? Are you talking Why have you been silent before? She nearly screamed.

“There was nothing to complain about,” the cat replied sarcastically.

But, not seeing proper understanding in Marina's eyes, he answered the following:

- I heard there is one fairy tale about a fairy and a girl? Wizards take those who do not believe in miracles. After all, such stubborn ignoramuses like you can be convinced only with the help of magic. And in a fairy tale even cats talk. I managed to squeeze you so tightly in a dream that there was no way to escape in time, ”Sardel lamented.

fairy tale

Represented you in a completely different way.

At this time, the door creaked open and a very strange lady entered the room. She was wearing a black dress. She had dirty, unwashed, red, unkempt hair. For some reason, she had a slipper in her hands.

- Pfrivet! - Lady Marina squealed a lisper and smiled a wry smile, a pair of teeth was missing in her mouth.

fairy tale about a fairy

From such an unexpected turn of events, the girl was hiccuped. But the strange lady was not taken aback and waved her slipper. In the hands of Marina was a glass of water. Drunk, she finally asked:

“And who are you?”

- Who am I? - The stranger smiled wryly again. “I am an evil fairy!”

Wow, business ...

Almost choking, Marina blurted out in one breath that the evil fairies did not exist. The lady laughed again. Even her laugh was lisping.

- Well, what are you, dear! You are far from the first to claim that I am not. By the way, let me introduce myself - Quaselyabra! - The fairy sang.

- What a disgusting name, Marina thought to herself, but said aloud:

- Hm, is the fairy tale fairy tale true? - asked the girl.

This time Quaselyabra narrowed her eyes cunningly.

- Of course not! These stories are invented by gnomes. And such gullible girls believe it. The absolute truth is only a fairy tale about a fairy and an elf.

a fairy tale about a little fairy

The quaselyabra sneezed, and the girl disgustedly saw a huge green snot in her nose.

“Uhhh ... it seems you should wipe your nose with a handkerchief!” she said busily.

“Are you talking about manners?” What are such manners? - even sincerely surprised the fairy.

Again revealing a crooked mouth, Quaselyabra began her story.

- The fact is that you ended up in a magic castle, Marina! You will definitely enjoy it here. Firstly, you will wake up as much as you want. Secondly, no kindergartens. Of course, no school or institute! Who wants to lose so much time for boring studies when there are cartoons!

- Once I was the same as you, they called Masha. And just like you, I was very lazy to get up in the morning, get dressed, go through slush and frost to the places where they tried to teach me. One day she closed her eyes and made a wish to become a fairy. Of course, the dream was a pink dress and a wand. The wish came true. But bad fairies are only expected to wear a costume and a magic slipper, ”continued Quaselyabra. - Since then I have been living here, I have never washed my clothes, I don’t like to bathe, wash dishes and floors, clean, and brush my teeth. I just do that I watch TV and play games on a computer and tablet. Therefore, such trifles as green snot in the nose, I do not really notice. And from today it will not bother you either, ”the fairy ominously finished.

Dirty excursion

“Okay, stop talking.” Come on, show you the castle! - Quaselyabra revived again.

A wave of a magic slipper - and the door opened.

Even without getting up from the crib and not taking a single step, Marina was very disappointed. The fairy tale about her seemed so alluring and attractive. But in fact, right behind the door was a mountain for years of dirty dishes. A web hung from the walls, huge rats ran. In the middle of the large room stood a table with a TV, computer and tablet. Under it were relatively fresh leftovers of fish.

fairy tale about a fairy and a girl

“How many years have you not cleaned here, Quaselyabra?” - with horror asked Marina.

“I don’t have any ponies,” the fairy answered disgustingly champing chewing gum. - I did not study at school, I don’t know the numbers.

“But this is clearly not the life that interests me,” Marina said firmly. I do not want to live like you! This is terrible, disgusting! Everything is decided, now I myself will get up early in the kindergarten, and then - to school. Every day I will sweep the floor and wash it once a week, as well as brush my teeth without reminder. I’ll help mom with the dishes. After all, who else will help her, if not the main assistant ?! And soon I’ll finish the kindergarten and become an excellent student at school, ”the girl blurted out, as if she had read a text prepared in advance.

Quaselyabra and mountains of garbage evaporated somewhere in no time.

It's time for mom

“The fairy tale seems to let you go home,” Sardel said, laying his gray paw on the girl’s shoulder, right in Marina’s ear.

- It is very good. But there are several questions to the most intelligent animal in the world, ”the little girl turned to Sardel with burning eyes.

The flattered cat made the most serious look that it was capable of, and was already ready for the complex issues of the universe.

- Does Grandfather Frost exist? - asked Marina.

“Of course,” said the striped man with a smile. “And one more thing,” he added with a frown. “It's really true that cats really dislike being pulled by the tail, getting out from under the bed.”

fairy tale about fairy tail

At that moment, something has changed. The vaults of the magic castle disappeared, and on the threshold of the native room stood a mother who came to wake her daughter in the kindergarten.

A happy ending

Usually sleepy Marina, which was impossible to pick up in the morning, jumped out of bed by a bullet and hugged her mother tightly, very quickly, inaudibly, saying:

“Mommy, I'll never be naughty again!” I will always wake up on time, gladly go to kindergarten and help you around the house. And also - an evil fairy exists. A fairy tale about her showed me this.

Then she hugged her mother even more and closed her eyes for a moment.

“What a terrible dream,” the girl thought to herself in horror.

This touching moment was watched with emotion by the fairy sitting on the closet. Only now she was in the usual pink dress and in crescent-glasses. Waving affably to Marina's mother, she disappeared. For a moment in the air there was a trace of a magic wand, but soon it disappeared.

fairy tale about a fairy and an elf

The cunning Sardel, after appearing in the room, went straight to the kitchen to enjoy the sausage, which was so carelessly left on the table.

He was not afraid to be caught. After all, mom was busy, and Marina’s dad also loved to lie in bed before work, and then ran around the house, shouting that he was late, and trying to iron his tie with a hot iron.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F5254/

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