Two-bell Kuznetsov furnaces: orders. DIY Kuznetsov ovens

The so-called "Kuznetsovka" appeared back in 1962. Igor Kuznetsov - the inventor of these furnaces, is engaged in their development and improvement to this day. Currently, there are about 50 inventions that cover almost the entire range of household stoves. Let's take a closer look at what Kuznetsovā€™s oven is. Orders are popular today, so the topic is extremely relevant.

Kuznetsov furnace furnaces

Why are Kuznetsovki better than others?

Consumers always ask themselves the question: why is it worth buying this particular product, and not the one that is nearby. It is a completely logical and logical question. Before buying, we always look at the strengths and weaknesses of products, and only then draw the appropriate conclusions. As for the Kuznetsov furnaces, they are famous for their high efficiency. As a rule, we are talking about figures such as 80% or more. For example, a standard order of 4 kW can heat a house with an area of ā€‹ā€‹100 square meters. At the same time, western branded fire chambers should have a power of at least 10-12 kW. By the way, orders for Kuznetsovka from the USA, Sweden, Canada and a number of other countries are not uncommon. It is impossible not to mention that Kuznetsovā€™s furnaces (orders) are ā€œomnivorousā€, that is, low-grade combustible materials, such as sawdust, can be used as fuel. It is also possible to install equipment that provides hot water. At the same time, operational characteristics do not deteriorate.

bell furnace Kuznetsov order

The foundation is above all

It was Kuznetsov who first used the automatic distribution of thrust along the channels. This method is good in that no burnout is excluded, so the view can be kept open. The system of such chimneys is not only unique, but also simple. If furnaces with a complicated chimney configuration usually have an efficiency of about 60%, then Kuznetsovki is 80% and higher. In addition, the principle of the free passage of gases follows from here. That is why orders are often compared with thermonuclear reactors. The fact is that the energy of gases, unlike a gas view, does not twist into a vortex, but immediately impregnates the furnace. Naturally, the generated heat goes either to the heating of the room, or to a hot water supply, depending on the needs.

Kuznetsov two-bell furnaces: ordering and its features

The principle of constructing furnaces in which it is possible to implement the law of free passage of gases has been known for a relatively long time. The most common and well-known option is a dual-melting furnace.

two-bell furnace Kuznetsova order

The principle of its operation is that air from the environment enters through the blower into the furnace. At the first stage of combustion, when the lightest fractions of fuel are burned, the process is somewhat reminiscent of pyrolysis. This mode is the most effective. But before Kuznetsov, few enjoyed these advantages. But orders have such a design that allows them to work in the pyrolysis mode. As a result, pyrolysis gases burn under the dome of the third hood. The process itself is interesting. Its features are that combustion is self-regulating. If the flame is too dispersed, the draft deteriorates and the combustion process slows down, if the heat is insufficient, the draft increases and the combustion process intensifies. Kuznetsovā€™s two-bell ovens (ordering) have a second dome so that the combustion process is not disturbed. The temperature in the second hood with an efficiency of about 80% reaches 300-400 degrees, and this is quite enough to transfer heat to the coolant.

Multi-bell furnaces

Often, a conventional bell-type furnace is made of a multi-stage furnace . Each cascade consists of two caps having an opening at the top. The presence of three cascades allows us to call this furnace a classical order, since there is a free flow of gases. In almost any furnace mode, such equipment has a very high efficiency, reaching 97%. In this case, the fuel used practically does not play a role. It can be fuel oil, coal and anything else.

Kuznetsov's furnace for a bath

Usually an even number of caps allows you to achieve 90% efficiency. However, much depends on the combustion mode and fuel used. However, the main disadvantage of this method is that the furnaces are quite difficult to maintain. Often there are problems when cleaning caps from soot. In addition, the first cap (with an even amount) is very small, the temperature under it will be about 1500 degrees, as a result of which the metal will not withstand it, and the lining on weight is unreliable.

Well, we have already figured out what Kuznetsov's bell-type furnaces are. Ordering is often built at home. Let's see how to do it and what to look for.

Kuznetsov heating furnaces : do-it-yourself ordering

Before starting work, it is necessary to determine the main function of the furnace. Let's look at conventional heating equipment of the simplest design. I would like to note that, together with the house, it is advisable to immediately build Kuznetsov's ovens with your own hands. Ordering can also be erected if the building is already standing - this, of course, is undesirable, but possible.

The first step is to prepare the foundation. It should be made of concrete and have a width of 10-15 cm more than the dimensions of the furnace. This is one of the most time-consuming work that you will have to perform, so in some cases it makes sense to call a specialist. The foundation should not be connected with the base of the house, do not forget about it. Also, its absence is unacceptable, since the floors will not withstand high loads. Further, it is extremely important to properly equip the chimney on the roof of the house. To carry out these works, it is advisable to use the laughter and advice of professionals. Let's see how the Kuznetsov furnaces are being built. Orders in their simplest execution are made quite simply and quickly.

Kuznetsovā€™s bath stove

Material needed

It is extremely important to choose high-quality material, in particular, refractory brick. It must withstand high temperatures. So, for the internal masonry, fireclay bricks are used. Its quantity is determined according to the drawing. Often there are structures made of ordinary brick, which is done in order to save. This is acceptable, but the durability of the masonry is reduced. For external masonry, M150 - clay brick is suitable.

Do not do without 100-130 kilograms of clay. It is better to spend a little more money and pay for quality material. In this case, when crimped, the clay does not crack and will serve for a rather long time. Two times more than clay, sand is needed. For approximately 500 bricks, it is necessary to make a mixture of clay and sand in a volume of 0.2 cubic meters.

do-it-yourself kuznetsov furnaces

All that remains is metal fittings. This includes a gate valve, steel corners, a grate and two doors. Well, now we will consider how the ordering of the Kuznetsov heating and cooking furnace is made .

Masonry and verification

If you already had experience in laying stoves, then you will not have problems. The only thing worth paying attention to is the quality of the ligament. To improve this characteristic, for every 2nd row of bricks it is necessary to lay a wire. For laying a canal from the first tier, it is better to lay Ā¼ of brick. This will slightly increase the length of the furnace. In this case, the upper overlap between the tiers is organized on the 17-18 tier.

At the end of the masonry, wait a while until the solution solidifies. Then you can mount the doors and other metal products. Only after this they start the first kindling. At this stage, it is checked how well the stove works. They look at the draft, the tightness of the valves, doors, etc. In principle, this is all that can be told about how the Kuznetsov furnaces are laid out. DIY orders can have different capacities.

Something more about masonry

Often, Kuznetsovā€™s stoves are made for a bath. The ordering of such an appointment is very rarely erected with one's own hand. This is due to a rather complex design. But it is worthwhile to understand that a well-made sauna stove performs a huge number of tasks. For example, it provides heating for several rooms: steam rooms, dressing rooms, washing rooms. In addition, it cooks steam, provides ventilation and heats water.

Kuznetsov heating furnaces
Oddly enough, but with all this only one Kuznetsov's sauna stove copes. Ordering practically does not have any fundamental differences, but manufacturing accuracy is important.


So we have examined two-bell and bell-type Kuznetsov furnaces. Do-it-yourself ordering is not as common as we would like. Often, such stoves can be seen in cottages and in villages. Sometimes they are exclusively decorative in nature, as they are made in the form of a fireplace.

Nevertheless, such heating equipment should not be ignored. Given its high efficiency compared to some other stoves that have a higher cost, this is the best solution for a country house. Moreover, such a furnace can be built, and sometimes even necessary. So you can not only effectively heat your home, but also gain valuable experience.

This is all that can be said about what Kuznetsovā€™s stoves are famous for and how they are laid. The orders are good and will no doubt be popular for a long time.


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