What is deer antlers?

Deers are amazing creatures of the animal world, they are not only beautiful, but also useful: they give meat, they build houses from their skins and sew clothes, and the horns of these mammals are also used. Many are interested in what deer antlers are. Let's figure it out.


Everyone knows that the head of a deer is decorated with branching horns. But what are antlers? These are the same horns, but during their growth period they are not yet covered with bone tissue. They are small processes of a tubular structure, poured with blood.

what is antlers

The features of antlers are as follows:

  • Covered with velvety skin and soft coat.
  • Three layers are distinguished in the structure: the skin, the fibrous part with a large number of blood vessels and the structure with the medulla. It contains stem cells - real natural doctors.

Which animals have antlers? These are the following varieties:

  • Reindeer.
  • Maral.
  • Sika deer.
  • Watipi.
  • Manchurian deer.

For the extraction of healing processes, animals had to be killed earlier, but now more modern methods are used: they are cut from living individuals no more than once a year. The deer, of course, suffers from pain, but remains alive. Antler species of deer are often bred in captivity; there are such farms in Kazakhstan and the Altai Territory, New Zealand and China.

deer antlers


Antlers contain a large number of minerals and amino acids that are beneficial to human health:

  • Magnesium.
  • Calcium.
  • Iron.
  • Potassium.
  • Sodium.
  • Manganese.
  • Cobalt.
  • Selenium.
  • Iodine.

They are also rich in peptides, nucleic acid, lipids, glycine.

antlers of a young deer

Growth Features

We examined what antlers are, now we learn what are the specifics of their growth:

  • They appear every year.
  • Active growth occurs in mid-spring - rutting time in animals.
  • They are distinguished by a very high regeneration rate - in 24 hours they can grow by 2 cm. Not one animal on the planet has such a thing.
  • Gradually, the horns become ossified. In the autumn, after the mating season, the animals dump them so that the whole cycle repeats in the spring.

The processes of young Siberian deer have the greatest value.


Antlers of deer are widely used in folk medicine. According to their healing properties, many healers and healers compare them with ginseng root. These processes are really useful:

  • Extend youth and beauty.
  • Contribute to getting rid of many diseases.
  • Stimulate brain activity.
  • Normalize the work of the heart and are useful for blood vessels.
  • Stabilize blood pressure.
  • Used as a natural antidepressant.
  • Shown to accelerate the adaptation of the body to new conditions.

In medicine, antlers of young animals have found application, since in adults and old deer they are poorly saturated with blood and their healing effects are much worse.

Beneficial features

The use of antlers of the young deer is indicated for the treatment of a large number of common diseases, the information on which is presented in the form of a table.

Deer horns from various diseases


Action specifics

Bleeding, exhaustion

Antlers have hemostatic and tonic properties.

Digestive tract diseases

Stimulate the work of the stomach and intestines, stabilize digestion


Strengthen regeneration processes, help speed up the healing process

Also, various products based on the antlers of a young deer are widely used to strengthen the body as a whole, they improve the condition of bones and teeth, sharpen eyesight, and are indicated for the treatment and prevention of gout, urolithiasis, and the elimination of the effects of stress and overwork.

However, it is important to remember that this remedy of traditional medicine can be used only after prior consultation with a doctor and not refuse traditional medicines. Antlers are not a panacea, but only an effective addition to the prescribed drugs.

meaning of the word antlers

How to apply

There are several popular ways to use deer antlers at home:

  • Therapeutic baths. They are indicated for heart pathologies, radiculitis, osteochondrosis, skin diseases and problems in women in the gynecological field. Also, these baths have a rejuvenating effect.
  • The powder from such horns is used in the form of powders in cosmetology as an element of creams; it helps to improve skin condition and get rid of inflammation.
  • Powder purchased from bona fide sellers is used to make decoctions and teas, tinctures, including honey and alcohol.

When using deer antlers for medical purposes, it is very important to observe the dosage.

what is antlers


We examined the meaning of the word โ€œantlersโ€ and found that these processes are very useful for human health. But you should know that there is a certain category of people who should refuse such a tool:

  • Diabetes patients.
  • Suffering from tuberculosis.
  • Pregnant and women during lactation.

Deer are the only mammals in the world that drop horns annually, in that they are unique. The answer to the question of what antlers are, can be formulated briefly: these are the non-ossified horns of young deer, which, due to their beneficial properties, have found wide application in medicine.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F5263/

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