What are the styles of clothing: photos and features

Before the start of the new season, girls often ask themselves: what clothing style is now in fashion? And to this seemingly simple question, there is no easy and obvious answer. Why? Because we live in the days of polystylism, i.e. Today, many styles are relevant immediately. Calculate how many of them, even specialists can not do. We will tell and show what styles of clothes are. A photo will help you quickly navigate the existing varieties. And although it is impossible to list all the styles, we will focus on the most significant.

The concept of clothing style

The term "style" exists not only in fashion, but also in many forms of art. It is understood as a set of features characterizing a certain aesthetic unity, it is an individual manner of something, a complex of certain general techniques and methods. You can talk about the style of speech, painting, musical performance and, of course, about the style in clothes. The latter is understood as the characteristic of the costume, due to such signs as the situation, age, profession, belonging to social groups or subcultures. You can talk about the individual style of clothing. It implies a person’s personal manner of choosing styles, colors, accessories in accordance with their preferences and aesthetic views. At all times, the style of clothing was a way to declare to the world about yourself, to tell about your personality. Therefore, it is important not only to think about what style of clothing is now in fashion, but also what is your personal style. What do you like and what is coming? To answer these questions, you need to imagine what styles are in general.


what are the styles of clothing

The very first style that most often recalls and calls most of the women its own is classic. What is meant by this name? This is a conservative style of clothing that we can see on high-ranking persons: first ladies, representatives of the aristocracy, politicians. Its main signs: rigor, neutrality, lack of expression, laconicism. Clothes in this style are distinguished by expensive, high-quality materials - these are silk, tweed, wool, high-quality cotton, linen. The classic color palette is restrained, the main colors are gray, blue, burgundy, the colors of precious stones: ruby, emerald. Although now even this style is undergoing changes, and, for example, the Queen of Great Britain - an example of the classics - now she allows herself costumes of very expressive colors: lemon, lilac, blue. But still her costume remains classic thanks to the cut and materials. The main type of clothing in this style is a suit of a jacket and a mid-length skirt. Although straight pants with arrows are also acceptable, dresses of a straight or semi-adjacent cut. Shoes for such a suit are selected in the same style, most often these are boats or closed shoes with medium heels. In its pure form, classics are now rarely seen. Still, this style is too conservative and boring.


In response to the question, what styles of clothing exist in the world, one can often hear: romantic. This is one of the oldest styles. Its roots must be sought back in the 18th century, when a woman was perceived as an ephemeral, airy, exalted creature. Romance is the style of girls who believe in fairy tales. Its main signs are flowing, airy silhouettes. This is achieved with the help of fabrics: chiffon, silk, chintz, cambric, satin. The color palette of romantics is gentle pastel, often fabrics with floral patterns are used in clothes. The main subjects of a romantic look are dresses and skirts with blouses. Cut loose, flowing, with a lot of ruffles, frills, bows, frills, lace. The most typical style are baby-dollar dresses and ruffled skirts. Shoes for such a suit are selected in flesh or light colors. It can be boats, sandals, ballet shoes. The costume is often complemented by decorations with natural motifs: artificial flowers, wreaths.


what style of clothing is now in fashion

Modern girls most often answer the question of what style of clothing is best: sports. Indeed, in recent years it has been rapidly gaining popularity. Gone are the days when in sneakers you could only go to the stadium. Today, elements of sportswear actively penetrate into everyday and even elegant clothes. This style is characterized by loose fit, stretching fabrics, a lot of knitwear that does not constrain movements. The main signs of sports style are knitted pants, sweatshirts and sneakers or gym shoes. Colors are usually used quite bright, contrasting, often there are inscriptions and applications on clothes.

Business style

Another popular answer to the question of what styles of clothing for women are - is business. The suit is the main sign of the lady working in the office. The main task of clothes at work is not to draw attention to the appearance of a woman, not to focus on her attractiveness. Clothing is also intended to emphasize precisely the professional role of the lady, her official status. The main signs of style are rigor, restraint, formality. To some extent, a business suit has something in common with a classic one. But formal wear is less feminine, it aims to level out feminine appeal. Although modern women are not ready to put up with this state of things, therefore, elements gradually appear in the business style that emphasize the natural beauty of the ladies. The difference of this style is restrained colors and simple cut, without unnecessary details. In addition to the usual suit, a woman in the office can wear a sheath dress, skirt or pants with a blouse and vest. Shoes should be comfortable, with heels no higher than 7 centimeters.

Casual style

Very often, girls are asked: "What style of clothing do you prefer?" - they answer: “Casual”. It is the simplest and most convenient, suitable for everyday life. Casual develops on the basis of borrowings from other styles: sports, business, classic. But everything adapts to the main goal - convenience and practicality. In such clothes, you can go to work in an office where there is no hard dress code, for a walk, and also, for example, to an exhibition. But this style does not imply the same, faceless clothes. It is based on the individual selection of simple, comfortable things and their thoughtful combination. The basic things of urban, everyday style - t-shirts and turtlenecks of soft colors - white, gray, black - and jeans. And they are matched with jackets, scarves, vests, oversized knitwear. A crucial role in this style is played by accessories. The costume can be supplemented with volume scarves and scarves, large, soft bags, moccasins. The colors in these clothes are not very bright, but diverse, from beige to purple and blue. Casual, despite the desire for convenience, does not tolerate boredom and banality. Therefore, girls who prefer this style have a huge scope for self-expression and imagination.


what styles of clothes exist

Yves Saint Laurent introduced fashion for national motives. After him, many girls to the question: "What is your clothing style?" - proudly began to answer: "Ethnic." A feature of this trend was the creative rethinking of folk costumes from around the world. It can be Mexican, Russian, Lithuanian, Tajik and any other motives. This style is characterized by traditional styles: sundresses, poncho, tunics. But this is not an exact repetition of national costumes, but the use of their elements. Today, for example, in Russia, girls again began to actively wear Pavloposad shawls, and they can be worn with a traditional sheepskin coat and jeans, and in both cases it will be an ethnic. The colors for this style are characteristic bright, the clothes are richly decorated with ornaments, applications. Although the costume can be decided in pastel shades of natural materials: linen, wool. Shoes in this style are traditionally used from genuine leather and textile, on a flat sole.


A variety of ethnic style, claiming independence, is a country - rustic style. Usually, when stylists are asked what styles of clothes are for girls, they are the last to remember country. Meanwhile, he has many fans, because he is very comfortable and democratic. A girl dressed in country is a cowboy's friend in a plaid shirt, high boots, jeans or a denim skirt. Of course, it is not easy to meet the style in its full form today, but its elements are often used. For example, large fringed shoulder bags constantly return to fashionistas' wardrobes, just like tall cowboy boots.


boho style

Today it is often possible to answer the question of what styles in women's clothing are, to hear the word "boho". It comes from the word “bohemia” and goes back to gypsy culture. Boho is another branch of ethnic style, but this variety is more focused on Romanian, Gypsy, Moldavian costume traditions. It is characterized by brightness, a certain negligence, layering. In boho images, bright colors and a large number of details are used: embroidery, ornaments, braid, appliqués. Clothing is predominantly loose: wide skirts and sleeves, waistcoats, tunics, voluminous shirts and sweaters are welcome. The costume is always complemented by large, catchy jewelry, bulk bags and shoes on low speed.


The origins of a chic, glamorous style must be sought in the Baroque era, when the costumes were dominated by brilliance, wealth and redundancy. Modern chic in everyday life comes from movie screens. Screen stars at the beginning of the 20th century demonstrated this style in cinema and in life, and gradually it became widespread. Therefore, today any girl will answer almost immediately the question of what styles of clothing are: glamor. After all, today he is popularized by stars of show business. All types of shine are inherent in it: rhinestones, sequins, shiny, metallized fabrics, as well as a lot of lace, furs and feathers. Usually this style is typical for evening wear. But in everyday images you can see mother-of-pearl shoes, silver or gold skirts or baseball caps trimmed with rhinestones. This is a feminine and vibrant style, which is chosen by confident girls.


clothing styles what are the photos

The direct opposite of glamor and even its negation is grunge. The main feature of this style is deliberate negligence, untidiness. It is characterized by layering, dark colors, torn edges, plaid shirts, as if from someone else's shoulder, and necessarily heavy, brutal shoes. Girls who prefer this style diligently mask their femininity, but often in the contrast of rough, untidy clothes and the freshness and youth of the young lady, a special charm lies. Grunge comes from punk culture, but there is much less protest in it, it is rather a new aesthetic that aims to emphasize the significance of the person himself, and not his clothes.


what style of clothing do you prefer

What other styles are there? Another opponent of the glamorous style is minimalism. Today, more and more young people prefer it. This is an important modern style. It is very simple, convenient and environmentally friendly. Minimalism does not tolerate an abundance of detail and explosions of color. It is dominated by discreet shades, as well as basic colors: white, black, gray. The main attention in this style is paid to the quality of materials and cut: it should be concise, but as comfortable as possible. Fans of this style claim that it is enough for a girl to have 30 things in the closet, including shoes, accessories, bags, to look decent and presentable in any situation. “The main thing in the costume is the girl” - this is the motto of minimalism.


If you list what are the styles of clothing, then it is worth remembering retro. It appears in the 90s and constantly finds its fans. The farther the 20th century remains, the more often things appear in girls' wardrobes that refer to its different periods. It can be the 40s or 70s, but there are always obvious quotes from earlier times in costumes of this style. It can be wide skirts "a la new bow" or A-shaped mini-dresses from the 60s, the main thing is the accuracy of quotes, which is easy to read. Usually, creating a retro look requires considerable effort, and this is not casual wear, but rather, outfits.

Sea style

what are the styles of clothing for girls

Continuing to reflect on what styles are there, one can not help but recall the sea. He appeared in England in the Victorian era, when it became very fashionable to dress children in sailor suits. From there went the fashion for striped vest shirts, white trousers, pleated short skirts, large collars, ties. The main attributes of this style are colors. White, blue and red and, of course, a strip. Nautical-style shoes are canvas shoes. They are loved by everyone and are now quietly used in everyday clothes. This style fits perfectly into the summer wardrobe for relaxation.

Fashion and Style

Coco Chanel insisted that style is timeless and trendy. He never goes out of fashion ever. Therefore, talking about what style of clothing is in fashion is not entirely valid. But still there is a definite connection between time and style. It is easy to trace on the example of the 20th century. So, in the 60s, hippie style was in fashion, in the 80s - disco, etc. But today we live in those unusual times when many styles are in fashion at the same time. However, there are the most popular, for example sports, which penetrates suits for different situations. Even in elegant or business clothes, you can see elements of this style. For example, sneakers can be worn under a business pantsuit. And sweatshirts or sweatpants can be part of an evening outfit if they are sewn from expensive fabrics with the inclusion of glamorous details: sequins, shiny fabrics, lurex. Eclecticism, i.e. mixing elements of different styles, creative arrangement of parts from different directions.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F5264/

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