Sapsho Lake: description, photo. Rest on the lake

There are places in Russia that can safely be called a separate country. This is the national nature park Poozerye in the Smolensk region. This is a real wonderland, and one human life is not enough to study it, but enough to love forever.

Sapsho Lake in this region is like the best diamond in the crown. Surrounded by spruce and broad-leaved forests, it lies like a miniature copy of Lake Baikal in a ring of sand hills.

Smolensk Lake District

The real kingdom of pristine nature, consisting of clear blue lakes surrounded by emerald greenery - this is the Lake District of Smolensk region. The national park consists of a series of hills cut by rivers, and valleys with 35 lakes, which are one more beautiful than the other.

The largest and most popular among tourists are Lake Sapsho, Dgo, Chistik, Baklanovskoe, Rzhavets and Rytnoe. They are surrounded by forests, which make up 80% of the park and consist of black and gray alder, spruce, pine, birch and aspen.

Sapsho Lake

Among the shrubs, which mainly prevail in the undergrowth, the most common are hazel, euonymus and mountain ash. The coastline is rich in reeds and reeds, and the water of the lakes is covered with a carpet of water lilies or yellow egg capsules.

Sapsho Lake (Smolensk Region) is the most popular in the tourist route for those who want to be alone with nature in order to recharge from it with energy and strength.

Description of Sapsho

Sapsho Lake, located in the Demidov district of the Smolensk region, is a sample of a glacial reservoir. It is declared a natural monument, which is not famous in itself, but with all the mineral springs that hit from it.

The lake belongs to the basin of the Western Dvina River. Its mirror has an area of ​​304 hectares with a width of 1.8 km with a maximum depth of 18 meters. During spring floods, the water level in Sapsho rises to 4 m, and ice is released later than on other lakes in the Smolensk region.

sapsho lake rest

On average, ice fully reigns here in the second half of April - early May, and the swimming season opens in early July. Sapsho Lake freezes (photo above) in November-December; the thickness of the ice can vary, depending on frost, from 60 cm to 80 cm.

The average freezing period on this lake is 160 days. Once it was very rich in fish, the catch of which amounted to 10 tons per year. Today, unfortunately, it no longer applies to fishing lakes, but fishermen here clearly have something to profit from.

Islands of Sapsho Lake

The lake is rich in islands that seem to divide it in two. They are very popular with tourists and make Sapsho (lake) more attractive. Rest on it is concentrated not only on the coast, but also on the islands:

  • Chernetskiy , which is located closer to the east coast. The name came from the fact that on it a very long time there lived a little man, a man deeply believing, taciturn, but kindly.
  • Raspashny Island lives up to its name, as it looks like a hospitable host has opened its hands.
  • The Crimson Island owes its name to the lindens, birches and aspens growing on it, which in the autumn “light” their leaves with crimson.
  • The long island also lives up to its name, and indeed is significantly elongated.

Sapsho lake Smolensk region

These are the large islands of the lake. His two "kids" - the island of Dubovy and Love are no less popular with vacationers. In the first, oaks really prevail among the trees, and the island of Love is very fond of couples in love. They approach its beautiful sandy beach with a boat station where you can rent a boat and take a trip between the islands of Lake Sapsho.

Flora and fauna

Not only good beaches and fishing are famous for Sapsho Lake (Smolensk region). Rest here can be combined with an introduction to the local fauna and flora.

In the lake perch, pike, roach, bream, crucian carp, gudgeon, ruff, bleak, ide, rudd and pike live. The latter, unfortunately, in Sapsho has become much less. The dense forests around the lake are full of hares, squirrels, wolves, wild boars. From predators you can meet a bear, weasels, ermines, martens and lynxes come across.

Some of the birds that inhabit Lake Sapsho are included in the Red Book, for example, osprey, black stork, golden eagle and snake-eater. On the shore there are otters and beavers.

Some birds live on the lake settled, but migratory birds are more common. The local forests are well known to mushroom pickers and berry growers. There is plenty of both here and there. Few people leave without a full basket.

Fishing on the lake

In many ways, spring floods affect fishing in Lake Sapsho, since during it the neighboring Lake Petrakovskoye becomes very full-flowing, which affects the course of the Sapshanki River. It flows from Lake Sapsho and flows into Petrakovskoe, but reverses its course during the flood.

During this period, bream is good to look for in the river, since it rushes there. Experienced fishermen catch him on a mormyshka of dark green, black or gray color.

Large pike settled between the islands of Raspashnaya and Long. It should be caught early in the morning on spinners. It is better to throw bait on the dividing line of the field of water lilies with clean water.

Sapsho lake Smolensk region rest

To catch pike perch, you should bring a boat with you, not only because it lives at a depth, but because renting a boat in a sanatorium at a boat station is very expensive. They are designed for hourly walks vacationers. Winter fishing on the lake is as popular as at other times of the year.

Seasoned fishermen come to Lake Sapsho more than once. Getting there is no problem, as it is located just 100 km from Smolensk in the Demidov district. The “Smolensk - Przhevalskoye” route runs to him. You should drive your own car along the highway St. Petersburg - Smolensk before turning right onto Przhevalskoye (57th kilometer) and another 38 km from the village.

Village Przhevalskoe

This village is located on the high northern shore of the lake. The famous traveler chose him as his place of residence, amazed by the beauty of these places. Today you can visit his house-museum and learn about the life and travels of this great man.

This was once the estate of L. A. Glinka called Sloboda. Przhevalsky bought it in 1881 to live, hunt and fish in local lakes. A wooden manor was built for him according to his design, which has been perfectly preserved to this day.

In honor of the 125th birthday of this great traveler, the village was given a name in his honor. In 1974, mineral springs were found on its territory, and it received the status of a spa facility. In the same year, the construction of a sanatorium began, the main profile of which was the treatment of liver, stomach, metabolic diseases, and the salt brines found at a depth of 985 m were several times more effective than sea ones, which also allowed solving problems with the musculoskeletal system and cardiopulmonary vascular system.

Camping Tent

Wildlife lovers will love Sapsho Lake. Rest on specially equipped sites, of which there are many, will take place in civilized conditions with a toilet and shower. Parking lots are provided for tents and vehicles, bonfires are organized, outside of which it is strictly forbidden to make fire.

There are also tables with benches under awnings, where you can eat, watching the surrounding nature. Each parking lot is supplied with firewood and water. Garbage is regularly taken out.

Sapsho Lake photo

This civilized "wild" vacation is paid. For adults, it will cost 150 rubles / day per person, children from 7 to 14 years old, students and pensioners - 50 rubles / day, children under 7 years old, WWII veterans and local residents - for free.

Since Poozerye National Park is part of the UNESCO Biosphere Reserve network, campfires and camping outside the parking lot are fined up to 4,000 rubles. When choosing Lake Sapsho, camping with tents should be planned in advance, choosing a suitable site in order to avoid misunderstandings with the park administration.

Base "Sapsho"

Just 1 km from Lake Sapsho, the eponymous base is located, which is a two-story cottage in which 8 people can simultaneously stay.

The house has 3 rooms, furnished with single and double beds. On the ground floor there is a large dining room, equipped kitchen with necessary appliances and utensils, and two bathrooms with showers. A campfire place is provided for guests , and at the end of the hiking trail leading to Sapsho Lake, there is a specially equipped picnic and relaxation area with a bonfire, tables, benches, firewood and a canopy.

On the lake - a well-maintained sandy beach and special fishing spots.

lake sapsho rest with tents

Accommodation on the basis of "Sapsho" of seven people will cost 6,000 rubles per day for the house. This is a wonderful secluded place where you can relax with the whole family.

Guest houses near Sapsho Lake

Travelers, being in the area of ​​Lake Sapsho, can not worry about the place of spending the night. Here you can stay in one of the guest houses or rent a room with the locals. Recreation facilities on Lake Sapsho are located in the village of Przhevalskoye, from which a convenient trail leads to the shore.

recreation facilities on lake sapsho

The “equestrian house” is equipped so that guests are comfortable. There is a veranda where you can enjoy tea while admiring the surroundings, a place for badminton on the green lawn and a rich program for relaxation. Guests are offered horseback riding, yoga classes, a collection of medicinal and aromatic herbs, tea from which on cold winter evenings will remind you of the beautiful and hospitable Sapsho Lake.

The new Rodnik Hotel, opened in Przhevalskoye in 2014, offers rooms with all amenities or a cozy cottage with a sauna. There is a children's playground, a billiard room, a cafe with national cuisine, tennis tables.


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