What is the systematic position of man?

The biological essence of man is such that, on the one hand, he is a biosocial creature and cannot but obey natural laws. On the other hand, he conducts his life in accordance with the social laws established by himself.

human biological essence

The systematic position of people is represented in a certain way. The systematic position of man relates him to the animal kingdom, the type of chordates, the class of mammals, and the subclass of placental. Further, people belong to the order of primates, the suborder of higher primates, the superfamily of hominoids, the family of hominids. Genus is human, species is intelligent.

In the school course, four basic sciences are used to study people. All of them, in one way or another, affect the systematic position of man.

So, for example, anatomy examines the structure and form of the body as a whole and organs in particular. Physiology tells about the vital functions of systems, organs and their complex. Hygiene is the science of strengthening and maintaining health. The laws, forms and development of mental activity are studied by psychology.

systematic position
The systematic position of man suggests the presence of abstract thinking. In this way, people differ from anthropoids and mammals. In this case, there is a general plan of the structure, including the presence of a chord in the embryo and the absence of a membrane in the cell.

A certain systematic position of a person involves the impact of both social and biological factors. Among biological ones, heredity, variability, natural selection and the struggle for existence are distinguished . Social factors include consciousness, speech, labor.

Considering the systematic position of man, scientists were looking for the answer to the question of what man himself is. And today this question occupies the minds of naturalists and leading scientists. A much deeper understanding of the main issue of philosophy about the relationship between being and thinking, material and spiritual, is facilitated by significantly increased knowledge about man. This knowledge also helps to develop the most effective methods of forming new generations.

Within the framework of the genetic branch of science, the biological unity of the links present in the organic world has been established. One of these links is man.

systematic position of man
The evolution of biological systems has allowed the ancestors of people to approach the brink, stepping over which they began social development. The emergence of man is the appearance of the highest level of living organization, which was achieved in the course of labor activity.

The successes achieved by geneticists have allowed us to solve many important issues relating to the health and livelihoods of people.

After the emergence of a sufficiently developed nervous system in distant ancestors, the ability to reflect reality shifted to a qualitatively new level. Moreover, given the complexity of the psyche of representatives of the animal world, their ability to reflect reality cannot be called a consciousness that is inherent in people. The source of consciousness is considered targeted social work.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F5275/

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