How to find out your pension: calculation methods and everything you need to know about a pension

Citizens who work under an employment contract transfer funds to the Pension Fund for a decent future. You can count on retirement only if contributions are made regularly. There are several ways to influence retirement: co-financing, transition to non-state pension funds , work with a high level of income. To control the state of his personal account, a citizen should be aware of how to find out the size of his pension.

Why control the information from the FIU?

With changes in pension programs in 2013, not every Russian understands what awaits him when he retires. Therefore, you need to control your savings in advance and check them regularly through official sources.

The FIU does not inform employees about the status of their account. How to find out the size of their pension, employees are required to take an interest in themselves.

Lack of control over the state of accounts can lead to the fact that upon leaving the citizen will receive the wrong contributions that he expected. For example, some periods of seniority will not be taken into account, or the coefficient for calculating the pension will be calculated differently.

How to find out your pension

Before an employee becomes a pensioner, the chances of changing the situation are much greater. Firstly, a citizen can always contact the employer for information on the contributions paid. Secondly, the FIU will recount the preliminary amount and issue a new document on the future size of the pension. Thirdly, some of the periods cannot be included until the employee submits documents confirming his employment. This is especially true for citizens who temporarily left the country or were engaged in business with the transfer of contributions.

How is a pension formed?

Pension contributions are accumulated from the employee's salary. According to the law, 22% of the client’s salary must be paid to the fund from each accrual. If you comply with the requirements of the law, then the future pension of the employee will then be formed from these contributions.

22% of deductions consist of the insurance part (16%) and funded contributions (6%). The insurance part is what is directed to the needs of the state. These are payments to current retirees and beneficiaries. Without these contributions, the Pension Fund will not be able to fulfill its obligations to citizens.

Features of funded pension

The funded part of the pension (by law) is at the disposal of the citizen. He can direct it to the formation of a future pension, which will be accumulated annually and invested by a non-state pension fund.

Transition to NPF is voluntary. The contract is drawn up indefinitely. The contract can be terminated at the initiative of the client, for example, when transferring to another pension organization or returning to the Pension Fund of Russia (refusal to form the funded part of the pension). Returns are also free of charge.

How to find out the amount of the funded part of the pension

If 6% of the contributions are in the NPF, how to find out the amount of the funded pension, the client should ask a representative of a private financial institution. Information is also available in the personal account of NPF. Access to the service is free, available around the clock.

How to find out information about the funded part of the pension: instruction

Upon transition to NPFs, payer contributions are accumulated annually, and the company accrues interest on the remaining funds. You can find out the amount of contributions taking into account capitalization in the office of an NPF by contacting an employee with a passport and contract. But it’s easier to do this via the Internet by entering the client’s personal account.

Instructions on how to find out the amount of the funded part of the pension (using the example of NPF Sberbank):

  • Sign in. Most non-government companies use a username and password to enter. The login is the number of the contract or SNILS of the client. Sberbank uses 3 ways to enter the system: using e-mail, SNILS and a mobile phone.
  • Find the "My Account" tab. Information is provided only for those services that are connected to the client. If a citizen has formalized only the transition to a non-state pension fund, then only the data of the compulsory pension insurance agreement (OPS) will be displayed for him.
  • See which contracts are available for viewing information. Click on the active tab, for example, OPS contract.

What information is provided on the NPF website?

Clients of a non-state pension fund have access to all data related to the compulsory pension insurance agreement. For example, in Sberbank it is:

  • date of connection to the program;
  • amount of income;
  • result of investing;
  • status.

The date of connection is the date of registration of the OPS contract. The amount of income includes all contributions that the employer transfers to the non-state pension company.

Contributions first go to the PFR website, and then the state fund sends them according to the client’s chosen option, that is, to the funded part of the pension. How to find out the size of the accrued pension, and see the investment is possible only on the NPF website.

Pension fund: personal account, find out the amount of pension

The result of the investment is the interest that the NPF accrues on the contributions of depositors. Interest depends on the success of the fund. Stable are those companies whose profitability is ahead of inflation in the country. If the NPF according to the reporting period was in the red, then in the column "Investment" will be zero. At the same time, customer contributions should be regularly added up, since they do not affect the growth of the interest rate.

In the NPF in the pension account you can find out the amount of the pension only if the status of the contract is active. Another status means that the client transferred his pension savings to another non-state company or returned to the Russian Pension Fund. Both that, and another means termination of the contract with the previously concluded non-state company.

Is it possible to calculate the funded part of the pension?

The data on the NPF website allows customers to find out what kind of premium to the main part of the pension they are entitled to when they reach retirement age. There are two options for obtaining funds: a lump sum or gradually, in the form of an allowance to the main part.

Pension personal account: find out the amount of pension

A lump-sum payment is due to those whose contributions are less than 5% of insurance premiums, or to certain categories of citizens. Other customers can only rely on an allowance for the main part of the pension - insurance.

The calculation is made only taking into account capitalization, the final amount of which is established when the client retires. The preliminary amount is indicated in the information of the NPF website.

Pension calculation on the website of the Pension Fund of Russia

On the official website of the pension fund, employees can find out all the information about the size of their future pension. Data is provided free of charge.

How to find out the amount of pension on the website of the State Service

The calculation of pensions in Russia is based on a special pension coefficient, which is calculated automatically. Information on the size of the coefficient is indicated in the extract on the state of the personal account.

There are several ways to get an extract:

  • by contacting the FIU department;
  • ordering on the Gosuslug portal.

Both methods allow you to get a certificate of seniority with an indication of all contributions to the FIU, disaggregated by year. The number of working days, contributions paid to the FIU and the pension coefficient are also recorded there.

How to find out the amount of the pension on the Gosuslug website?

In order to determine the size of your future pension, it is enough to get an extract from an individual personal account with an indication of the pension coefficient. It is used in the formula for calculating premiums on the PFR website.

How to find out the amount of funded pension

It is impossible to find out the amount of pension in the personal account of the State Service, but after ordering an extract from the portal user, it will be possible to calculate everything yourself.

It is easy to order a certificate at the State Services:

  • you must first enter the portal;
  • Find the "Pension, Benefits and Benefits" tab;
  • click on "Notification of the status of the personal account in the FIU";
  • after going to a new window, you should mark "Get a service."

After completing all the steps, the client will be on a page indicating the method of obtaining data (by mail or on the website).

In the PFR statement, the pension coefficient is indicated at the bottom of the first page. By determining its value, you can easily find out the amount of the pension in the Pension Fund.

How to calculate the size of the future pension on the PFR website?

The quickest and easiest way to decide on future transfers upon retirement is to calculate them yourself on the pension fund website. The process takes no more than 5 minutes if the client has all the data for the calculation. In the personal account of the pension fund, you can also find out the size of the pension by self-calculation.

Formula: Constant payout + Pension coefficient * Cost of 1 coefficient.

"State services", personal account: find out the size of the pension

The constant payment is a value equal to 4,982.90 rubles in 2018. The amount increases annually, taking into account inflation growth rates. Below this value, a pension cannot be calculated in the country.

The pension coefficient is the points that accrue in the course of the entire length of service of a citizen. Upon retirement, it represents the total value, which was the sum of the coefficients for each year of service.

Before calculating the formula, you need to check the value of the pension coefficient. It is indicated in the extract from the FIU.

The cost of one pension point in 2018 is 81.49 rubles. It is also increasing by the Government of the Russian Federation in the process of rising prices in the country.

Features of calculation without coefficient

Many citizens are interested in how to find out the size of their pension without a coefficient. Unfortunately, taking into account seniority, it is impossible to apply other formulas for calculation to an old-age pension. What some companies offer on the Internet is not always a correct calculation.

To prevent fraudsters from gaining access to information, it is not recommended to enter the SNILS number, name, or other important data on non-state resources. Only information on official portals ensures that the calculation of the pension will be correct and will not lead to negative consequences for the citizen.

What affects the size of the pension? Features and limitations

When calculating a pension, citizens with a high level of wages should consider the following: insurance premiums are taxed only on wages up to 85 thousand rubles. Those who receive more should calculate pensions based on the maximum established border.

This should be taken into account when choosing a search service for calculating a pension based on the size of your salary. After reaching 85 thousand rubles, insurance premiums are not deducted, which means that the calculation of a future pension in excess of the amount is not made. How to find out the size of your pension, and to make a calculation, customers can only within the specified limit.


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