DayZ Standalone Optimization: Game Launch Options

Optimization is a process that every owner of a less powerful computer should be familiar with . The fact is that for modern projects, system requirements are growing incredibly fast, and changing the hardware will often be incredibly expensive. Therefore, if you want new games to run on your computer, you need to be able to optimize them. This process means manual tuning of the necessary parameters for launching the game so that it consumes as few resources as possible. Thus, if you correctly optimize, then you can easily enjoy almost any game. For example, a well-known project dedicated to survival in the conditions of a zombie apocalypse, in which you have to cooperate or oppose other gamers, needs to be set up separately in any case, so it is better to focus on it. Optimizing DayZ Standalone is far from the most difficult process, so if you carefully study the instructions, you should not have any problems.

Launch parameters

dayz standalone optimization

There are a wide variety of optimization methods, but the most effective in the case of this game is to set launch parameters. This can only be done if you have the Steam client installed. Optimizing DayZ Standalone will not take you much time if you know what needs to be done. Also, you should pay attention to the fact that you will need to do this process only once - all subsequent times the game will start with predefined parameters. So, how do you get to these parameters? In fact, everything is pretty obvious - you need to go to the Steam library, select the DayZ game and right-click on it. In the menu that appears, select "Properties" - a window will open in front of you, in which on the "General" tab there will be a button "Set startup parameters" - that is what you need. If you click on it, the command line will open, in which you will need to enter specific information. Optimization of DayZ Standalone can be done in other ways, but they are more likely to be auxiliary. You can set basic settings using the launch options.

Winxp parameter

dayz standalone fps optimization

The very first action you need to perform is to enter the winxp command in the line that appears before you. Optimization DayZ Standalone consists of several steps, each of which is extremely important. Therefore, do not think that you can only write one command and not use the rest - of course, this can help you too, but optimization is a complex measure, so use everything that will be offered to you in this instruction. So, speaking specifically about the winxp command, it forces the game to use a distribution of older versions. With this move, you can immediately add about 10-20 frames per second, which will significantly improve the performance of DayZ Standalone. Optimizing FPS is the most important step in the whole process, but there are others that will allow you to further improve this game.

Exact data for the game

game optimization dayz standalone

In most cases, computer games independently analyze what parameters your computer has. As a result, it may turn out that the project does not even start on your machine, as it will not have enough resources. However, optimizing the DayZ Standalone game will allow you to manually tell it which parameters your computer has. This is done with the help of several commands, which will also need to be written in the line of launch parameters. The cpCount = command implies that after the equal sign you enter the number of cores that are present on your processor. Next, you will need to use the maxMem = command. In this case, you have to indicate how much RAM is installed on your machine. Well, the last command from this section is maxVram =, it is responsible for the amount of video memory. So, after you specify all the necessary data, the game will know in advance which computer you have, accordingly, can automatically adapt to it. As you can see, the tuning and optimization of DayZ Standalone gives its results, so you should definitely spend time on this.

High priority

tuning and optimizing dayz standalone

Another important team that will allow you to improve the performance of the game is high. The fact is that RAM is distributed evenly between programs running on a computer. With this command, you can set the game a high priority, thereby providing it with the maximum possible amount of resources that your machine can provide. But even this does not end with the optimization of DayZ Standalone. An increase in FPS has already been made, computer data has been transferred, and priority has been raised. What else can be done?

Download acceleration

dayz standalone optimization fps increase

There is a way by which you can increase the load time of the game, as well as directly locations themselves. This effect can be achieved if you write the noSplash and noPause commands in the line of startup parameters. This will slightly improve your impressions of this project, and also win important seconds for you.


What will the string of startup parameters look like in the end? After all, so many teams were listed, and all of them need to be registered in a row. How to do it? Each team should begin with a “-” sign, thereby they will be divided among themselves, and the game will understand where one team ends and another begins. So you can safely write any number of effective combinations and not worry that any of them will not work. If you complete everything correctly, then there will be no problems, and the game will work much better.


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