How to weave a wide bracelet made of rubber bands: a phased description

If you already know how to create simple jewelry from multi-colored “Fanny Lum”, then you will probably be interested in how to weave beautiful wide bracelets made of rubber bands that have won unimaginable popularity among teenagers all over the world. Try to make one of the baubles described below and you will be able to master the new weaving skills from Fanny Lum.

how to weave beautiful wide gum bracelets

Rainbow bracelet

In order not to get confused in the numerous miniature details and not complicate the manufacture of youth jewelry by adding all kinds of plastic key chains and mini figures, make the simplest decoration for a start. Read in advance how to weave a wide bracelet of elastic bands of seven colors of the rainbow and you can get down to business.

To create a colorful rainbow baubles, you will need elastic bands of the corresponding colors (rainbow: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, violet), as well as a hook, four S-shaped clips for securing the bracelet and the classic Rainbow Lum machine.

First stage

  • To get started, remove the middle row of columns from the machine. Scribble the colored rubber bands into eight columns using the chart below, and throw on the last of them the contact (transport) “Fanny Loom” in four turns.
  • Turn the machine with the open sides toward you. Insert the hook under the transport gum, pick up the bottom and transfer it to the adjacent column. Repeat these steps with the remaining Fanny Lum.
  • Throw on eight columns of the first and second rows of one elastic band, following the first color row of the proposed scheme.
  • Dump the lower braided gum into the center of the machine.

how to weave a wide bracelet from elastic bands

Second phase

If you just don’t quite understand how to weave a wide bracelet out of rubber bands by the textual instructions alone, the table-diagram will help you understand the tricks of the combination of shades.

  • Check the correctness of following the scheme and throw rubber bands on the machine: one red color, first four columns, then five, capturing the column on which the “Fanny Lum” has already been thrown.
  • Sketch new colored rubber bands, observing the requirements of the table chart. This will be the second color range.
  • Throw the rubber bands into the center of the machine.
  • Drop the “Fanny Lum” of the bottom row from all the posts in the center. Repeat the second step, throwing colored gum according to the pattern until you get the product you need the length.
  • Having figured out how to weave a wide bracelet of rubber bands according to a given pattern, complete the decoration and fasten the canvas with four S-shaped clips.

how to weave a wide bracelet made of rubber bands


Pay attention to the numbers in the table. Those that are located horizontally indicate the number of columns of the Rainbow Lum machine used in the manufacture of the rainbow bracelet. The vertical numbers indicate the number of rows. The letters in the cells of the table correspond to the colors of the elastic bands used (K - red, O - orange, F - yellow, Z - green, G - blue, C - blue, F - purple).


Name bracelet

If you not only know how to weave a wide bracelet from rubber bands, but also know how to make a jewelry so that the name of a friend or girlfriend is read in the colorful Fanny Lum, then you can safely consider yourself a master of wide weaving on a machine.

To create an original personalized bauble, you need a scheme (you can use the proposed table or take it as a basis and remake it to your own taste), elastic bands of two contrasting shades (for example, pink and blue or white and purple), as well as a hook, a clip and a traditional machine Rainbow Lum.

How to weave a wide bracelet made of elastic bands?

how to weave a wide bracelet made of rubber bands photo

A photo of a similar weaving will help you navigate the location of the elastic bands and eyelets on the machine.

  • First of all, throw, without twisting, a pink elastic band on five columns of the far row (remove the central row from the Rainbow Lum). Top up with another five pink rubber bands, twisting them with eights.
  • Fold the screed in the center.
  • Those who have considerable experience in creating classic and individualized jewelry have probably already figured out how to weave a wide bracelet of rubber bands in such a way as to “fit” a short word into it. If this arrangement of stitches is unfamiliar to you, follow the attached instructions. Throw, without twisting, a pink elastic band on five columns of the far row. Top up with another five pink Fanny Lum in the normal position.
  • Pull the screed and bottom pink items from the center into the center. Repeat the current and previous steps, changing the color of the elastic bands to be applied, according to the selected pattern. In order to finish the bracelet, transfer the loops from the columns of the current row to the next row. Remove all the loops on the hook, pick up the pink rubber band and drop on it all the resulting loops. Secure the finished product with an S-shaped clip.

how to weave a wide bracelet from rubber bands instruction

Circuit option

In the proposed table chart for the manufacture of personalized baubles from Fanny Loom gum, the numbers on the left side indicate the number of columns used in the process of creating the jewelry, and the numbers on the top indicate the number of rows in the future product. According to this scheme, you will get a bauble with the name "Julia" (empty cells indicate white rubber bands, the symbol "+" - purple).


Use plain checkered paper and colored pens or pencils to design your own chart table with the name of your girlfriend. You already know how to weave a wide bracelet made of elastic bands. The instruction and a sample table will help you navigate the needlework process.


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