Parapets - what is it? The height of the parapet. Parapet: photo

Most of the elements of buildings are difficult to imagine without such components as parapets. Is it a functional element or just a decoration tool? First of all, it’s still an important detail that allows you to protect the roof, fences, walls, foundation, window openings from the outside from various mechanical damage and the negative effects of environmental factors. What is the meaning of the word parapet? This is the wall of a small wall or fence along something.

A bit more ...

This element is a solid wall, for the manufacture of which metal is most often used, for example, galvanized steel. Firstly, it is resistant to corrosion. Secondly, it is reliable in operation, therefore, the parapet will last much longer. Thirdly, the modern parapet (the photo confirms this) can be of very different shapes and functional purposes. It is important to choose a design that will not change the appearance of the building and can become its important element.

parapets what is it

What kind?

The design of any building and structure will be incomplete if the parapets are not properly equipped. That this is an important functional part of any design, we already understood. Now let's see what types of parapets exist:

  1. A flat parapet is a flat surface on which droppers are spread out to the sides.
  2. Flat design, the dropper of which is rectangular. It is more reliable in attaching to the surface.
  3. The simplest parapet has two slopes and is used to protect the walls of fences from the effects of precipitation.
  4. The parapet-horse is distinguished by the presence of a lower mount, which is covered with a visor from above.
  5. The complex structure is the presence of two droppers, while the water will drain in two directions. Today these are the most durable parapets.

parapet height

That this additional tool significantly improves the appearance of a house or structure is immediately evident from the photographs. At the same time, it is used both for decorating a roof or stairs, and for arranging a terrace or balcony.

Roof, foundation and fence solutions

Parapets for the foundation are spans, thanks to which the base will be protected from moisture. In this design there is a main part, bends and droppers. They are made of galvanized steel, which means that the service life will be high. The parapet is created so that it does not focus attention, but at the same time the design was reliably protected.

The roof parapet is a solid bar that serves to enclose the roof. As a rule, the most vulnerable place of any house is the junction of the roof and the facade, and it is thanks to the parapet that it can be protected from the negative effects of atmospheric phenomena. In the standard version, the roof parapet consists of the main part, bends, which are located at an angle to the main bar, and side droppers, through which water is discharged.

parapet photo

Why do you need a fence?

Most often, parapets are mounted on the roofing system, as well as along the edges of terraces and balconies as a fence. If the roof is flat or pitched, then the parapets are installed only if their height reaches 10 meters: this will protect the person from falling, for example, during work. In addition to the directly protective function, the parapet is also needed in order to give the building an attractive appearance. At the same time, the form and execution of this element should be chosen in accordance with the style and architectural decision adopted for the design of the house. The following requirements are imposed on parapets:

  1. The height for operated roofs must be at least 1.2 m.
  2. If the flat roof is not in operation, you can do without a parapet and replace it, for example, with a decorative metal fence.
  3. The parapet assembly (that is, the place of its junction with the roof) must be reliably waterproofed and strengthened.
  4. The roof parapet of a height of 45 cm must be equipped with a protective apron, which is usually fixed with a metal nut.

parapet knot

Mounting Features

At its core, installing a parapet is not difficult, but it’s better to entrust this work to professionals. It depends on the quality of installation how high-quality the waterproofing of the structure will be. If you do not take into account that the various parapets have their own installation characteristics, that this fence must be reliable and of high quality, then the walls and ceiling on the balcony, for example, will get wet, which means that there will be certain difficulties in operation that will lead to the need for repair.

What to do with a balcony?

On the balcony, the parapet is necessary not only for security purposes. For example, you decided to put double-glazed windows in this room, and earlier there were simple frames. Most likely, in this case, the parapet of the balcony will have to be increased so that the installation of plastic structures is of high quality, and the window is sealed and tight. Most often, this section on the balcony is made of concrete, metal or wooden beam, and according to their technical characteristics, these materials are similar to each other.

parapet of the balcony

When arranging a balcony, it is worth starting from the quality and safety of the structure, and not from its decorative properties. So, the height of the parapet should be approximately 80-120 cm - these are the most optimal sizes for the equipment of the fence. In addition, it is important to consider what load will be on the parapet and the balcony as a whole. For the construction of a new parapet, you can use such a versatile material as a foam block. Firstly, it is lightweight. Secondly, resistant to burning. Thirdly, it is not afraid of moisture, especially if you additionally wrap it with glassine. Masonry can be done using glue, so that the seams of the masonry will not freeze.

If a small balcony is made out, then in order to increase the usable space, it is possible to carry out glazing with removal, while the entire structure will be carried outside the parapet. Thanks to this solution, you can visually make the space of the balcony bigger, and it will also look much more attractive.

Fence: how to arrange?

A beautiful fence is an opportunity to create a harmonious architectural ensemble in your suburban area. To protect your fence from moisture and precipitation in general, parapets are necessary. That this is a very important component of the building envelope is also understandable because, as a result of the accumulation of moisture and its further freezing in frosts, the concrete pores will either expand or contract. And this means that over time, cracks will go along the fence.

roof parapet

That is why most homeowners prefer to install ebbs, or caps on the fence. With their help, you can cover the horizontal surface of the fence around its entire perimeter and at the same time give the structure an attractive appearance. It is important that the parapet is selected correctly - in accordance with the size of the fence. Firstly, it will allow you to evenly distribute the load. And secondly, it will be possible to make the joint as high-quality as possible.

Features parapet for fence

In the standard version, the parapet consists of a shelf (i.e. the main part) and droppers. It is attached by means of bends, which are located at right angles to the shelf. It must be remembered that if the fence is lined with stone, first it is worth doing the installation of parapet elements. Otherwise, in the first winter, the entire lining will simply disappear. It is best to choose steel parapets for the fence, but aluminum, copper, polyester and other variations are also suitable. For example, a parapet with a thickness of at least 0.5 mm will serve about ten years, if it is also protected by a special bar.

Meaning of the word parapet

What does the law say?

According to federal law No. 122-FZ, in industrial buildings the height of the parapet can be less than 0.6 m, but at the same time it will need to be supplemented with a lattice fence. On operated roofs of residential buildings, fences and ventilation outlets must be arranged. In public buildings, the height of the parapets of stairs, terraces, roofs, balconies should be at least 0.9 m. At the same time, the fence should be continuous and equipped with handrails. No matter what the height of the building, the fence must necessarily draw up flat roofs, outdoor galleries, open exterior staircases, flights of stairs, platforms, balconies and loggias.


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