Do-it-yourself headband for a girl with knitting needles

In the offseason, when the weather is completely unpredictable, it becomes quite difficult to find the right hat. This is especially true for children who leave home early in the morning (when it is still cold), and return during the day when the air temperature is much higher.

headband for girls knitting

A warm bandage for the girl’s head, woven with knitting needles, serves as a middle ground between a hot hat and an unreliable hood. A narrow strip of knitted fabric can protect vulnerable children's ears from wind and cold.

What materials are suitable for dressing

Why tie a bandage on the head for the girl with knitting needles so that the product for the child is as effective and practical as possible? Of course, you should choose soft and warm yarn. A thread with merino wool is best suited for this purpose . It should not be 100% wool yarn, 50-60% natural fiber is enough.

In this case, the bandage for the girl’s head with knitting needles will warm well and at the same time will not irritate delicate skin with villi. In this case, the child will not be hot due to the admixture of other materials (acrylic, cotton, silk, bamboo).

The length of the thread should be in the range from 200 to 300 meters per 100 grams. A thread that is too thick will look sloppy and shapeless, and it will be difficult to work with a thinner craftswoman.

Knitting: headband for girls. Choose a pattern

According to the method of execution, the bandages can be divided into those that fit along, and those that are made using transverse rows.

Both one and the second can be made with the simplest patterns: garter and hosiery knit, elastic bands of all kinds, other combinations of front and back loops.

If a mother or grandmother decided to please her child with an accessory with a braid, this will be a longitudinal bandage on the head with knitting needles. A diagram of an interesting and uncomplicated tourniquet is proposed in the next paragraph. For such a job, basic knowledge of how the crossing of loops occurs is required.

The simplest headband for a girl with knitting needles

To quickly and effectively insulate your child, you can use the fairly simple method of creating paintings with knitting needles.

knitted headband

The number of loops calculated in advance is collected on the instruments (it can be recognized by measuring the bound and steamed control sample). For yarn 350 m / 100 grams, this will be 18 loops per 10 cm.

  • 1-4 rows: the loops in the front and back rows are performed in the front (garter stitch).
  • 5-8 rows: loops on the front side of the canvas - front, on the reverse side - wrong (hosiery).
  • 9-12 rows: shawl pattern.
  • 13-16 rows: stocking pattern.

Complete the work with four rows of garter stitch. If the strips are not wide enough, the number of rows can be increased. However, if the craftswoman uses thicker yarn than indicated in the example, the number of rows in the stripes of the pattern (and the stripes themselves) can and should be reduced.

Elastic bandage

The next model is quite wide.

knit a headband for a girl with knitting needles

In fact, this bandage for the girl’s head, knitted with needles, in the classification of hats is located closer to the cap than to a narrow strip.

The principle of operation is simple:

  1. Gather the right number of loops.
  2. Knit in even or circular rows 1 x 1 elastic (1 front, 1 wrong).
  3. At a height of 5-7 cm, they switch to stocking.
  4. Having knitted another 5-7 cm, they begin to cut loops: 6 in each front row.
  5. When the canvas reaches 18-20 cm, all the loops must be closed.

This bandage for the girl’s head (with her knitting needles can be done quickly and easily) should spin on top. This is a feature of the stocking pattern.

Dressings made along

To make an accessory with a longitudinal ornament, you need to dial a small number of loops and knit a fabric, the height of which will be equal to the circumference of the child’s head minus 4-5 cm. Thus, the knitted headband with knitting needles (girls 5 years old) will be about 45-46 in length cm.

On such products, patterns with crossed loops and jacquards look great.

How to tie a bandage with a scythe

The figure shows a braid of three strands.

knitting headband for girls

Each strand consists of three loops, that is, the bundle requires nine loops. The order of formation of the braid:

  1. The third strand crosses with the second (the third remains on the front side).
  2. Flat site (4 rows).

The first strand crosses with the second (the first is on top).

knit headband for girls 5 years old

The developer suggests leaving only two loops on both sides of the edge, however this may not be enough. In order for the headband with knitting needles, the scheme of which is given in this paragraph, to be neat, you need at least five purl loops on each side.

The edge is made stocking viscous (as in the diagram) or garter.

For knitters who have mastered the art of crossing loops perfectly, the following pattern will be uncomplicated.

knit headband for girls 5 years old

Here, the movement occurs in each front row, since thanks to this reception, the formation of volumetric rhombs. From the first to the fifth row, two strands move from the center to the edges of the canvas (diverge), and from the seventh to the eleventh, on the contrary, converge. Cross the two front loops of each strand with the two front background loops. This is quite interesting, since usually designers of ornaments suggest crossing strands with purl loops. This allows you to get additional volume for the braid. Here the contrast is obtained because the movements are performed every two rows.

knit a headband for a girl with knitting needles

At least five loops should also be taken to the edge. Based on the instructions given, you can knit a headband for the girl with knitting needles (as in the photo, or come up with some kind of your own model).


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