Quality business-style clothing for girls

Two-thirds of her life is a modern woman forced to spend at work. Young girls begin to build their careers very early. Quite often this happens before graduation. That is why business-style clothing for girls is very important. Such outfits have an undeniable advantage - despite the capricious fashion, they are always relevant. From how competently the girl will be able to present this style, emphasize her dignity, show herself, her success in business and emotional comfort will largely depend on.

A bit of history

business style clothes for girls
It's hard to believe, but back in the nineteenth century, business-style clothing for girls was condemned by the public. Her destiny was to be only a family. But historically, a fragile woman was destined to occupy a place next to a man in the workplace. The consequences of two brutal world wars forced beautiful women to work tirelessly for the good of the country, to raise it from ruins. There was a need for convenient, durable and non-restrictive things. Now a woman in trousers did not cause condemnation.

The appearance of business style in clothing

A little later, business-style clothes for girls and women appeared. Fashion designers drew their inspiration from a traditional men's costume.

Business style features

Currently, there are three areas of this style. They are equally popular among business women. These outfits magnificently emphasize the femininity of their owners.

Strictly business style clothing

female business style clothing

Its basic elements are a trouser suit or a skirt with a jacket, a white shirt or blouse, black pumps with low heels. Such an outfit would be quite appropriate for an interview when hiring and is considered to be a classic office suit.

Women's business casual wear

This variety allows for some "liberties." For example, it can be a mixture of colors, unusual styles, addition of a costume with some accessories (not too bright and elaborate)

"Friday" style business suit

This style is known even in the offices of very reputable companies with a strict dress code. On Friday, work is allowed to wear jeans with a jacket or cardigan or a feminine knitted dress. But this is permissible only if negotiations and business meetings are not scheduled for this day.

strictly business style of clothing
Business style clothing for girls for the office

The main advice - choose things of the simplest cut. The length of the skirt should be up to the middle of the knee or slightly lower. Her silhouette should be straight or slightly narrowed. Pants pick straight. High or low waist in a business style is not recommended. The jacket should be of medium length. A case is considered the ideal style of dress for the office.

Color spectrum

Classic β€œoffice” colors are gray, black, blue and brown. In the warm season, you can use beige, white or caramel shade.

Drawing (if any) should also be simple - no bright and defiant patterns, colors. Strip or cage - the perfect solution for a business style.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F5311/

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