What is a self-leveling floor mix?

Leveling the floor is not as easy as it may seem. This is a complex process that even professionals can hardly handle. But all the labor intensity has significantly decreased after the self-leveling mix for the floor appeared on the market. Currently, you can make the surface even and independently.

self-leveling floor mix

What is a self-leveling floor mix? This is a special solution that is applied to the surface in order to hide some not too large defects. It is used before finishing the floor. One of the main advantages of the mixture is its ease of use and high solidification speed. Due to its not too thick thickness, it is very often used in rooms with low ceilings.

In order to level the floor, you need a set of specific tools: a mortar tank, a roller, a drill and a nozzle. Before the self-leveling floor mix is โ€‹โ€‹laid, you need to clean the surface of dust. In addition, there should not be any holes in it. After this, the floor will need to be covered with a not too thick primer. It should be understood that all this should be done qualitatively. Otherwise, the result of the work done will not please you.

Bulk Prospectors
After all the initial work on preparing the surface is done, it is worth proceeding directly to the preparation of the solution. For this, the purchased dry mixture will need to be mixed with water. In this case, you must follow the instructions that are written on the package. It should be understood that you must first add water to the container, and only then pour the mixture itself. In order for the self-leveling mixture for the floor to become homogeneous, it is necessary to thoroughly mix it with a drill. Given that the solution has the property of quickly thickening, you must use it immediately.

The last step, after which the bulk floor in the apartment will be ready, is laying the mixture. To do this, pour the resulting solution on the surface in equal portions. Pouring is required so that the next part is stacked next to the previous portion. It should be borne in mind that the floor thickness should be more than 50 millimeters. To get the required thickness, you need to use a needle roller. In addition, with it you can get rid of air bubbles. After the mixture is laid, it is necessary to wait for it to completely dry. This can last from three to fourteen days depending on the layer and weather conditions. Only after the floor has dried will it be possible to proceed with the laying of floor coverings.

bulk floor in the apartment

On this work on leveling the surface is completely done. If you donโ€™t know which mixture to choose, then you can safely get a bulk floor of โ€œProspectorsโ€, which has all the necessary advantages. It is also worthwhile to understand that the entire laying process must be done with a partner. This need arises from the rapid thickening of the mixture. Good luck in smoothing the surface!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F5315/

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