Gas boiler size: dimensions, types, models, manufacturers, calculation of gas consumption and the area of ​​the heated room

To create comfortable conditions inside the building, it certainly needs to be heated in winter and cooled in summer. Heat is supplied to apartment buildings through the operation of the central city heating system.

In the absence of such tenants, an electric or gas boiler is used. The latter can only be installed if there is natural gas within walking distance from the premises. Typically, the choice of brand of equipment and its installation occurs at the design stage and depends on many factors. And the dimensions of the gas boiler are determined based on the area of ​​the room in which it will be installed.

How to choose?

The main source parameter that affects the purchase of equipment, specialists and installers call the area of ​​the house. It is believed that the power of the unit must be selected at the rate of 1 kilowatt per 10 square meters of space. Here, the size of the gas boiler is important, but is perhaps of secondary importance.

Professionals advise to take note of:

  • the number of residents in an apartment or private house;
  • building materials from which walls and roofs were erected;
  • the presence or absence of a basement;
  • installation of a warm floor or light flooring;
  • weather conditions in the building zone;
  • the number of window openings and the quality of the installation of double-glazed windows;
  • type of glazing;
  • number of storeys.

Boiler room area

According to regulatory documents, the size of the room for a gas boiler is determined depending on the capacity of the equipment. This is an indicator that determines the degree of heating of the room. Therefore, his calculation is best entrusted to professionals. For the smooth functioning of the heating system, a specialized company develops a project and technical specifications. You can independently choose the room for installing the boiler and its brand, but you can not connect the boiler without coordination with the necessary structures.

The boiler is wall

Depending on the power of the gas boiler, the overall dimensions of the room should provide an area of:

  • 7.5 m 2 - with the main characteristic of 30 kW;
  • 13.5 m 2 - with power within 60 kW;
  • 15 m 2 - more serious boilers with an indicator of up to 200 kW.

Product Installation Requirements

The main indicators that determine the ability to install a heating device in a particular room are:

  • preventing the accumulation of combustion products in the room;
  • lack of smoke;
  • prevention of emergency situations, including fires.

When a gas boiler is operating, the dimensions of a boiler room or other room with equipment are regulated by SNiP. The same standards establish fire safety, which is ensured during installation in compliance with the following rules:

  1. The distance from the floor to the ceiling should not be less than 2.5 meters.
  2. Installed hood to carry out a threefold exchange of air.
  3. Be sure to have a window with a valid area.
  4. The door must be equipped with a lower grille or replaced with another sample with a gap to the floor with an area of ​​0.025 m 2 .

It is not allowed to dismantle a previously installed door and replace it with arches or curtain structures.

How much gas is needed for heating?

Specialists in the field of heating equipment calculate the gas flow rate for a particular room by calculation and recommend a suitable gas boiler. The size of the unit, of course, is reflected in capacity, but does not always affect the amount of processed gas. According to the existing formula, the required parameter is defined as:

V = Q / (Hi x ƞ), where

Q is the calculated heat output, kW / h;

Hi - calorific value, kW;

Θ  - coefficient of performance.

Thus, if:

  • the average boiler power, usually taken as the power divided in half, is 5 kW per hour;
  • specific heat of combustion per 1 m 2 defined in 0.1 kW (for example, for a house with an area of ​​100 squares it will be 10 kW);
  • Efficiency, according to the equipment passport, is 95%,

then V = 5 / (10 x 0.95) = 0.53 m 3 / h.

If we calculate that the heating season is 200 days, and more specifically - 4800 hours, then the amount of gas will be calculated as follows:

0.53 x 4800 = 2544 m 3 .

Classification of gas boilers

The heating equipment is divided according to the raw materials used into five types: gas, electric, solid fuel, liquid fuel and combined.

Whether it is a gas boiler of minimum dimensions or a large-sized advanced model, it is classified according to many parameters:

  1. Place of installation - floor, wall.
  2. Functionality - single and dual circuit.
  3. Type of burner - atmospheric, turbocharged, diffusion, complex.
  4. Ventilation - forced or natural.
    Boiler selection

For apartments, small-sized wall-mounted gas boilers are suitable, which are fixed within the kitchen. When constructing private houses, it is better to separate a small room, use it for a boiler room and purchase floor devices.

Trade marks

The Russian buyer is often notable for its unpredictability. He may prefer both a budget model of an unknown manufacturer and an expensive foreign brand. Among imported samples, boilers manufactured by the following companies became popular: Baxi, Buderus, Ariston, Viessmann, Vaillant, Navien. Of the domestic copies, the sales leaders are Conord, ZhMZ and Neva.

Baxi Nuvola-3 Comfort 240 Fi

The Italian assembly model has a lot of positive aspects, among which:

  • wall mount;
  • the area of ​​a residential building or apartment allowed for heating is up to 220 m 2 ;
  • the presence of a display;
  • the ability to remove the control panel;
  • work on natural gas coming through the main pipe or from a cylinder in a liquefied state;
  • closed type combustion chamber.

In terms of overall dimensions, a gas boiler of this brand is considered quite large and heavy. After all, its weight is 70 kg, its height is close to a meter, its depth is half a meter, and its width reaches 60 cm.

Baxi nuvola-3

A feature of the model are 2 separate heat exchangers: the primary is made of copper, and the secondary is made of stainless steel. The temperature of the heating system is regulated by the Baxi boiler from 40 to 85 degrees. Net power starts at 10 kW and can increase 2.4 times.

Since the heating equipment of this manufacturer has a high price, buyers usually ask for clarification of the advantages of the instance over the rest. In this case, experts note:

  1. Adaptation of the model to pressure surges in a gas pipe.
  2. Convenient ignition.
  3. The presence of a storage boiler and an expansion tank.
  4. Complete set with the circulation pulser of energy saving type.
  5. Setting work parameters for a weekly period.
  6. The presence of automation connected to an external temperature sensor and regulating parameters.

Buderus Logamax UO72-18K

One of the budget options for German double-circuit gas boilers. The dimensions of this sample are much smaller than the previous Italian sales leader. Dimensions of 700x400x400 mm reduce the weight by 2 times, which allows you to look at the boiler from the other side and find additional advantages in it in the form:

  1. Safety systems that prevent emergencies due to a drop in pressure or an extinct flame.
  2. Power at 18 kW.
  3. Heating temperatures from 40 to 82 Β° C.
  4. Profitability.
  5. Ease of use and settings.
  6. Shutdowns of the device during overheating or freezing of water and in the absence of traction.
  7. Low noise.

Some consumers complain about the poor quality of plastic latches and not quite detailed instructions for the unit in terms of recognition and repair of minor breakdowns.

Buderus logamax boiler


This is perhaps the most popular foreign brand with two possible options for installing a gas boiler. In size, the floor models of the manufacturer exceed the wall ones. The same trend is observed in the cost of equipment.

So, a copy from the expensive Unobloc GPV 24 RI Met series must be installed on the floor. Of the main technical characteristics you need to take into account:

  • open combustion chamber;
  • atmospheric burner;
  • ignition of electronic type;
  • cast iron heat exchanger;
  • power 26.6 kW;
  • the presence of an expansion tank;
  • the possibility of joining a boiler;
  • dimensions 850x450x665 mm.

The cost-effective wall model CLAS X SYSTEM 15 CF NG is tuned to Russian realities both in terms of fruitful work and in terms of cost.

Display "Ariston"

If you simply characterize the product, you can note its reliable operation during the time declared by the manufacturer. After the warranty period, it is quite difficult to achieve smooth operation from an unsuccessful model. However, many buyers do not have problems for a long time, and therefore recommend a budget boiler to friends and acquaintances.

Viessmann Vitogas 100-F 29

This sample is considered the cheapest of the expensive models of the brand Viessmann. The price in this case is reflected in the quality and provides reliable heating in any conditions.

Non-volatile type of boiler, floor-standing installation, high efficiency, noiselessness, low fuel consumption - these are the minimum advantages out of the mass available. The manufacturer positions the boiler as a good option for providing heat with a long service life and full automation of most processes.

The average dimensions of the floor gas boiler allow its installation not only in a separate boiler room, but also in the kitchen, of course, in the presence of free space. The pros of the unit are called professionals who adapt to the weather automation, an electronic control system and an additional electronic cascade control unit.


When the brand is important to the consumer, and the price is high enough, Korean heating equipment will come to the rescue.

Boiler navien

The advantages of the Navien product line, in addition to the affordable price, are:

  1. A specialized device in the form of a chip that controls and regulates voltage drops.
  2. Ability to work with low pressure.
  3. Remote control with display.
  4. Auto power adjustment.
  5. Compactness.
  6. A dual-circuit system that allows, in addition to heating, hot water supply.

Interesting models include wall-mounted gas boilers for a private house, the dimensions of which do not exceed 240 m 2 . One of the attractive instances at a cost installers call Navien Deluxe 24K. Unlike more expensive samples, the boiler performs the same functions as the branded devices, but for less money. Technical characteristics that can cause positive emotions are:

  • dual-circuit operation of the device;
  • closed combustion chamber;
  • temperature inside the system up to 80 degrees;
  • electronic control;
  • the presence of a circulation pump;
  • ability to take natural liquefied gas.

Comfortable operating conditions are achieved due to automatic ignition, the presence of a thermometer, a remote control and a room temperature meter. Safety is provided by 6 additional options. The compact size of the gas boiler is 440 x 695 x 265 and its light weight makes installation and subsequent maintenance of the presented model easier.


The manufacturer talks about the competitiveness of its product and at the same time warns customers about special installation rules:

  1. On the mandatory coordination of the project with specialized organizations.
  2. During installation, it is necessary to achieve uninterrupted water circulation by placing the lower pipe below the level of radiators.
  3. When connecting to the heating system by welding, it is recommended to leave threaded connections for subsequent dismantling for repair purposes.
  4. The equipment must be installed on a fireproof coating that exceeds the dimensions of the gas boiler by 50 cm in all directions.
  5. It is necessary to ensure the removal of combustion products due to vertical risers or compliance with the slope when they are horizontal.
    Boilers "Conord"

In addition, the general installation rules approved for all types of heating equipment cannot be neglected.

Experts call the KSts-G10 floor-standing single-circuit boiler a popular model of domestic production. Of the advantages of the model, experts call low cost and note a number of additional bonuses in the form of:

  • Efficiency of 90%;
  • thermal power from 10 kW;
  • maximum gas flow rate of 1.2 m 3 / h;
  • light weight;
  • the presence of automation capable of modulating the flame;
  • permissible pressure up to 5 atmospheres;
  • ease of installation and maintenance.

The peculiarity of the instance is also called the acceptable size of the gas boiler for a private house. However, the installation of this kind of equipment in an apartment is not permissible due to the impossibility of mounting the sample on the wall.


The plant produces 5 series of gas boilers: "Beetle", "Comfort", "Universal", "Economy" and "Economy Plus". The last two series are represented by 3 options, and the popularity of the AOGV-17.4-3 model is very high due to the excellent combination of affordable equipment cost and long-term reliability. Judging by the name, the instance power corresponds to 17.4 kW, and the area to be heated should not exceed 150 m 2 . The floor-mounted single-circuit boiler does an excellent job of heating a small private house. The weight of the boiler is 47 kg and dimensions 1200 x 456 x 458 mm do not cause any special difficulties during transportation and installation of the product.

The brand has established itself due to its use in boilers:

  • technology for seamless welding of the heat exchanger tank;
  • automation units providing safety and ease of use;
  • a simple burner that can be replaced and which is not difficult to clean;
  • overheating sensor;
  • room thermostat.


The Neva Lux line of gas heating equipment deserved special love from customers. The refined and modernized instances degenerated into two of the best luxury models: 8618 and 8224.

"Neva Lux" 8618 is a single-circuit representative of a wall-mounted gas boiler for a private house with dimensions of 650x350x240 mm. The compact design allows for installation in any room, including small kitchens, and the savings in heating costs attract many potential buyers. The advantages of the model are the built-in circulation pump, piezo ignition and adaptation to Russian operating conditions.

Boiler "Neva Lux"

"Neva Lux" 8224 is distinguished by many qualities, including:

  • equipped with two heat exchangers for heating and hot water supply;
  • independent support of the set temperature;
  • high degree of security;
  • diagnostics of malfunctions;
  • the presence of a monitor.

Experts recommend that when buying a gas boiler pay attention to the place of its subsequent installation. There is a direct correlation between the selected product and the area that the consumer is ready to allocate for equipment.

For installation on a small area, preference should be given to small samples, and, conversely, for a boiler room, you can buy a large-sized boiler. There is no need to purchase bulky items with improved features for the sake of heating hundreds of meters of living space. But also, having spent a huge financial resource on the construction of a three-story house, there is no point in saving on the purchase of a heating device.


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