How should top dressing a tomato

Wanting to get the maximum yield, each gardener thinks about how and when tomato should be fertilized. The number of grown tomatoes will depend not only on fertilizers, but also on the time of planting, conditions, ambient temperature and intensity of irrigation.

Dressing tomato
If you purchased ready-made seedlings or grew it in a greenhouse on your own and plan to transplant it into open ground, do not forget to water the land abundantly first. After all, tomatoes can take root only in moist soil. The next watering should be in 2-3 days. If some of the seedlings have not taken root and have dried, replace them with others. Subsequent care for tomatoes will consist in regular moistening of the soil, its loosening and fertilizing.

The first feeding of the tomato is carried out not earlier than 2 weeks after planting the young plants in the open ground, and some agronomists are inclined to believe that about 20 days should pass. If you do not want to buy ready-made fertilizer for tomatoes, you can do it as follows: 15 grams of ammonium nitrate, 40 grams of potassium salt and about 70 grams of superphosphate are diluted in 10 liters of water. With this mixture, only the first feeding of tomato seedlings is performed , while the plants are small and still not too strong.

Topping tomato seedlings
The next fertilizer application occurs during the period of the appearance of tomato fruits. The second fertilizing of the tomato should be carried out with a solution in which there is no nitrogen fertilizer. After all, their excessive number leads to the fact that the plant is growing. He will have strong juicy branches, large leaves, but the flower ovary on such a bush is poorly formed, usually it is small and weak. There will be practically no harvest from such a plant. Also, excessive irrigation of tomatoes in combination with low light can lead to such consequences.

But experienced gardeners know that this can be fixed: to do this, refuse to water the tomato (do not moisten the soil under them for about 10 days). You may not be able to do anything if the temperature is below +25 0 C during the day and +22 0 C at night. To get at least some yield from bushes that have overdeveloped greens, root tomato top dressing must be done with superphosphate. This will help stop their growth, because it was experimentally established that almost 95% of the phosphorus absorbed by plants goes precisely to the formation and growth of fruits. For greater efficiency in the daytime, flower brushes can be shaken a little manually: this is how they are pollinated.

The first feeding of tomato
The third feeding of the tomato is carried out 2-3 weeks after the second. The mixture used should also not contain nitrogen fertilizers, it is enough that it contains only phosphorus and potassium. In addition to root dressing, the pollination of tomatoes with special preparations is effective, which contribute to the formation of flower ovaries, the formation and acceleration of fruit ripening.

If you decide not to prepare fertilizers yourself, but to make balanced industrial options, then carefully read the instructions and follow all the points indicated in it. Producers know better how to dilute their product, how often to water or spray them with tomatoes.


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