Choosing a Hitachi: a screwdriver for all occasions

Everyone who ever used a Hitachi tool could make sure that information about its reliability was not invented. At buyers, the quality of the products of this brand is primarily associated with the reliability of Japanese models, futuristic design and simplicity. Of course, Hitachi cordless screwdrivers are no exception. The main number of models can be used both in the farm and on construction sites.

hitachi screwdriver

"Hitachi" - screwdriver: its design features

This brand has a range of batteries that includes samples made of high-quality plastic and red-hot aluminum. Like it or not, all tools have low noise and low weight, which is why consumers can appreciate the excellent performance.

We add that each Hitachi screwdriver, the price of which ranges from 3,500 to 14,000 rubles, depending on the model, has a rubberized handle, therefore, you no longer need to talk about comfort during operation. It is also worth mentioning the adjustable hook that is present on the case of certain models. It allows you to transport the device without problems. A trifle, but nice.

hitachi screwdriver Price

Hitachi screwdriver: latest-generation batteries

The latest models of screwdrivers of this company have become increasingly supplied with lithium-ion batteries. This is due to the fact that they are used most often to equip a budget class of tools, they have certain disadvantages in the form of a memory effect and a lot of weight. Recently, for this reason, it has become quite difficult to find a model of a screwdriver for this brand of a budget class. But this fact is not very important, since the cost of even the simplest models is acceptable today, given that this tool will actively work without having to lie for years somewhere in the pantry on the shelf.

Hitachi screwdriver: classification

Many have already realized that Hitachi cordless screwdrivers can be used to twist and unscrew fasteners, as well as as a drill. Therefore, when it is necessary to drill metal or wood, you can safely choose a battery model of this brand.

Hitachi screwdriver: features

Hitachi cordless screwdrivers
The main part of Hitachi tools has a reverse, support for a certain rotation speed and two mechanical speeds. Separately, it should be said about the possibility of adjusting the speed of work, which is present in certain models. For example, even a two-speed inexpensive model can turn out to be a multifunctional indispensable assistant, since with it you can twist fasteners, or you can drill.

Something we are only about beautiful and sweet. It's time to add a barrel of honey and a fly in the ointment. Some screwdrivers in their configuration have nickel-cadmium batteries. They have a certain β€œmemory" effect, which is why they are flawed when compared with lithium-ion ones. Their main disadvantage is the service life. Although there are 2 small pluses here - such batteries will ensure you work in the cold, but at the same time they are much cheaper than lithium-ion ones.


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