How to draw up an act: design, samples

Our article will discuss acts. Readers will familiarize themselves more closely with these documents, with their purpose. They will learn how to write an act. Samples of filling in basic business papers are also offered to their attention.

Historical facts

The term "act" comes from the Latin phrase actum est, which translates as "perfect". It was used in documents of ancient Rome and medieval Europe.

In Russian, the term appeared in the XVIII century. At this time, documents (business, legislative) were considered acts, which differed from narrative sources. The concept of an act, as a contract document, was formed at the beginning of the 20th century.

The form, content, execution of acts in Europe established diplomacy, which appeared in the XVIII century. Currently, this and other documents are being studied. This science can accurately answer the question of how to draw up an act.


In each organization, there may be a need for fixing certain events, facts that establish the real situation. This goal is pursued in the execution of acts that have a certain value in the work of any institution.

In other words, the acts are intended to document various situations in order to make them official. They contain information on the implementation of various activities, tasks, assignments. Acts relate to reference and analytical business papers.

There is a wide variety of materials: Acts of work performed (services rendered), Acts of inspection, Acts of acceptance of documents, Inspection acts, Acts of technical documentation (sample documents are discussed below).

How to draw up an Act

These business papers are compiled by several officers or a commission. The forms of some acts are established by law, for others there are strict filling rules that must be followed when compiling all materials. Some acts are drawn up in any form, but for the majority there are certain forms. How to draw up an act?

General design rules

In order to draw up a document, we recommend using samples. Acts differ in the purpose of the document. However, uniform filling requirements still exist. They need to adhere to the design of any material. General rules for filling out acts:

  1. Several authorized persons often participate in the execution of business papers; commissions are made from a certain number of people. This is very convenient when conducting inventory activities, inspection checks, and examinations.
  2. Acts are drawn up on certain forms with a mandatory list of details (a sample is provided below for convenience).
  3. The name of the document should be indicated.
  4. It is required to indicate the date, registration number, place of compilation.
  5. Each document provides a basis for concluding a document.
  6. Each business paper lists the members of the commission, its chairman, and indicates all the necessary personal data.
  7. The material in the document should be divided into paragraphs or paragraphs. Tables should be given. The text should end with conclusions and sentences.
  8. The document is in multiple copies, according to the number of stakeholders.
  9. Business paper is signed by all those present in a certain sequence.
  10. The document should be read by all persons, organizations whose activities the document affects.
  11. Some business papers must be approved by the head of the organization, which is enshrined in the regulatory legislation of the Russian Federation.

Act of work performed (services rendered)

Business paper is concluded between legal entities and individuals on the basis of work or services. It confirms their acceptance by the customer and serves as the basis for payment.

The material must be executed on a certain form and meet the requirements of Art. No. 402 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation, of which there are few. Making business paper is easy. How to draw up a "Certificate of completion of work ( services)"? Details must be present in the materials:

  • Name of the organization;
  • exact name of documents;
  • date, number, place of compilation;
  • details of customers and performers;
  • an accurate description of the work, services, indicating their cost;
  • listing of all persons present indicating the necessary details;
  • stamps, signatures of all the above persons, decryption of signatures, personal information that is required for personal identification.

How to draw up a certificate of completion

Inspection certificate

The purpose of this document is to assess the condition of the property, a description of all damage and defects. It is concluded in such cases: when selling real estate, when renting, when calculating the damage caused, etc. Material is drawn up on a specific form (a sample is discussed below). How to draw up an "Inspection Act"? Documents must include details:

  • name of organizations;
  • name of documents;
  • date, number, place of compilation;
  • type of property;
  • reason for the inspection;
  • exact addresses;
  • general data on real estate;
  • general characteristics of the property, defects, damage;
  • parties to the contract, members of the commission, witnesses;
  • signatures of all persons present, stamps.

How to draw up a certificate of inspection

Act of acceptance of documents

Business paper confirms the fact of the transfer of certain documents from one legal entity to another in the organization. It is concluded upon dismissal, in the case of a transfer, etc. Material is drawn up on certain forms in several copies. How to draw up the "Act of acceptance of documents"? The business papers include details:

  • name of organizations;
  • name of documents;
  • date, number, place of compilation;
  • number of copies, type;
  • details of legal entities;
  • signatures, stamps.

How to draw up the Act of acceptance of documents

Checking act

The final document of verification activities is considered the "Verification Act". It has a strictly established form, the order of filling. Forms of acts of inspections are considered in Art. No. 294 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation. The document is contested through an administrative claim. How to draw up a "Verification Act"?

The document is concluded by a special commission. A stamp of approval by the head of the organization may be required. The basis for the audit are administrative acts. The main details in the preparation of business papers are as follows:

  • Name of the organization;
  • name of documents;
  • date, number, place of compilation;
  • members of the commission, their personal data;
  • documents that served as the basis for verification;
  • conclusions and suggestions of the commission;
  • signatures and stamps.

How to draw up a Verification Act

Acceptance Act

Business papers are concluded between individuals and legal entities. These are documents that are drawn up to solve quantitative, price, and quality problems. Documents are prepared in arbitrary form in several copies. However, when filling out business documents, there are some requirements. How to draw up the "Act of acceptance of documents"? There are details required to fill out the materials:

  • name of organizations;
  • name of documents;
  • date, number, place of compilation;
  • personal information about representatives of organizations;
  • grounds associated with the signing of the document.

How to draw up the Act of Acceptance

Technical Commission Act

The results of some activities, examinations, examinations are completed by the compilation of final documents. One of them is the "Act of the Technical Commission." It is completed in order to resolve all disputes.

How to draw up the Act of the technical commission

Material is compiled on a specific form in several copies. How to draw up the "Act of the technical commission"? Business papers must include details:

  • name of organizations;
  • name of documents;
  • customer details;
  • date, number, place of compilation;
  • list of works or services;
  • a list of members of the commission for acceptance of work, their personal data or details;
  • the grounds according to which the work or services were performed;
  • stages of work;
  • funds spent;
  • conclusions of the commission, in which an assessment of the work performed is performed, comments are made, the results of the event are summarized;
  • conclusions and offers;
  • signatures of members of the commission, press.


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