Grove is a separate plot of forest

Going to the forest for a picnic, on a hike or for mushrooms, many choose beautiful places, it would seem, created by nature itself especially for recreation. To such miracles familiar to the eye can be attributed deciduous grove.

Grove is also a forest

Here, all the trees, as a rule, are of the same age (well, or with a small difference in the planting years). But the grove is a site that is isolated from the main forest, located at a distance. And another basic condition: all trees must be hardwood. Accordingly, the oak grove is an island of oaks.

green Grove


She is sung in verse, captured in the paintings of some famous artists of Russia. Birch grove is a site on which birch trees are located, as a rule, quite young. And what a beauty, especially in the spring, when the leaves begin to peck, it smells of gluten in the air, and birch sap oozes from the trunks ... By the way, it is very healthy, and in the countryside it is collected in special containers attached to the birch trunks. So birch grove is also an inexhaustible source of tasty and healthy drink.

the grove is

History and culture

In the culture of some peoples, these small tracts of forest were of great importance. So, for example, in the ancient Celts and Druids-priests, the green grove was used as a place for ceremonies and festivities. The fact is that the Celts did not erect temples and churches, but used the natural elements of the landscape of nature to serve the cult. Groves where the action took place served as places of sanctuaries, and some trees were considered sacred and possessing special power.

Attention to such areas of the forest was given both in Ancient Greece and in Jerusalem. And in Russia, a birch grove is one of the symbols of love for the Motherland and all native, natural. Since ancient times in literary works and folk tales, this image has been used quite widely, and is still one of the most important and used.


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