Travel agency "1001 tour": reviews about the company of employees and tourists

Talk that travel agencies will soon become unclaimed due to the development of online services for the acquisition of travel packages, is taking place now. But, despite the forecasts, the popularity of travel companies is not declining today. Moreover, their services are used not only by inexperienced travelers who are not able to independently organize a trip properly, but also experienced travelers. According to reviews, the “1001 tour” is one of the most famous agencies in Russia. Let's try to figure out why tourists choose this company and what advantages it spoils its customers in contrast to competitors.

Where to buy a ticket: from a tour operator or travel agency

travel agency 1001 tour employee reviews

In the market of services related to the tourism business, there are large operators and small agencies. The former have an agreement with hotels, transport companies, airlines, due to which they take all the hassle out of organizing the trip.

In fact, both tour operators and travel agencies are implementing vouchers. Both those and others will find for the client an interesting vacation spot, a hotel of the appropriate level and a charter flight. The only and most important difference is the cost of such a tour. The thing is that the agency sells tourism products a little cheaper.

Company Description

Reviews about the travel agency "1001 tour" can be found on many forums. The network, consisting of about 200 branches and partner representations working with a franchise agency in the largest cities of the country, has successfully developed over 10 years and does not stop there. The central office of the company is located in Moscow. The travel agency declares itself to be a provider of tours that are distinguished by high service and affordable price.

By the way, the network “1001 tour” is included in the rating of the largest agencies in our country. Moreover, this rating was based on the information received not from customers, but from the tour operators themselves, small agencies and other players in the tourism market. They told about their:

  • income for a certain time;
  • the number of existing offices and representative offices;
  • the pace of network expansion;
  • the number of regular customers;
  • indicators on sales of tourism products and their features.

All firms that participated in the survey provided sealed documents and guaranteed the accuracy of the data. In this rating, the agency "1001 tour" took a confident sixth position. At that time, a year after the launch of the network, the company’s branches were opened in Kostroma, Orel, Voronezh. Over a year and a half of intensive development, the travel agency almost doubled its revenue, the number of satisfied customers increased by more than 50%.

Consumer opinion

Clients leave a variety of reviews about the network of travel agencies "1001 tour". But still, most responses indicate that this office can be trusted. Travelers who contact this company note that experienced consultants and managers work here who are able to choose the optimal ticket for a given direction in a short time, regardless of budget.

Special attention should be paid to the discount and bonus programs of the company “1001 tour”. In the reviews, most customers mention the ability to accumulate points that can be used to pay for additional services when buying a tour. Discounts, bonuses and promotions allow you to purchase a tour on favorable terms not only to regular customers, but also to those who first contacted the “1001 tour” agency.

According to reviews, this company has its cons. Customers express their indignation that paid hotels often actually turned out to be owners, for example, not four stars, but three, that is, they were of a lower level, despite the fact that the description in the booklet contained other information. On the other hand, it is unfair to assign all responsibility for incorrect information exclusively to the agency. If you believe the reviews, such an unscrupulous advertising move is often part of the marketing policy of hotels in order to attract more guests.

reviews about 1001 tour

What is the principle of the agency?

Compared to other companies that conclude cooperation agreements with tour operators, the “1001 tour” is not much different - they also by default pay a commission of 10%. In principle, the company can indicate any cost for the selected tour. Competition motivates agencies to set a lower price, but this maneuver does not always give the desired result. Unscrupulous offices often try to take an amount more from inexperienced customers and consumers than the actual cost of the permit. The standard procedure for buying a tour is as follows:

  1. The client sets the initial data, determines the start and end dates of the trip, the number of vacationers, the type of food, as well as the desired country, resort or hotel.
  2. The travel agency studies the current offers from the tour operator and, upon client request, issues the most profitable option, applies a discount if possible and informs the buyer of the total amount.

Thus, any ticket purchased at the agency will cost a tenth cheaper than the one sold directly from the operator. Depending on a number of factors, which to some extent may depend on the season and sales volumes, the commission may decrease or increase by one and a half times. In this case, the agency is inferior in price at its discretion - the discount may be about 5-7%. If the agency does not receive any profit from the sale of the tour, an invoice is presented to tourists without discounts.

In order to effectively promote tourist products, the agency uses advertising. Regular notes about the travel agency “1001 tour” are printed in the free magazine “TURNAVIGATOR”. In addition, for several years the company has been publishing its own magazine “1001 Tours”, as well as many catalogs and brochures.

1001 tour travel agency reviews

For the successful operation of the company, sales support and promotion of tourism products on the market is of no small importance. To increase sales performance, agency employees offer additional conditions for making a purchase. The main advantage is the diversity and versatility of the methods. Travel agencies use not only advertising, but also various promotional offers during the holidays, as well as individual trips with benefits for the whole family, group trips, special tours for customers who own a discount coupon or promotional code to promote products.

Judging by the reviews, the “1001 tour” in Moscow rarely makes concessions. Most often they reduce the cost of burning expensive tours. Most likely to get a discount from buyers of trips to Thailand, the Dominican Republic or the Maldives.

Partners and suppliers of the company "1001 tour"

Successful contractual relationships are at the core of the business. The company has a number of agreements concluded on mutually beneficial terms with hotels in Russia and abroad, which accommodate vacationers, guaranteeing first-class service and comfort. If we consider trips, for example, to China, here the partners of the company “1001 tour” can be called the famous hotels China World Hotel, Mercury Teda Dalian, Best Western Premier, Dalian Wanda International Hotel and many others.

In addition, to carry out full-fledged entrepreneurial activity, the agency is forced to cooperate with banks and investment funds, insurance and financial credit companies, as well as mass media. In order to maintain the image and public role of the company, agency representatives regularly take part in meetings of consumers and public groups.

Difficulties with charter flights

Some tourists prefer to travel on their own, so as not to depend on operators and agencies. In addition, for private trips to anywhere in the world today there are all conditions and thousands of online services. However, when choosing traditional beach places, such as Turkey, Greece, Cyprus, Bulgaria, Egypt, it is still better to purchase a ready-made tour. Why? The explanation for this is as follows:

  • The formed package tour is ultimately cheaper than a self-planned trip.
  • The presence of charter flights with the tour operator, with which the agency "1001 tour".
  • No need to make a travel plan, buy tickets, book hotel rooms.

The agency cooperates with a major tour operator who buys hotel rooms in advance, rents an airplane for charter flights, decides in advance all organizational issues, but at the same time contributes its own funds. The company expects to cover costs in the coming season and make a profit. This business strategy works successfully, which is not surprising, because as long as only the tour operators develop the air travel market for foreign resorts, the situation will not change.

All popular destinations, including southern and ski resorts, belong to the operators. Tourist agglomerates make a flight program a few months in advance and book a charter. In some cases, tourists are unable to fly a direct flight to the resort, which forces them to buy a tour, while avoiding transfers, overnight stays at the airport, or uncomfortable flights connecting. According to the staff, in the “1001 round” travelers who turn to the most budget tour often fly to the country, but do not even appear at the hotel.

reviews about 1001 tour moscow

To buy charter flights separately from the package, the tourist must be real lucky, as it is almost impossible. In isolated cases, when the board of the liner is not fully loaded, the tour operator, in order to compensate for the costs incurred, gives free places for sale. Most often, such a situation is observed closer to the closing of the season in a given direction or in the event that the owners of the purchased tickets had circumstances that caused an unscheduled trip cancellation. One way or another, but to “catch” charter flights directly at the airport ticket office is practically unrealistic.

Why do customers choose the “1001 tour”

The agency has been present in the tourism market for more than 10 years and during this period managed to win the trust of consumers. According to statistics, every third traveler from Moscow turns to buy a ticket here.

The company does not work 24 hours a day, but seven days a week. Therefore, everyone can choose the time to communicate with consultants and managers, even with a heavy workload. In addition, you can book your favorite tour online, without a trip to the office of the company.

A comfortable location of the company’s representative offices is something that tourists also pay attention to in reviews. Travel agency "1001 tour" in St. Petersburg, as well as in the capital, is within walking distance from metro stations.

Convenient and functional interface of the official website with a simple way to find the right tour: the most advantageous offers and last minute packages are present in a single constantly updated database. Here you can find an offer for every taste and budget.

In the reviews of the “1001 round”, consumers talk about gifts and big discounts from the agency (sometimes up to 40% of the cost of the ticket). Call-center operators are ready to provide support to the client during their vacation at the resort, therefore, in case of unforeseen situations, there is always the opportunity to contact representatives of the travel agency.

The most popular destinations

1001 tour employee reviews

Today, the company can offer holidays in more than fifty countries of the world. Tez Tour, Mostravel, VKO Travel, PAC Group, Natalie Tour, Space Travel, Coral Travel, Pegas Touristik - this is only part of the list of operators with whom the “1001 tour” cooperates.

According to students, this agency helped many of them study abroad. Over the period of the company's existence and successful activity, leading language schools with the highest level of teaching have become its reliable partners.

At the moment, the "1001 tour", according to tourists, offers trips to Europe, Asia, Africa, South America and Oceania. The same is confirmed by information on the official website of the company. In addition to classic tourism products, the company organizes “non-standard” trips, including:

  • vacation for children and students;
  • beach holidays in exotic resort corners;
  • travel across Europe by bus;
  • Wellness and treatment programs not only abroad, but also in Russia;
  • organization of a honeymoon for newlyweds;
  • tours to ski resorts;
  • so-called shopping tours.

In most reviews of the “1001 round”, customers express their gratitude to the travel agency staff who work smoothly and efficiently. To issue a permit, taking into account all organizational nuances, one working day is enough. To buy a tour in a short time, travelers try to study its features in advance, find information of interest in this area on the Internet.

The travel agency provides legal support to consumers, offers life and health insurance services for vacationers. Each ticket offered by the company “1001 tour” is designed taking into account the interests, hobbies and wishes of the client. According to statistics, the most popular countries, where Russians most often go on vacation, are:

  • China;
  • Thailand;
  • Turkey;
  • Egypt;
  • Italy;
  • France;
  • Norway;
  • Montenegro
  • Bulgaria;
  • Vietnam;
  • Japan.

How to select employees for a travel agency

Travel company "1001 tour" in the reviews mentioned as one of the best among competitors. It is no coincidence that the company has many well-deserved awards from leading tour operators. By the way, this is a huge merit of the company employees. The staff of the agency “1001 tour”, according to reviews, is selected very carefully. Only a specialist who meets the following requirements can take the position of manager or consultant:

  • Possession of the basics of domestic legislation in the field of tourism, as well as the Federal Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”.
  • Free application of the norms and provisions of international treaties governing the tourism business in the Russian Federation, the system of international standards, regulatory documents that define the requirements for customer safety.
  • Communication in a foreign language (or several) in an amount sufficient to perform official duties.
  • Skillful use of management methods, rules of pedagogical activity and the basics of personality psychology.
  • The ability to organize the work of performers, to make informed decisions in the face of conflicting requirements.
  • Willingness to work in a team and well-coordinated cooperation with colleagues.
  • Ability to provide informative answers to questions asked by the client.

Employee reviews on the travel agency "1001 tour"

Everyone who would like to try their hand at this tourism organization should be prepared for constant internal quality checks by the management. The agency has developed and successfully operates a control procedure for the level of professional training of employees responsible for a particular front of work.

If you believe the reviews about the “1001 round” in Moscow, without the experience to get here there is not the slightest chance. Each of the team of specialists has the appropriate qualifications, which must be confirmed during an interview during employment and is responsible for a certain stage of work. In addition, management regularly conducts testing of employees for knowledge of work instructions, instructions. Responsibility for employees, according to reviews of the “1001 round”, lies with the selection of performers for servicing a specific direction. In this case, guides, methodologists, and junior managers are considered to be performers.

This tourist office has a strict hierarchy and subordination, so middle and senior managers adhere to the established deadlines for making appropriate decisions and reports on their results.

The salary in the company "1001 tour" (employees in the reviews pay most attention to this issue) leaves much to be desired. Consultants and managers involved in the implementation of tours work for a fixed monthly rate. And, despite the fact that according to quarterly results, employees are paid decent bonuses and allowances, most employees remain dissatisfied with the size of their salaries.

In addition, employees often express their indignation in reviews of the company's sanctions policy. As users note, fines are imposed for almost any violation. So managing directors, in the opinion of many, save on employees by all possible means.

Not all employees received termination benefits upon termination of employment. It is not known whether isolated cases or labor laws are constantly violated in the “1001 tour” office. In the end, there is always a solution, and in this situation, it can be an appeal to the labor and tax inspectorates. In any case, all those who would like to get a travel agency need to keep this in mind.

Who uses the services of this agency

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1001 tour reviews

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  • Coral Travel;
  • Tez Tour;
  • Natalie Tours;
  • « »;
  • «-»;
  • TUI
  • Anex Tour.

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Tourist chooses a direction

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Based on the reviews of the travel agency “1001 Tour” in Moscow, it is easy to guess which destinations are the most popular among Russian tourists - mainly Turkey, Cyprus, Egypt, as well as sightseeing bus tours. Selling such tourism products brings considerable revenue to the agency. Another advantage - such permits practically do not require additional investments.

But the disadvantageous areas in the work of the agency “1001 tour” are the sale of rail and air tickets, visa processing. They do not bring significant benefits and are unattractive because of the huge costs and time costs. At the same time, it is impossible to refuse to provide these services - the company runs the risk of losing an advantage among competitors and losing the lion's share of customers.


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