DIY cake from Barney and juice: a step by step recipe with photos

A birthday cake is certainly delicious. But sometimes you want something unusual for the children to be surprised and you to show your wit. And most importantly, your favorite sweets would be as a gift on the table.

What could be better ... a cake? What, cake again? Yes, but not the cream and cake confectionery everyone is used to.

What do you need?

DIY barn and juice cake

How to make a cake of juice and Barney with your own hands? Now we will tell. But first, decide what is needed for the cake. It will take a lot of elements: plywood, cardboard, crepe and corrugated paper, glue, satin ribbons, stapler. An ignorant person will say that the person writing this cake recipe does not understand how the preparation of the test for baking takes place. And here, neither flour nor sugar are needed! Because now there will be a cake from "Barney" and juice with your own hands.

You will also need packaged juice, which the kids love, and several packages of delicious biscuits in the shape of a teddy bear with various fillings, that is, the well-known Barneys. You probably know where to find them.

You can make a cake from Barney and juice yourself. A master class of this original “dish” is now being offered to everyone who loves extraordinary gifts and surprises. In addition to this recipe, in the article you will find another, from the equally well-known sweets.

First stage

how to make a cake of juice and barn with your own hands

How to make a cake from Barney and juice with your own hands? A photo of such a product pleases kids. Therefore, it is definitely worth creating a cake.

First, a blank is made for the tiers of the future product. Three circles are cut out, since it is planned to make a three-tiered cake. Imagine that you need to glue a box of round shape. Additional centimeters should be left for “seam allowances” at the edges of each. Make the sides, fasten them with a stapler along a vertical wall and attach to the circle, which will serve as the bottom. It is recommended that all seams be glued with any glue that is strong and reliable.

It is required to perform in this way three tiers: one less than the previous one. From the outside, it looks like a festive packaging for a multi-tiered cake. The blank can be decorated with colored paper, gift ribbon.

But this is not the most important thing. So far, materials have been used to make ordinary decorative crafts, but how to make a cake out of juice and Barney with your own hands?

Second phase

DIY barn and juice cake step by step with photo

The most interesting part remains: to assemble the rest of the structure. Children's sweets are waiting in line. Now we begin to make a cake from Barney and juice with our own hands.

Juices and biscuits are attached to the sides of each tier. You can mix. Or it’s possible separately: to assemble from the lower tier of bears, to attach juice to the second tier, put a box of juice to the workpiece of the third tier, biscuit, juice again ... and so on.

All this is beautifully decorated, a gift for a child who is celebrating his birthday is placed on top. The cake from Barney and the juice with your own hands is ready. This almost completely edible dessert turned out to be large and mouth-watering.

Alternative way

We considered how to make a cake out of juice and Barney with your own hands, but you can make the same interesting and unusual presents from anything! You just need to know what the kids invited to the holiday love, and, of course, the birthday man himself.
You can fill the last tier with a real delicious cake, if you do not want to deprive the kids of the traditional attribute of the holiday.

do-it-yourself cake from barn and juice

Don't want to use Barney's biscuits? Can be replaced with cookies or waffles. It will cost less. For decoration, you can use a wide variety of colors.

Make the top

If you put candles on the upper tier in the amount that matches the birthday of the birthday, what will it be not a traditional holiday cake? Do not want to light candles because of compliance with fire safety rules? Then you can attach at the very top the number 2, 3, 4. How old is the baby - this will be the figure.

And you can traditional bow from above - modestly, without frills. Also a good option. Making such a cake will be a matter of taste for the one who gives such a surprise. Do not forget that the recipient is a child, so you need to show maximum imagination so that the baby is satisfied. The cake can be made in the form of a castle with towers and belfries. It can also be a huge lady in a chic dress with bows.

Cake with juice and Kinder

DIY barn and juice cake photo

Instead of cookies, waffles and biscuit, any kind of candy or Kinder milk chocolate can be used. Since there are usually many children present at the celebration, you can use a number of Soap Bubbles toys as a “filling” for the cake along with sweets and other sweets. Get great birthday entertainment.

The girl will be happy with the bright packaging, in the decoration of which many ribbons and beautiful toys are used. Let a cute bunny or a teddy bear flaunt on the upper tier. These are future toy friends of the birthday girl. And the more unusual they will be presented, the more memorable this gift will be. And how nice to see a smile of happiness on the face of a native baby!

how to make a beautiful cake of juice and barn with your own hands

For boy and girl

Boys are designers by nature, so for them the cake can be made from packaged juice and kinder surprises. Such a gift will be doubly useful. And tasty, of course, and informative, since a toy hidden in Kinder surprise always causes a storm of emotions and the ability to show your wits when assembling a surprise.

To the place it will be remembered that in some pastry shops sweet beads are on sale. This detail can also be used when making a cake for the girl. Such an element will be popular with everyone present, and then it can be divided between the guests. Or arrange interesting contests, in which prizes will be "pieces" of cake.

how to make a cake of juice and barn with your own hands


Now you know how to make a cake from Barney and juice with your own hands step by step. With the photo, we described all the stages of creating such an interesting product. And you also learned how to make a sweet gift from Kinder surprises.

You should also remember one rule when making such unusual souvenir birthday cakes. Everything that is done with your own hands should look aesthetically pleasing. This is designed to develop the taste of children. Therefore, adhere to the color combination of products and decor elements is necessary. Let the child get used to beauty from an early age.

If there is money, but there is no strength and opportunity, or there is not enough ability to create such products, but I really want to please the baby, then such cakes are made to order. Sometimes, from a variety of offers, eyes just run up. In our age of technology, nothing is impossible. But still, the baby will be pleased if mom and dad work hard and build in several tiers, a huge cake for the height of the child. It can be solemnly rolled into the room where the event takes place.

Such cakes can be not only tiers. Parents who like tinkering and thinking outside the box, it will not be difficult to give their baby in five or six years old a car made of sweets and drinks. The main thing is to want, and then everything will depend on the invested funds, on the imagination of adults, on the dream of a child. To find out what the baby wants, you can conduct a joking survey in advance.

Parents should remember that by accustoming a child to gifts made from the heart with their own hands, they will raise an attentive and caring son or daughter. In addition, this way you can make your dream a reality, breathe life into what you create and create with your own hands. You need to be with your children, study them and enjoy communication.


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