Medicinal herbs: “Cat's Paws”

“Cat's Paws” is a perennial of the family Asteraceae, has a direct

cat legs
stalk with creeping shoots. In height from 10 to 20 cm. This grass with leaves bare at the top and felt below. The flowers are collected in baskets, in appearance resemble cat's paws, hence the name. Color can be white and pink. The flower has five stamens and a fruit (the part used in medicine). The flowering period is from May to June. “Cat's feet” is a grass that grows in the temperate zones of Asia, North America and Europe, as well as almost throughout Russia, especially in the Urals, Siberia and the Caucasus. It settles on dry soils, mainly on sandy meadows, in mixed and pine forests, on dry lawns and clearings.

“Cat's paws”: collection and harvesting, rearing

Grass during flowering or a flower in a basket is collected throughout the summer from June to September. It is advisable to collect flowers before they open. Dry in an open space under a canopy. Dried grass should be stored in a dark and dry place for no more than a year. An unpretentious plant that survives droughts in poor soil. The only condition for its growth is an open sunny place. Seeds should be sown in the greenhouse in the spring, pushing them into the soil shallowly.

cat paws grass

Cat Feet Flower: Composition and Application

Since the plant contains tannins and tar, vitamins B, C, K, as well as saponin and phytosterols, it is actively used in medicine. The plant is not poisonous, so an overdose is excluded. It is mainly used for hemorrhage as a hemostatic agent. Due to its properties, it helps blood coagulate better than adrenaline and calcium chloride. Bloody vomiting, postpartum hemorrhage, hypertension, pulmonary tuberculosis, female diseases and many other ailments successfully cure Cat's Feet in the form of a powder or decoction in folk medicine. With convulsions, use a floral decoction and infusion of leaves as a sedative. With jaundice, they wash themselves. In childhood skin diseases (diathesis, eczema, skin tuberculosis), children are either bathed in a decoction of flowers or given to drink. Moreover, it is used for hepatitis and cholecystitis. But tinctures from the leaves of the plant cope with high blood pressure. The plant acts as a sedative, helps with sleep disorders, and is used as a sleeping pill. But for healing wounds and with furunculosis, an ointment made on the basis of a thick decoction of leaves and flowers will heal.

cat foot flower

Cat's Paws: Recipes

Gastrointestinal bleeding

1-2 tbsp. l dried flowers used 200 ml of water. It is necessary to boil for five minutes and let it brew for half an hour. Consume 1 tbsp. l every 10-20 minutes until the bleeding stops. Also cook and consume as a choleretic agent.


We take 10-20 grams of dry grass and flowers, pour 200 ml of boiling water. Then we insist about five hours and filter.


Use with caution with thrombophlebitis, as “Cat's Feet” contain substances that can clot blood. In addition, with high blood pressure, exclude prolonged use.


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