Writer Yuri Nagibin: biography, personal life, famous works

Nagibin Yuri Markovich, whose biography is presented in this article, is a famous writer and screenwriter. The years of his life - 1920-1994. He was born in Moscow on April 3, 1920. Kirill Alexandrovich, the father of the future writer, shortly before the birth of Yuri was shot - he participated in the White Guard uprising in the Kursk province. Kirill Alexandrovich managed to "bequeath" Ksenia Alekseevna, his pregnant wife, a friend of Mark Leventhal. He adopted Yuri, who only in his mature years found out who his real father was. Soon, Mark Leventhal was also repressed (he was exiled). The second stepfather for Yuri Markovich was Jacob Rykachev. He was the first literary teacher of the future writer, who awakened his taste for verbal creativity.

Study, war years

Yuri Nagibin

Nagibin in 1938 graduated with honors from school, and then continued his studies at the Moscow Medical Institute. He did not have an interest in medical practice, and he decided to go to VGIK, to the script department. Graduate, however, did not work. VGIK at the beginning of the war was evacuated to Alma-Ata, and Yuri Nagibin was drafted into the army. He was sent to the political department of the Volkhov Front in the fall of 1941. His first stories appeared in print shortly before the war. This is “Double mistake” (1940) and “Whip” (1941).

In 1942, Yuri Markovich was on the Voronezh Front, was a "instructor-writer." In the same year he was admitted to the Union of Writers of the USSR. Nagibin's front-line duties were as follows: broadcasting, issuing propaganda leaflets, and analyzing enemy documents. He was twice shell-shocked at the front, and after recovery for health reasons he was commissioned. After that, Yuri Nagibin worked in the newspaper Trud as a war correspondent. His front-line experience was reflected in short stories published in the collection “Man from the Front” in 1943, in “Two Forces” and “Big Heart” in 1944, and “Grain of Life” in 1948.

Friendship with Andrei Platonov

In the late 40s and early 50s, Yuri Nagibin made friends with Andrei Platonov (years of life - 1899-1951). As he later recalled in his autobiography, as a result of this, a whole period of his literary studies was marked by the fact that his stepfather etched Platonov from his phrases.

Nagibin becomes famous

In the early 1950s, Nagibin came to fame. Readers noticed such stories as “The Tube” (1952), “Mosquitoes” and “Winter Oak” (both written in 1953), “Chetunov” (1954), “Night Guest” (1955). And “Light in the Window” and “Khazar Ornament”, published in Literary Moscow in 1956, provoked anger in the party press (along with A. Yashin's “Levers” ). But just a year later, stories made under the laws of socialist realism were published in the Ogonyka Library, and the writer was “rehabilitated.” Yuri Kuvaldin noted that Nagibin had to constantly balance on the verge of faithfulness and dissidentism.

Cycles of Nagibin's works

Most of Yuri Markovich’s stories, united by “cross-cutting” characters, a common theme and storytelling theme, comprise cycles: historical, biographical, hunting, military, travel stories, etc. For many years the author was considered mainly as a short story writer who seeks to tell a little about big .

Military cycle

works of yuri nagibin

Nagibin’s military stories are marked by the search for an individual author’s style. In the last, 11-volume, collected works, the author included the best of them, among which the following can be noted: “The Signalman Vasiliev” (first published in 1942 in the newspaper Krasnaya Zvezda under the name “Line”), “On Khortitsa”, “ Translator "(1945)," Vaganov "(1946). In addition, military material was used by Yuri Markovich in the following short stories: 1957, “The Way to the Front Line,” 1959, “Pavlik,” and 1964, “Far from the War.” The disclosure of the heroism of a simple soldier and military everyday life is becoming more and more dramatic and psychologically in-depth, relief and subtlety appear in the contours of characters. Among the works of this subject, the novel "Pavlik" stands out especially. Her main character with the help of the mind overcomes the fear of death.

"Hunting" cycle

The "hunting" cycle took shape over a decade - from 1954 to 1964. It includes more than twenty stories. They owe their birth to the landscapes of the surroundings of Lake Pleshcheyev and Meshchera. The stories of Yuri Nagibin are noticeably influenced by the classical tradition in literature dating back to Turgenev's Notes of the Hunter. They are narrated in the first person. These are works by Yuri Nagibin, such as Pursuit and Night Guest (1962), Newlyweds and Meshcherskaya Side (1964). Here Nagibin acts as a subtle artist in the natural world and a tester of the characters of people in the natural environment. In the relationship between nature and man, both the ecological side and the socio-moral side are considered.

Village theme, the first script for the film

Yuri Nagibin wife

These stories prepared the development of a village theme. Observations and materials from the post-war journalistic years, from the time of the creation of essays on collective farm life for Smena, Socialist Agriculture, Labor, Pravda, were used. As a result, in 1962, the novel "Pages of Trubnikov's Life" appeared. It was she who became the basis of the script for the film "Chairman", directed by director A. Saltykov in 1964. This film has become a real event. The clashes between Semyon Siluyanov and Yegor Trubnikov, people obsessed with their ideas, read the clash of two opposing belief systems, life principles - individualistic and social.

New scenario

The work of Yuri Markovich organically fit into the trends of rural prose, gaining strength in 1950-1960. However, immediately after the release of the first picture, Yuri Nagibin tried to repeat the cinematic success. Films in his scripts began to appear one after another. Yuri Markovich soon proposed a draft of the new painting "Director". The author directly stated in the application that, by the will of fate, he had once joined the family of Ivan Likhachev, one of the founders of the automotive industry of our country, a former Chekist and revolutionary sailor, a party nominee. Yuri Nagibin married his daughter. Thus, the plot basis was the life of Nagibin's father-in-law, whose romance with his wife, that is, with his mother-in-law, will be openly described by Yuri Nagibin a little later.

The biography of the writer interests many, especially his personal life, which should be discussed separately.

Nagibin's personal life

Yuri Markovich was married six times. One of his spouse was Bella Akhmadulina. Yuri Markovich said that with each woman he was happy in his own way. Each of them contributed something special to his life, as Yuri Nagibin admitted. Alla Grigoryevna’s wife, the translator, the last wife of the writer, lived with him the longest. They were happy together for almost 25 years. Nagibin expressed his love for her in a romantic tale called "The Story of a Blue Frog", which we will talk about a little later.

Continuing Scripting

During the creation of the first version of the film "Director" died Eugene Urbansky, a famous actor. The second option, shot after a long break, was little remembered. Nevertheless, Nagibin continued to create scripts that were profitable at that time. Akira Kurosawa, a well-known Japanese director, based on his screenwriting of the work of Vladimir Arsenyev, made the film "Dersu Uzala", which was awarded the Oscar (though for the director's work). Yuri Nagibin had more than thirty paintings in total: "The Girl and the Echo", "The Kingdom of the King", "Tchaikovsky", "The Slowest Train", "Red Tent", "The Riddle of Kalman" and others.

Urban cycles

books by yuri nagibin

The writer Yuri Nagibin did not limit himself to production and village topics. He also created urban cycles, which comprised the following books: Chistye Prudy (1962), The Book of Childhood (creation years 1968-1975), Alleys of My Childhood (published in 1971). Here, Yuri Nagibin turns to the origins of the formation of the character of Sergei Rakitin, his lyrical hero, as well as his generation as a whole.

Not only the background, but also the “hero” of the cycle is Moscow itself with its urban customs and way of life. In many further journalistic articles, the theme of the capital developed. They were collected in the 1987 book "Moscow ... How much of this sound." He considered this city his only affection, although Nagibin traveled almost the whole world, with the exception of South America. In Moscow, he lived almost his entire life. Yuri Markovich was an excellent connoisseur of the history of squares, alleys and streets of the capital. It is no coincidence that his last book was The Great Ringing, a work dedicated to his native city. The success of Nagibin's works in the 60-70s as a whole is explained by the natural sincerity of intonations, lyrical confession, clarity and lightness of the syllable, rich metaphor, unusual rhythmic structure with a final chord, which necessarily assessed the story from a moral and ethical point of view.

Theme of creativity

Yuri Nagibin movies

In the 1970s, Yuri Nagibin was attracted by the theme of creativity on historical, cultural and modern material. This is reflected in the cycle of artistic microepoes "Eternal satellites" (years of creation - 1972-1979). Their heroes were Lermontov, Pushkin, Archpriest Avvakum, Tchaikovsky, Tyutchev, Annensky, Rachmaninov and others. These works are not particularly original. According to the author himself, he was not brought closer, but only repelled by the complete knowledge of the material. Creative flight appeared when memory was freed from facts that fetter the imagination. In order to recreate the “spiritual landscape”, first of all, reliance on “first visions”, on feelings and “memory of sight” was needed. Hence the accusations of arbitrariness and subjectivity.

Love in Nagibin's work

Among the stable themes of Nagibin’s work, which varied differently at different times, there was a diverse and vivid love, as well as the drama of lost or failed happiness. Whether Nagibin wrote a fairy tale or a realistic thing, in the relationship between a man and a woman he developed a rather stable system of characters: he is always defenseless and vulnerable, and she is more stable and stronger in this world. In the early 1980s, light, with nostalgic motives, was replaced by great acuteness and topicality, tragic tension, and a tendency to social and philosophical retreats. His satire with a parody and a farce, as well as erotica came as a surprise. "The stories of the blue frog" is a confession of the "frog with human memory and longing", which he left from his former life. And his beloved in posthuman being turned into a graceful roe deer. Criticism condemned Nagibin's new prose for "lack of moral certainty."

Recent works

stories of yuri nagibin

“The Blue Frog” in the last years of his life did not change his skin once again, but turned himself inside out. The author, with demonstrative self-exposure, not devoid of buffoonery, showed the most hidden pages of his biography. He decided to recreate the life story of his father and his attitude to this man ("Get Up and Go, 1987), recalled his first love in the 1994 work" Daphnis and Chloe ... ". In the same year, he described his romance with his mother-in-law in the book "My Golden Mother-in-law", and also left a testament called "Darkness at the End of the Tunnel", which was extremely pessimistic. The 1995 "Diary", published posthumously, is full of extreme frankness and unpleasant assessments of the writer's environment.

Nagibin Yuri Markovich biography

Death of Nagibin

On June 17, 1994, Nagibin, Yuri Markovich, died in Moscow. His biography is interesting to many today. Popularity among our contemporaries continues to enjoy precisely his latest works. Critics break their spears from time to time, discussing the books of Yuri Nagibin. In the "Nagobinoborotchestvo" were noted, for example, Alexander Solzhenitsyn and Viktor Toporov.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F5361/

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