Cotoneaster horizontal with bright red fruits

Cotoneaster horizontal
Cotoneaster is not distinguished by the brightness of its flowers or the original shape of the leaves, so it does not cause much delight among gardeners. Nevertheless, its varieties have always been in demand.

Among the variety of its species, the cotoneaster horizontal, which has tremendous winter hardiness, stands out.

This compact shrub has shoots that grow parallel to the ground and are very reminiscent of the location of a ridge of fish. Its leathery leaves with an almost round shape and a noticeable shine in spring and summer have a dark green color, turning in the crimson in the fall. The flowers of this plant are hardly noticeable, but the fruits that the cotoneaster gives are horizontal, have a spherical shape and a bright red color. They are not poisonous and usually remain on the branches until spring.

Cotoneaster horizontal brought from the central regions of China, where it grows on the slopes of the mountains. In addition, it is very common in many cities in Europe and East Asia, and recently it has been used for landscaping in North America.

Cotoneaster horizontal care
Cotoneaster varieties such as Variegatus are most popular, especially attractive in the fall, when a white or creamy narrow border appears on its leaves, as well as Saxatilis with characteristic lying branches and small leaves.

The cotoneaster horizontal loves fertile soil and a sunny place, although it tolerates well shaded areas. This shrub is not particularly demanding on humidity, since it is drought tolerant. The most optimal for its normal growth are drained substrate soils.

Cotoneaster horizontal photo
Cotoneaster horizontal, the photo of which, taken in the fall, can often be found in specialized magazines, is well adapted to the environment. It tolerates well and gas pollution of urban air, and a clean mountain climate.

However, the biggest advantage of this plant is its frost resistance.

Cotoneaster bush
The cotoneaster is horizontal, the care of which does not require special care, is a valuable ornamental shrub and always looks great in the garden because of the brightness of its fruits and the autumn color of the leaves. It makes a very dense and spectacular hedge or border.

In addition, this plant can be used as a tapeworm or planted in large groups on the lawn.

In spring and summer, just before flowering, the shrub needs fertilizers. If the amount of precipitation is normal, then the cotoneaster horizontal can not be watered at all. This plant needs water only in hot, dry summers.

Cotoneaster requires shallow cultivation with the simultaneous removal of weeds. The plant tolerates pruning well, after which it grows strongly, forming a dense hedge. The shrub is trimmed to one third of the length of its annual shoot.

For winter, cotoneaster in the northern regions should be covered with dry leaves or mulched with a peat layer up to six centimeters. In addition, the branches for the winter need to be bent to the ground.

The plant is propagated by seeds that need to be stratified before planting, as well as layering and cuttings. The selection of material is carried out at the end of July, and after it is planted at a distance of up to two meters from each other with a planting depth of up to seventy centimeters.


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