Italy: traditions and customs, country culture

In a country where siesta (afternoon nap) is almost approved at the legislative level, they like to relax more than work. What traditions and customs of Italy have survived to this day? Which are obsolete and forgotten? What is remarkable for the people of this beautiful country? The most interesting traditions and customs of Italy can be found in the publication.


About 60 million people live on the territory of this Mediterranean state, which resembles the shape of boots on the map of Southern Europe. In the famous capital - Rome - about 3 million. The official language of the parliamentary republic is Italian. For many years, the country remained fairly homogeneous national composition (Italian majority). However, due to the current global geopolitical situation and large migration flows, Albanians, French, Germans, Greeks and other nationalities live in Italy today (about 10%).

It is not surprising that Catholics prevail in their religious composition (92%). Italians adore their dad, almost every resident of the country has visited the Vatican enclave, which is located in Rome, at least once in his life.

Catholic Church

In Italy, one can also meet Protestants, Muslims, Orthodox Christians and Jews.

Traditional home and costume

A typical building in small settlements remains a house of the Mediterranean type. According to traditions and customs, in Italy they have long been built in two floors of stone. Among the green trees and shrubs, the tiled gable roof of the house looks cozy. The construction was divided horizontally into two levels. The first was reserved for utility rooms, a kitchen, and on the second floor there was a residential part. The interior was distinguished by massive wooden furniture, which today is rarely seen in modern houses.

Cheerful and energetic representatives of the nation, following the traditions and customs of Italy, wore very colorful diverse outfits. The basis of women's clothing is a long and wide skirt, which was decorated with a white or green apron, a shirt with wide sleeves, the corsage emphasized the dignity of the figure. The male population wore short pants, white shirts, jackets or sleeveless jackets, hats or berets.

traditional clothes

A real Italian is always distinguished by a neat appearance, accuracy even in small things. Here, men pay a lot of attention to their appearance.

Features of national cuisine

According to traditions and customs, in Italy there were always a lot of fresh seafood and a variety of flour products on the table (spaghetti, cannelloni). Today, the culinary preferences of the population of this country have changed slightly. Favorite dishes are ravioli and tortellini, lasagna, risotto, pizza.

traditional food

A popular drink in Italy is coffee, which is often served with lemon (espresso romano). Amaretto, grappa, campari, sambuca, limoncello can be distinguished from alcoholic preferences. Tiramisu is often served for dessert (by the way, in Italian the name of delicacies means "makes me happy").


New Year in Italy

This is a special line - the more holidays for the Italian, the better. Festivities are arranged, of course, in a big way, songs, dances. Holy Italians honor Christmas (December 25), considering it exclusively a family celebration. As in our country, March 8 and May 1 are celebrated here. Father's Day (in honor of St. Giuseppe) is held on March 19th, two days later (March 21st) there comes Tree Day, April 1st is April Fools' Day, and the Foundation Day of Rome (April 21st) smoothly turns into Italy's Liberation Day (April 25th), then there is Mother's Day (May 10), etc. The Italians not only clearly know, but also honor the days of all their holy patrons. These dates are not official, but de facto banks, shops and other establishments are closed.

National character

The inner world of Italians is full of paradoxes and contradictions. The center of the universe for the inhabitants of this country is the family, and in the broadest sense of the word. People are very kind to mothers and children, value and hold sacred friendship. This is one of the few countries in which there are no orphanages.

The Italians are born actors; the company loves to flaunt themselves. These people are distinguished by an easy attitude to life, optimism, a love of fun and laughter. They are very sociable, speak loudly and emotionally, clearly pronouncing sounds. They are intolerant of incorrect pronunciation, very often correct the speech of foreigners. People in this country actively gesticulate during communication. At the same time, this feature is considered permissible only for men, a woman behaving indecently. However, sociability does not mean openness, they are very careful with strangers, they do not chat too much.

Types of tourism and attractions

Usually Italy is visited by travelers who love skiing, beach vacations, sightseeing, medical and business tourism. The last 10-20 years, shop tours to the country of eminent couturiers and designers are rapidly gaining momentum.

Traditions and culture of Italy

Traditions, customs, culture of Italy are inextricably intertwined with its history, which can be traced by visiting the most famous sights of the country. The capital of the state is notable for the ancient Pantheon, the construction of this temple dates back to 27 BC. e. Also in Rome you can see the famous Colosseum, several triumphal arches, the Roman and Imperial forums, the baths of Caracalla. The basilica of St. John of Lateran, St. Paul will not leave indifferent religious connoisseurs. Be sure to visit the Piazza Navona with three fountains, this square has gained fame since the days of Ancient Rome. Excursions to the Capitoline, National Museum of Rome and the Borghese Gallery are certainly offered to visitors to the capital.

Milan is famous for the Dominican monastery, in the refectory of which is the fresco "Last Supper" by Leonardo da Vinci. You can not help but watch a gorgeous performance in the famous La Scala theater.

The miraculous city of Venice stands on 122 islands, 170 canals and 400 bridges cross the city. Here you can see the Cathedral of St. Mark, the palace of the Venetian rains. Florence is famous for the cathedral of Santa Maria del Foret, the Baptistery of San Giovanni, the Uffizi and Pitti galleries, the tomb of the Medici family.

The most interesting facts

The customs and traditions of Italy are still preserved. For example, in this country it is customary to dine strictly with the whole family, and on Sundays you should visit your beloved grandparents. If you want to win over an Italian business partner, ask him to show a family photo. Do not worry, he will definitely have it in his purse.

Residents of Italy are very superstitious. For example, they are afraid to talk about the successes and health of their relatives, they never have weddings in May, and on New Year's day each family member must eat 12 grapes. By the way, there is a tradition of throwing out (not out the window, of course) in the outgoing year all old and unnecessary things. Perhaps someone said goodbye to the TV.

night Italy

Italians are one of the kindest and most merciful nations. For example, for cruel treatment to a cat, you can get up to 3 years in prison. Despite this, the northerners and southerners of the country are very cold and dismissive of each other. Southern Italians consider northern boring people, and northern Italians believe that southerners are impenetrable lazy people.

Instead of a conclusion

We briefly examined the traditions and customs of Italy, now it became clear why this wonderful country ranks fourth in the world in terms of tourist attendance. There are more than 50 UNESCO World Heritage Sites - no other country on our planet can boast such a figure.

When studying the customs and traditions of the peoples of Italy, it is important to remember that in this country they love their native language very much, and foreigners are reluctant to learn. Therefore, it is worth stocking up a phrase book to properly penetrate the local flavor.


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