Asian halibut: sizes, photo

Asian halibut is a very beautiful unusual type of fish, which is also quite tasty. It is considered a delicacy, and a large amount will have to be paid for a dish from it. It lives deep in the Pacific or Atlantic Ocean, so it is quite difficult to get it. But not only this increases the value of the delicacy.

Body structure

They will help to understand the body structure that Asian halibut has, photos located in the article. It is elongated, covered with large scales on top. On both sides of the mouth are sharp teeth in two rows. The lips are flat, they almost do not cover the fangs. This makes halibut difficult.

asian halibut pictures
The location of the eyes is amazing. They are only on one side of the animal, which is unique in its kind. The blind part is different in color, it is much lighter. The one where the eyes are located is brownish, sometimes with a blue or black tint.

In size, the fish can reach up to one meter, but smaller individuals are also found. Usually in those reservoirs where fishing is observed, it never grows to its maximum size. Firstly, eating old fish is not so healthy and tasty. And secondly, she simply does not have time to grow old, since anglers carefully monitor the growing fry and the adult generation.


Asian Halibut Halibut is one of a kind. But he has an American brother. They are distributed along the respective sides of the Pacific coasts. In fact, they are not much different, and for the most part only similarities are observed between them.

halibut asian fish
Both American and Asian halibut belong to flounder, the sizes of each of them reach one meter. Both become sexually mature at about the same age. Males can continue breeding at 6-7 years, females at 8-9 years. It should be noted that all halibuts are predators.

The differences are that Asian halibut go to spawn in the fall, American - in the spring. It is likely that this is due to temperature conditions. The coast of America is cooler, so the fry cannot survive in sub-zero winter temperatures. Near Asia, by contrast, is warmer. Accordingly, hot summer weather will not be a favorable time for the growth and development of fry.


It is difficult to find a more individual fish than Asian halibut. Photos can prove it. Firstly, fish have an asymmetric skull shape. Secondly, they can see only on one side of the body, since there are no eyes on the other. However, when it comes to breeding, halibut process is more or less standard and common.

Asian halibut or seahorse
Upon reaching puberty, females and males go to spawn. It happens in the fall or winter. Then the first throw eggs at a depth of one kilometer. But most often eggs are found at a distance of 300-500 meters. It is necessary that the water temperature at this time does not fall below 2-10 degrees.

In one run, the female can leave many eggs. Their number reaches 3.5 million. But of course, not everyone can survive. Further, the breeding period ends, since each egg begins its own independent development path.

Birth and development

When the breeding season begins, Asian halibut rolls eggs, which are more like larvae. This is due to the fact that they have very large sizes. In addition, from birth, while still at the stage of eggs, halibuts are already able to protect themselves. Spikes are located above their eyes and near the branchial lid, with the help of which they can drive away small predators who have gathered to feast on.

It should be noted that halibut species other than Asian and American have no corresponding spikes.

killer whale asian halibut seahorse
In appearance, the eggs really resemble larvae. They are thin and slightly elongated. In addition, their color is a little faded. Most likely, this is due to the lifestyle of the fish - it lives at a depth where sunlight is difficult to penetrate. Eggs can hatch only at a temperature of 6 degrees for 16 days. Then they go through several stages of transformation, and at the last stage they look like a normal flounder. This occurs in all members of the family, not necessarily halibut.

The fry develop quickly, at the age of three months they already resemble an adult individual in body structure. However, the age suitable for procreation comes quite late. For this reason, on some coasts, the capture of the fish in question is under surveillance. If she does not live in the territory of the fishery, then she can reach the age of 30 years, and only then will she die of old age.


Asian halibut is a real predator. Moreover, he will never eat plants or algae. Some fish sometimes tolerate this diversity, but not halibut.

asian halibut photo
As for nutrition, halibuts by and large do not care what to eat. They can eat smaller fish, crab, shrimp and so on. In a word, they consider fit for food any meat that only meets them on the way.

From fish halibuts prefer pollock or herring, but not against other representatives of the flatfish family. Moreover, it is not necessary for the victim to be smaller in size, the main thing is that she cannot resist.

Halibut love invertebrates, particularly squid. But they can eat them only in the summer, when they rise in the upper water layers.

In places of fishing, fish are often fed additionally. This can be small fish, specially caught for this, or large individuals, but chopped.


Recently, the question often arises as to which of the listed representatives will be smaller:

  • Killer whale.
  • Asian halibut.
  • Sea Horse.

Killer whales are the largest representatives of the dolphin family. Males reach a length of 10 meters, females - 7. Therefore, this option can immediately be thrown back.

Who is smaller: Asian halibut or seahorse? As mentioned above, flounder grows to 1 meter, but most often it occurs with a length of up to 70 cm. The largest seahorse can reach only 30 cm. Accordingly, it will be the smallest of these options.

If we consider representatives from trawl catches, then they usually do not exceed 50 cm. Small fish are released into the wild during fishing. Too large, too, since her meat will no longer be as tasty and juicy as that of teenagers.


Asian halibut fish lives mainly in the northern Pacific and Atlantic Ocean. It can also be found in the Bering, Okhotsk and Japanese seas. In the latter case, halibut is extremely rare.

asian halibut sizes
Sometimes found in Primorye, but in private. There it comes from the waters of Sakhalin, therefore it is of no value for fishing. The most widespread occurrence in the northern part of the Pacific Ocean. Here, fish is found from the coast of Sakhalin and to the western part of Alaska.

Halibut lives at a depth, for this reason it has a characteristic flat body shape. Adolescents who have already become full-fledged individuals, but have not yet reached the breeding season, try to stay lower than adult specimens. It is likely that this is due to the instinct of self-preservation. Seniors are forced to climb up in order to leave eggs.


Halibut is a valuable commercial object, as it has good juicy and fatty meat with excellent taste. Fishing usually takes place using trawls or longlines. The latter method is rarely used.

asian halibut
Suitable time for fishing is autumn and winter, as the fish rises higher from the depths in order to leave eggs, give the opportunity to be born and develop offspring.

When Asian halibut gets into the trawls, its size usually does not exceed 50-70 cm. This is due to the fact that small fish hide in the depths and do not need to rise higher, since the ability to procreate has not yet developed.


It is impossible to find a more beautiful, amazing and unique fish in the whole ocean than Asian halibut. Pictures with his image adorn many users' desktops, and photographs cause genuine delight. It is also necessary to recall the wonderful taste. If you get the opportunity to try a dish of this fish, then you can not refuse it. And, of course, do not forget about nutrition. All seafood is saturated with substances necessary for the human body. But halibut has literally miraculous properties. People feel better after eating it.


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