The symbol of the wolf in different historical periods

Today, the symbol of the wolf is quite popular. A huge number of T-shirts and backpacks are decorated with a print with photographs of this predator. Many also make tattoos or wear jewelry depicting wolves. With such popularity, not everyone knows that this animal in different historical periods was a symbol of both good and evil.

A bit about wolf nature

Today, humans are less likely to encounter wolves than their ancestors. Therefore, the idea of ​​this animal is formed on the basis of books and television programs. Meanwhile, the wolf is a rather dangerous predator, which is not only strong and fast, but also very smart.

symbol of freedom

Being a rather strong animal, the wolf is able to attack a person and defeat him. However, this happens in case of emergency, as this beast does not like the human smell. As a rule, if a pack of wolves is not hungry and not provoked, they do not attack people.

Each nation has a wolf symbol. Often, everything depended on external factors. In more fertile territories, where it was easier for wolves to get food without attacking people, these predators were treated with respect and admiration. But in those countries where they lacked food and were forced to prey on people, they, of course, were considered the embodiment of evil.

There are many misconceptions regarding the nature of wolves. So, it is believed that they are noble hunters who do not eat carrion and do not hunt the weak. In reality, this is not so. Wolves eat meat from recently killed animals, as well as a carcass accidentally found. In addition, they often finish off found weak or wounded animals.

But as for wolf monogamy, it’s true. In a pack, wolves form pairs and remain faithful to each other until the death of one of the partners. That is why the wolf is often considered a symbol of fidelity, like a swan.

Another interesting feature of this predator is the inability to tame or train a wolf. That is why for many, the wolf is a symbol of freedom and rebellion.

The animal of the ancient Greeks and Romans

Back in Hellenic times, wolves were credited with magical abilities. So, in the records of the father of the history of Herodotus , the tribes whose totem was a wolf were mentioned. In addition, among the Greeks, he was considered an animal of Apollo.

In ancient Sparta, the appearance of wolves before the battle was considered a bad omen. For the Romans, they were very respected animals. According to legend, it was the she-wolf who nourished with her milk the legendary founders of the eternal city - the twins Romulus and Remus. In addition, the wolf was an animal dedicated to Mars.

symbol of fearlessness
Unlike the Spartans for the Romans, seeing a wolf before a military campaign was revered as a good sign, since it was a symbol of fearlessness. Some legionnaires wore amulets in the form of a tooth of this animal.

In Roman culture, the symbol of the wolf, and even more often - the she-wolf, was very often present. Females were considered among the Romans symbols of sexual attractiveness. In this regard, women selling their bodies were sometimes called she-wolves. Also, the wolf was dedicated to an ancient holiday - Lupercalia.

The symbol of the wolf in the mythology of the Scandinavians and Egyptians

In Scandinavian mythology, wolves signified chaos and evil. So, according to legend, the giant wolf Fenvir swallowed the sun, and people were in eternal darkness.

wolf symbol
Only thanks to the valiant son of Odin, the heavenly luminary returned to its place.

But in ancient Egypt there was a wolf deity named Upuat.

what does the wolf symbolize
He was the best warrior of Osiris and was often identified with him. In addition, Upuat was considered a deity patronizing the dead. The images of the wolf were very popular among the Egyptians, and at most festivals they always carried a shield with the image of this predator ahead of the procession.

Wolf in the Slavic tribes

As in Egypt, for the Slavs, the wolf was a symbol of otherworldly light. It was believed that in the guise of this beast, the dead are able to return to the world of the living. The wolf was a conductor. People believed that if, when meeting with a wolf, they pronounce the names of three deceased relatives, the predator will not touch.

In folk tales, he often acted as a positive character, with his mind and wise advice helping the protagonist achieve his goal.

In addition, in the mythology of the Slavs, the wolf was an animal of the deity Semargla, and a separate rune was dedicated to him.

symbol of independence

Also for the Slavs, wolves were a symbol of a good harvest. Indeed, in ancient times they were found in almost every forest, performing the function of orderlies. Predators controlled a population of deer, hares, and other weaker animals. Due to this, wheat and other plants in fields adjacent to the forest were not trampled or eaten by herbivores.

Slavic tribes, as a rule, did not hunt wolves. But at the same time, finding a carcass was considered a positive sign. Skins were often used not only as warm clothes, but also as a talisman.

Wolf in Christianity

With the spread of Christianity, all other cults tried to abolish. To get rid of their influence, everything connected with paganism was recognized as the machinations of unclean forces. Including the wolf, which, despite many negative traits, was held in high esteem by most pagans. That is why he was declared "unclean" and a servant of Satan. In addition, in the Bible in many parables the wolf was associated with the devil, who dreams of destroying people (sheep).

wolf symbol
A little later, this predator was considered a seducer. According to legend, wolves and witches rode on their covens on wolves.

What does the wolf symbolize today

In the twentieth century, the wolf was "rehabilitated." He not only ceased to be a symbol of evil, but also became the embodiment of many positive qualities.

Now the wolf in the first place is a symbol of freedom and loneliness. And although these animals are really famous for their love of freedom, it is difficult to call them loners, since they live in a flock with a clear hierarchy of relations that is not violated. In this regard, another erroneous interpretation is the recognition that the wolf is a symbol of independence.

Today, these animals symbolize fidelity in love, purity and care for their children.

In addition, now the wolf is a symbol of nobility. Despite the completely ignoble habits of this beast in reality, it symbolizes military honor and valor, as well as fearlessness and the willingness to fight to the death.

For centuries, the nature of the wolf has interested people. Many of them elevated this predator to the category of deities, hoping to enlist the help of a strong and independent beast. A little later, he became a symbol of evil. Today, many of the old ideas about the symbol of the wolf have been forgotten or lost their meaning, new ones have replaced them. How long they will be relevant, time will tell.


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