How to plan an event: a sample

An event means a meeting planned and held with the participation of a group of people: a holiday, a business meeting, a sporting event, a children's party, an advertising campaign, etc. Since the event is most often attended by a large number of participants, it is extremely important to take care of the safety of all those invited, as well as that they were comfortable, no one was bored, there were no complaints about the menu, the performance of the artists, the design of the meeting room, etc. In order to avoid unpleasant surprises, you need to be careful But to prepare.

How to plan an event

Event preparation begins with planning. It’s better to worry about how to plan the event in advance. The more time is left until a significant date, the more opportunities to think things over, weigh, avoid mistakes and negative feedback from participants. Plans are made in accordance with the specifics of the event, but there are general recommendations for planning.

What to plan

First of all, the goal. No event is held just like that. The company's leaders want to achieve certain results: the formation of a corporate culture, the promotion of goods on the market, the expansion of platforms for business, the rallying of employees, the celebration of the anniversary (official recognition of his merits to the company), etc. The main thing is that the goal should be concrete, clearly formulated and achievable . Together with the purpose, the type of event is also determined (buffet, picnic, holiday at the water park, etc.).

The next stage of planning is the budget. No matter how hard the organizer tries, it will not be possible to realize all creative ideas if the budget does not allow this. Therefore, before deciding how to draw up an action plan, you need to decide on finances.

How to make an action plan

The following items are considered:

  • number and gender of guests (necessary for making the menu, selection of drinks);
  • venue of the event;
  • design and technical equipment;
  • transport (if the event is away);
  • photo and video shooting;
  • invitation of the host, artists;
  • prizes and gifts;
  • Media coverage of the event (if necessary).


After clarifying the above issues, you can begin to compile questionnaires for the invitees. So it will be easier to take into account the wishes of the guests. According to the results of the survey, you may have to make adjustments to the plan and estimate. We offer an approximate list of questions:

  1. Do you plan to attend the event?
  2. If you do not plan to attend the event, then for what reason?
  3. How did you find out about the event?
  4. How was the registration for participation in the event (very simple, simple, without any problems, with minor difficulties, any difficulties)?
  5. Do you have any wishes on the menu?
  6. Who will pay for your participation in the event?
  7. What topics, discussion questions are you interested in?
  8. Do you have any questions about the event, which ones?
  9. Do you have any questions for the host of the event, which ones?
  10. How would you like to receive information about the event (address, email, phone)?
  11. Other

Questions are adjusted depending on the type and content of the event. The main thing is to draw up a questionnaire so that the organizer receives all the answers he is interested in. This will help to determine how to draw up an action plan, to avoid all kinds of misunderstandings. So, Muslim business partners during the banquet will not touch pork (which means that the menu should include dishes from chicken, turkey), and the jokes of the leading corporate party may seem to some people not funny. Of course, the survey should be anonymous.

After the information is collected, the employee proceeds directly to the preparation of the plan.

How to plan an event: an example

The plan form is developed in accordance with GOST R 6.30-2003 “Unified documentation systems. Unified system of organizational and administrative documentation. Requirements for paperwork. " Traditionally, the plan lists the types of work for the preparation and conduct of the event, the deadlines and those responsible. At the beginning of the document shall be indicated the name of the organization and type of document for approval, the date, number and place of preparation of the document, stamp of approval. Separately drawn up financial documents, approval sheets and familiarization with the document. In the form of a diagram, it looks something like this:

Table 1. Sample action plan

I approve



(position of the head of the company)

------------------------------------- (FULL NAME.)


Action Plan for the preparation and conduct

-------------------------------------------------- ----

(event name)

The date of the:


The purpose of the event:
No.Types of jobsDeadlinesResponsible
1.Creation of the organizing committee12/15/2014FULL NAME.
2.Drawing up a cultural program12/15/2014FULL NAME.

The plan may also include columns “results” and “notes”.

How to draw up an action plan for the year

The drawn up plan is discussed with the company management, approved and communicated to employees. Responsible persons put their signatures on the familiarization sheet and receive a copy of the plan. After that, the question: “How to draw up an action plan?” considered closed.

As a rule, events are held several times a year, so an event manager or other specialist has to draw up an annual action plan. How to draw up an action plan for the year?

Annual plan

Before proceeding with the preparation of the annual plan, you need to analyze the activities of the company for the past year. Based on the results of the analytical work, a report is compiled, the content of which will set goals for the next 12 months. The events held in the new calendar year will be aimed at achieving precisely these goals.

Events are planned by month. How many events to conduct each month - the company decides. It all depends on the goals and pressing problems. One-time, periodic and ongoing activities are envisaged. One-time events include, in particular, the purchase of equipment from a foreign company. The current event is also held once, but takes a longer period of time. Periodic events are repeated at a specific time interval. This can be staff development (conferences, seminars, webinars), development and implementation of projects, corporate events and more. All events should be logically consistent with each other on the feasibility, subject and timing of the event.

Annual plan form

The annual plan is drawn up in the form of a general work plan or time schedule. Sometimes both options are appropriate (for example, if the performers work in different organizations). Let's consider these types of plans in more detail.

In the general annual plan, the serial number, the name of the event, the deadlines, results, executives and a note are noted. The chapter “Result” indicates the product of the specialists ’activities: a process or mechanism diagram, a completed project, a report, a package of documents, etc.

Table 2. Sample overall work plan
No.Name of eventresultsDeadlinesPerformersNotes
StartEndingLtdOJSCCompany ConferenceCollection of Abstracts01/1501/17FULL NAME.FULL NAME.FULL NAME.Students of specialized universities are involved
2.Presentation of a new variety of cheeseReport on the presentation of a new variety of cheese16.0202.17FULL NAME.FULL NAME.FULL NAME.Technologists of enterprises are involved

When compiling a time schedule, activities are indicated for each month. The junction between the name of the event and the month is painted over. A document may look something like this:

Table 3. Sample time schedule
No.Name of eventresultsPerformersyear 2014Notes
JanuaryFebruaryMarch ConferenceCollection of Abstracts




1.1.Preparation of a newsletterInformation mailOffice Manager
2.Presentation of a new variety of cheeseReport on the presentation of a new variety of cheese
2.1.Preparation of brochuresFlyersMarketing department

In addition to the annual plan, a rationale for measures, reporting and control forms, as well as annexes are being developed. Applications include:

  • financial records;
  • communication plan, other event support;
  • risk analysis.

All of the above plans are for adults. But various events are held with children. The patterns of making plans for the guys are about the same, but there are some features.

How to make an action plan for children

The event for young citizens differs from that for adults, primarily, educational and (or) health-improving orientation. Responsible are appointed teachers, psychologists, entertainers, librarians, counselors in health camps and other specialists working with children. The specifics of the event depends on the age of the children and the tasks set. Consider the features of event planning in a preschool, school, library and recreation camp.


How to make an action plan for children

Kindergarten activities are part of the annual plan. Provided for:

  • matinees (thematic and holiday dates);
  • sports holidays;
  • days and weeks of health (include various activities);
  • parent meetings , etc.

For each of these activities, a plan or scenario is drawn up, which is approved by the manager and agreed with her deputy. Indicate the name of the event, purpose, tasks, time and place of the event, equipment, inventory, the course of the event (in the script) and those responsible. Here is an example of designing an action plan for Health Day:

Table 4. Sample Health Day Plan for Preschool

I affirm:

head of

---------------(FULL NAME.)

"____" ______________ 2014


Deputy Head for OIA

------------------------------(FULL NAME.)

"____" ______________ 2014

Health Day Action Plan (date)
Time and placeevent titleGroupResponsible

8.00 - 8.30

Sports ground

Morning gymnasticsAll groupsGroup educators

10.00 -10.30


Relay racesSenior groupPhysical education instructor, group educator

15.00 - 15.20


Sports leisure "Neptune came to us"Middle groupSwimming instructor, nurse, group educator
During the dayPhoto report from Health DayAll groupsTeachers of groups, assistant teachers

Depending on the specifics of the event, the expected results may be indicated (reduction in the incidence of pupils, the formation of ideas about a healthy lifestyle in children, an increase in the level of pedagogical culture of parents, etc.).

The scenario of the event for preschoolers is games, performances based on fairy tales, magic tricks, attractions. It is important that the holiday be interesting, fun, vibrant, and most importantly - useful for kids.


How to plan an event example

Activities for students are planned during the school year and during the holidays. The action plans are compiled by the head teacher, class teacher, physical education teacher, organizing teacher, and psychologist. The plans drawn up by teachers are checked and approved by the head teacher. The goals and objectives of the event are envisaged, expected results, those responsible are appointed. When making plans, the age of the children, their interests, problems in the class (academic performance, behavior, relationships in the team, etc.), as well as objective factors (season, type of settlement, terrain, climate, etc.) are taken into account, memorable dates. In accordance with this, events are held on the themes of “Knights and Princesses”, “Acquaintance with the Musical Theater”, “Holiday of Summer”, “They Fought for the Homeland” and others. The main thing is that children should be interested. The students themselves are also involved in preparing and planning the event. How to make an action plan? The sample is presented in the table.

Table 5. Sample School Vacation Plan

I approve

Headmaster No.

---------------------------(FULL NAME.)

Autumn vacation educational plan
1.Visit to the Musical Comedy Theater10/28/2013eleven4 p.m.
2.Operation Cure a Book10/29/20135-612.00

Children's library

How to draw up a sample action plan

Library staff makes sure that children read more and love books. To this end, literary evenings, quizzes, auctions, etc. are held. How to draw up an action plan in the library? This work is carried out in several stages. The theme of the event is selected, its purpose and age targeting are determined. In accordance with the age of the participants, literary works are selected, a script is drawn up.

Librarians do not forget about advertising: posters, leaflets, invitations are made. An important point is the preparation of illustrative material. The event itself is recorded, analyzed and promoted in the media. The plan form might be something like this:

Table 6. Sample action plan in the children's library
No.Event Formevent titleLecture hallthe date of the
1.PageantValentine's DayHigh school students02/14
2.Question and Answer Evening"Who knows more tales?"Preschoolers and primary school students03/18

Health Camp

How to draw up an action plan

Beginning educators are concerned about the question: "How to draw up an action plan for a shift?" Traditionally in camps, counselors use a grid plan. Squad events are consistent with camp events, including bathing days, arrival and departure times. The schedule includes events held before lunch, after afternoon tea and dinner. The winning option is to draw up two grid plans: for clear and rainy weather.

The grid plan looks something like this. A sheet of paper is divided into rectangles by the number of shift days. Each box contains events.

Table 7. Sample plan-grid of activities in the recreation camp
Shift plan

1 day

Check in

Operation Comfort

Around the World "Hello Camp"

Dating evening

2 day

Around the World "Rope Course"

Competition "Hello, we are looking for talent!"

3 day

Shift opening

Holiday concert


It is advisable to involve children in drawing up a grid plan, because events are planned specifically for them. You can create a working group from the most active guys or put a suggestion box in the game room. It will not be superfluous to brainstorm.

In the scenario of a specific event, the purpose, place and time of the event, equipment, inventory and the course of the action itself are indicated.

When making plans (both for adults and for children) it is important that the event is appropriate, useful, interesting and memorable.


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