Hieroglyph "happiness": what it looks like and what significance it has. Where is the best place for the image of the character "happiness"?

Hieroglyphs are ancient Chinese characters that have a certain semantic meaning. Despite the existence of a huge number of hieroglyphs, each of them is unique in its kind and concludes a secret meaning. Symbols become peculiar talismans of their masters and bring them happiness, wealth, luck, health, protecting them from evil spirits and failures.

Meaning of the character "fu"

The hieroglyph “happiness” (福 “fu”) takes one of the first places in the list of the most popular characters. It can be translated as “prosperity”, “delight”, “joy”, “prosperity”, “peace”. "Fu" is a favorite Chinese character on New Year's Eve. On the eve of the holiday, each family hangs this symbol on the doors to attract happiness and good fortune into the house, and make the coming year the most successful and prosperous.


The Chinese character "happiness" appeared with the emergence of the letter about a thousand years ago and initially had a slightly different meaning. According to drawings on ancient fortune-telling bones, the sign “fu” was associated with the altar and worship of the gods in the hope of receiving a blessing from heaven. The desire to achieve "fu" was reflected in the ancient culture, the hieroglyph became the basis for conducting numerous rituals and worship ceremonies.

Hieroglyph happiness
The tradition of hanging the hieroglyph on the doors of the houses is connected with the legend of Jiang Taigong - the god of the gods, whose great mission was to appropriate the heavenly rulers. According to legend, Jiang-Taigong lived during the Zhou Dynasty and obeyed the Supreme Heavenly Sovereign. The impetus for the emergence of such a custom was the request of the wife of Jiang Taigong to make her a goddess. To which the god of the gods replied: “Ever since I married you, poverty has settled in my house. So be the goddess of poverty. Your possessions will be where there is no happiness. " After appointing his wife to a new position, Jiang-Taigong introduced the tradition of hanging a hieroglyph on the door so that the goddess of poverty could never penetrate such houses.

Double Happiness

The Chinese symbol of happiness 幸福 consists of two characters that can be used separately, but mean the same thing. So, the meaning of the character 幸 (xìng) is happy, prosperous, while the sign 福 (fú) means happiness and well-being.

Hieroglyph double happiness
Of particular interest is the symbol 喜 (xǐ), which is translated into Russian as “joy”, “fun”. The double tracing of a joyful sign turns into the hieroglyph “double happiness” - a symbol that gives harmony in marriage and the fulfillment of all desires associated with a successful marriage.

What does the “fu” sign look like

The hieroglyph 福 (fú), which is a universal symbol, reuniting all the components of happiness: joy, pleasure, pleasure, is more interesting in this respect. The sign consists of two parts: left and right. The first means the altar, to which people go for God's blessing, the second part, in turn, is divided into three parts: the roof, the mouth, the field, being a reflection of abundance and prosperity.

Chinese character happiness

By a schematic representation of the roof is meant a house, a mouth means a person living in this house, the field is regarded as a source of food for the family. Thus, the hieroglyph "happiness" in antiquity meant God's and heavenly blessing. Honoring the gods and observing the laws established by heaven, a person deserves the right to housing and food. What else does a person need for happiness?

Signs filled with qi energy

In the Chinese language, there are other runic characters: “love”, “happiness”, “luck”, “wealth”, “longevity”, “health”. Such symbols are often applied to furniture or the interior of rooms in order to attract the corresponding benefits to the inhabitants of the house.

Hieroglyphs love happiness luck
For example, the hieroglyph “love” promotes harmony and peace of love relationships, eliminates conflicts, strengthens family ties. “Luck” provides success in all matters, expands the horizons of opportunities, contributes to the development of business. The hieroglyph is usually painted at workplaces, walls of an office or office. "Wealth" attracts money, material wealth, increases income and profits, creates the corresponding energy in the home and office. The hieroglyph "longevity" is able to provide long and happy years of life; it is usually applied to the walls of the bedroom. The “health” symbol brings well-being to all households, excellent mood, and contributes to the recovery of patients. All these hieroglyphs, despite the benefits contained in them, are based on the most important and important symbol of “qi” - vital energy, which is a catalyst for all living things.

Placing a symbol of happiness

As mentioned above, in the Chinese language there are two symbols of happiness: “happiness” and “double happiness”. The hieroglyph “happiness” (photo is presented below) is called to cause God's blessing only to one person. The action of the sign is individual and local, that is, happiness is granted only in the desired sphere, and not in all at once. Therefore, having decided on exactly where you want to achieve success and prosperity, draw a sign in the place that will help you find happiness.

Hieroglyph happiness photo
And in order to live in prosperity, draw a character on the southeast side of the house and regularly mentally contact him with a request to attract success and good luck to you.

The meaning of double happiness

Unlike the hieroglyph “happiness”, the power of the symbol “double happiness” is more powerful and effective. He is able to fulfill all the desires and undertakings of not only one person, but also groups of people united by one aspiration. To attract success in business and creativity, place the character in the north of the room, and the result will not be long in coming. The image of double happiness in the southwest helps to strengthen friendship and make new friends and like-minded people. The symbol contributes to the conception of a child if you recharge the bed with energy, replenish the wallet, put the “happiness” character in it, attract new opportunities and realize ideas. The image of double happiness can be presented as a gift to relatives and friends. It is important to give it with sincere and pure intentions.

Hieroglyphs on the body - a mirror of the soul

Various tattoos of Chinese and Japanese characters are very popular among the people. Featuring special beauty and unusualness, they carry a mysterious meaning, which can also affect the life and destiny of a person. Therefore, it is very important to understand the meaning of the pattern that you are going to apply. The thoughtless choice of a hieroglyph can lead to negative phenomena and express not at all what you wanted to say with this tattoo.

Hieroglyph Tattoo Happiness

The hieroglyphic tattoo “happiness” is usually placed on the arm or neck and brings its owner all the best, improves its energy field, contributes to success in all matters and undertakings. In addition to such a symbol, tattoos of the characters “luck” and “wealth” are widely used as underwear. Only when combined correctly with each other, they gain the necessary meaning. When changing the order of their application, the characters acquire a completely different meaning and lose their original purpose.

The image of the symbol of happiness can be:

  • hang on the wall (north, southwest, southeast);
  • apply to jewelry, nails;
  • use as a mascot on clothes;
  • draw on a wallet, mobile phone and other items;
  • put on the workplace;
  • apply as a body drawing.

The hieroglyph “happiness” (tattoo or image) is best drawn with one's own hand. When drawing, all your positive energy, all aspirations and desires will be invested in it. In this case, he will actively attract happiness and success to you.

The blessing of heaven in the sign "fu"

From birth, everyone strives for luck, happiness and wealth, fearing misfortunes and misfortunes.

Hieroglyph happiness tattoo
But not everyone is worthy of these benefits. In Chinese culture , there is a clear relationship between moral principles and God's blessing. Everything is equal before heaven, regardless of social status and origin. And they favor only those who do good deeds and deeds, observing the moral principles established by God. Kind-hearted people sooner or later receive a divine blessing, receiving wonderful and effective help in all matters. As Sun Simyao, a doctor who lived during the Tang Dynasty’s reign, said: “Good luck is the product of accumulating good deeds, and misfortune is the result of accumulated evil.” Good will certainly attract happiness and good fortune, while evil will inevitably entail a series of misfortunes and troubles.

The hieroglyph “happiness”, being a symbol of good, prosperity and divine blessing, cannot guarantee the owner of all these blessings if his heart is filled with evil and cruelty. The sign of happiness "fu" means self-improvement, faith in God and the desire to do good deeds.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/F5389/

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